Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors

  • I was all excited for this day, my wife and I were going to grind some renown, do some emissary shenanigans, maybe finally take her to the devil's roar.

    Last time I attempted to get on, I could login on the PC, but couldn't get her in, even thinking maybe the invite could bypass some of the errors.

    I've been ambushed by alliance players while solo, sunken by krakens, and exploded by countless barrels. But I've never been as salty as I am today.


  • Only 12 hours to go until community day ends it's been fab waiting this long to join a server.

  • Honestly Rare, I get that you guys are doing everything you can. but you even talked about issues like this in the preview vid. how is it so hard to implement simple systems ( like a queuing system ) that others before you have done already.

    As a software engineer myself i do get that issues can and will happen however an issue of this magnitude is actually inexcusable in my eyes

    After the hype you gave this event together with the announcement of Arena being taken out in my eyes you should have been expecting a massive influx of players and with previous knowledge in mind of microservices failing during events of smaller magnitude you should have been better prepared.

    this was the most hyped 1 day event ever in Sea of Thieves promising the universe

    • up to 3.5 times gold/rep/renown boost
    • Free emote
    • Free time limited flag

    all in the world wide time of 24 hours, no more no less. During Gold and Glory weekends there is a tendency of your message queueing and/or your gold/rep/renown services to topple over. what where you expecting to happen with an event that only lasts 1/3 or 1/4 as long. with a higher payout and more

  • I'm really disappointed with Rare for not delivering after all the hype. I've been unable to login for almost 8 hours. I was excited to play with my friends on my birthday and despite them and many others logging in successfully, I've had no such luck. I would suggest extending the event to a full week to compensate and help with the issues from the high short term player volume.

  • 5 hour wait, but I've gotten in. Good luck and deep breaths everyone.

    edit: And oddly enough ALL progress on the Community Event has already been marked as completed. Strange

    *edit 2: * There's the crash, server merge to wheelin' screen and now almond, then marble and now alabaster-beards. Well, got 2 hours of sailing in at least.

  • Just managed to get in. Im guessing the emote will take awhile to pop in.

  • @scoobywrx555 not had one yet let alone every season

  • @picklekickr said in Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors:

    So new Players can not play in this wonderful event great way to get new players or maybe you don't want new players.
    Cutting new player from the que is not a fix in any way. Just bad for business!

    I been playing since day one and I could not log in neither could my other crew mates who are not new players either.

    This sucks was looking forwards to community day. Me and my crewmates do not get to sail all that often together so we planned a special Arena day for today.

    I know the devs do care about this game and community so I know they are just as disappointed. Maybe they can turn community day into community week?

  • Love finally getting in and live services suddenly having issues.. like.. seriously.. lol

    Rare honestly.. you absolutely should be rescheduling this.

    A whole 14 hours of community day gone, and I've managed 1 successful login by myself, and can't connect to friends

  • @musicmee before they ship my community Day shirt do you think they could add "strawberrybeard" on the back of it.

  • With it happening last night. Went to go on and enjoy a quick sail but nope. On the plus side. got to bed earlier and
    got a decent sleep for once. Thanks for everything crew and keeping us updated

  • We gave up trying after 30 minutes and watched a film instead. 4 of us trying to get in, 2 in UK, 2 in NA..

  • @wagstr Ohhhhh what did you watch matey? Anything good?

  • @musicmee said in Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors:

    @wagstr Ohhhhh what did you watch matey? Anything good?

    Monster Hunter on our new big 4K telly we got on Saturday! We were looking forward to SoT on our new series X in 4K though.. There's always tonight I suppose!
    Hope our NA friends can still join, it's a workday though so will be difficult..

  • @wagstr as a monster hunter player, the movie is a rather inaccurate representation of the game. I highly recommend playing the game though. It has 14 different weapon types with one of the best combat systems in the business, fantastic armor designs, and just all around fun. Look for Monster Hunter World on Xbox or PC if you haven’t already played it.

    Seriously though the movie is the Monster Hunter community’s Bruno (we don’t talk about him)

  • @baronbrr

    The kids enjoyed it I think!

  • @wagstr similar notion with my friends/crew; swapped to Deep Rock Galactic instead. We had a lot of fun too, just not what we were planning to do for the day. With the boosts and all

  • @rabbitsshadow

    Looks good, might give it a shot.. we were playing The Anacrusis co-op yesterday.

  • Ha i also ended up watching Monster Hunter. Erm wasn't a classic, stopped and watched The Captor instead, much better, all about the origins of Stockholm syndrome.

  • @wagstr said in Server Issues - Kiwibeard / Strawberrybeard Errors:

    We gave up trying after 30 minutes and watched a film instead. 4 of us trying to get in, 2 in UK, 2 in NA..

    Yep I was stuck at loading supplies. Lets try again this upcoming weekend if we all can get together.

  • I got the reward items but the extra gold reward seemed to be off when I was able to play.

  • Are these errors resolved or ongoing?

    I missed the Community Day event after close to an hour of attempting to login and getting Strawberrybeard errors... today, a week later, I'm getting Coralbeard errors.

    Hard to know if it's due to a problem of some sort with my account, or if it's just server load, or something else?

  • Alexa, Remind me not to play on Sundays. It is the Lord's Day of Rest.

    Lol.... hopefully this is just growing pains at the beginning of a new Era ☠

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