Honestly Rare, I get that you guys are doing everything you can. but you even talked about issues like this in the preview vid. how is it so hard to implement simple systems ( like a queuing system ) that others before you have done already.
As a software engineer myself i do get that issues can and will happen however an issue of this magnitude is actually inexcusable in my eyes
After the hype you gave this event together with the announcement of Arena being taken out in my eyes you should have been expecting a massive influx of players and with previous knowledge in mind of microservices failing during events of smaller magnitude you should have been better prepared.
this was the most hyped 1 day event ever in Sea of Thieves promising the universe
- up to 3.5 times gold/rep/renown boost
- Free emote
- Free time limited flag
all in the world wide time of 24 hours, no more no less. During Gold and Glory weekends there is a tendency of your message queueing and/or your gold/rep/renown services to topple over. what where you expecting to happen with an event that only lasts 1/3 or 1/4 as long. with a higher payout and more