Hourglass Third Partying Boundaries

  • @tesiccl
    Yeah unfortunately I first started playing SOT like a week after arena was taken out of the game so I didn’t know much about that and it being a separate server. As a solo slooper who does hour glass, third partiers make the match extremely unfair, I will say that everytime I have been third partied, I was the one who got teamed up on. When I say third party, I also mean that it’s not like a 3 ship free for all, they have literally teamed with the other ship every time. Yesterday I played hourglass 4 matches in the morning and three of them I got teamed up on. It gets pretty annoying, I’m pretty sure anyone would get annoyed.

  • It's an open world, so unfortunately '3rd party' adds will happen. By playing the Hourglass mode you are also signaling to others that you want PvP and which faction you are 'serving'. It is completely understandable in the Lore of the game that a crew from your opposing faction would choose to attack. It is even more tactically sound to initiate such an attack when your enemy is distracted or will be out numbered.

    Surrender your expectations of control and instead focus on controlling your expectations.

    @Look-Behind-You only singles out those heretical pirates that do not pay proper nanner homage to the Sanctuary flag. ;p

  • @conal-cuan
    If you pay attention to my most recent responses, you’ll see that I agree smart guy :p

  • @jrip1298 said in Hourglass Third Partying Boundaries:

    @sa1tynutz Maybe I am toxic, you know, just trying to fit in with the rest of the community.

    The toxicity I see in this thread is coming from you, dude. You’re also the only one who’s had a post removed by a mod.

    People don’t have to like your idea or agree with the premise. HG is not a ranked arena mode like you might find in other games, it’s just a streamlined way to get PvP. I love that HG is part of the open world, when I end a match and I’m just sitting there in the world it feels good and immersive, as opposed to ending a match and exiting some instanced zone, ending up in a matchmaking lobby or something.

    Nobody likes getting third partied, then again, nobody likes sinking at all. It’s not a big deal since you are not losing a ranking. The most you’d lose is a streak, which you got allegiance for along the way anyway so it’s not exactly a total loss. Then you spawn with a brand new ship.

    If you think that SoT has the most toxic community you’ve seen then you must be new to games, and the internet. Just be happy that these forums at least have consistent modding, that’s not always the case. Imagine if your argument in this thread was allowed to persist, now THAT would be toxic.

  • @jrip1298 It sounds like to me you’re not sailing properly when you’re fighting, don’t take that the wrong way. What I mean (and I’m guessing here) is you’re parallel navaling from a distance and putting some shots into the ship, they turn out, and you’re trying to catch up. Rinse repeat once they fix and you both get into position again. If I’m right, then you need to dupe the enemy into nosing you while you broadside, aim for their cannon line and take out the player and then drop their mast.

    Whenever the fight starts for me, my aim is always on the cannon line no matter how many times I need to shoot the cannon, once that player dies or their mast drops, I immediately slow down, get my ship rotating, and begin peppering the ship in other spots to keep the pressure up. User your scattershots too, they’re invaluable!

    I hope this helps!

  • @tesiccl
    I’ve actually gotten a lot better even as a solo, I have started doing what you said and I am pretty good with chain shots and have one plenty of fights with that, solo slooping and helming has up until recently been something I always struggled with and still do sometimes but have improved.

  • @capt-greldik
    I am happy it does. It seems like you only looked at the comments I made when I was in a bad mood, not the ones with me apologizing. I can’t tell if all you want to do is argue but I won’t entertain you and waste my time if that’s what you are looking for.

  • @jrip1298 said in Hourglass Third Partying Boundaries:

    I am happy it does. It seems like you only looked at the comments I made when I was in a bad mood, not the ones with me apologizing. I can’t tell if all you want to do is argue but I won’t entertain you and waste my time if that’s what you are looking for.


  • @capt-greldik
    Lol k? Exactly, go away.

  • @jrip1298 good! There’s always area for improvement and I say that as someone who is always looking to better my naval skill. When it comes to the 3rd partying, just gotta hope and pray you don’t get attacked I guess.

  • @tesiccl
    Yeah I solo and that’s mostly why it’s annoying. Now on a gally or brig I could see how 3rd partying could actually add more fun but as a solo it’s just annoying.

  • @jrip1298 ahh solo mode is hard mode tbh. I know it’s a phrase kicked around a lot but it rings true.

  • @jrip1298
    You can record and report anyone being toxic towards you as Rare doesn't tolerate toxicity.

  • My big counter to blocking entry to the area is the fact that you may have a voyage in that area and cant even try to do it until they finish, with no power over how long it will take.

  • @goldsmen
    Yeah that is a flaw in the idea and possibly why it wouldn’t work unless rare somehow worker it out to where it was only in certain areas

  • @jrip1298 said in Hourglass Third Partying Boundaries:

    Yeah that is a flaw in the idea and possibly why it wouldn’t work unless rare somehow worker it out to where it was only in certain areas

    Regardless of where they put the HG battle, it could potentially block someone's goal:

    • Treasure Maps/Riddle Maps on nearby islands
    • Bounty Maps on nearby islands
    • Picking up cargo/animals from NPCs on some islands
    • Ghost Ship Voyages in deep water
    • Lost Shipments in deep water

    Blocking people from entering will interfere with everything else. Plus, Hourglass is supposed to have the risk of being third-partied.
    Just like normal PvP has the risk of being third-partied.

  • @guildar9194

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