The new changes to the blunderbuss will kill the game

  • The changes coming to the blunderbuss will kill the game. The one shot capability is necessary to be able to board and sink bigger ships. With these changes you cant even board their ships because you decided to make ladder guarding even easier than it was. If you manage to get on to a bigger ship you wont be able to do anything because of the knockback changes. This ultimatly means that fighting bigger ships will be close to impossible. I know that you want to change the meta in preperation for the new tools but this is not the way. If you proceed with these changes every skilled and long time players will quit and new players will remain. I have played this for a long time and of all the changes you have made (like removing arena; quickswap ect.) this is the worst one. Please dont kill the game i have known and loved for so many years.

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  • 8th time in my time playing since game came out. Someone says X will kill the game.

    It never does.

  • They have a lot of wiggle room with combat. Experienced players often think they are the majority. We are a very small part of the overall community.

    Big time pvpers often think they are the majority, they are an even smaller group.

    They've improved the casual/new player experience so much in the last chunk of seasons that it really won't change much no matter what they do with combat. They almost can't make it worse for the majority because there isn't enough experienced pvp interest left anymore to even put major pressure back on adventurers.

    Some on the socials aren't gonna be happy but they are never happy in their posts. A lot of burn out, a lot of grudges, a lot of gaming in a non video game kind of way.

    Players adapt, devs tinker, that's not gonna change.

    Everyone is gonna be alright, stuff happens, we all work around that stuff, it's alright.

  • The blunderbuss used to be terrible before it was changed to one shot and the game survived.

  • Longtime player here; I'm not going to quit just because Blunder has been changed.
    Which means your statement of 'every skilled and long time players will quit' is incorrect.

    In fact, I will be quite happy to not get one-shotted.

    Also: Every change brings out a 'This game is going to die because I'm unhappy!" doom-poster. And they are never correct.

  • Changes to the game just mean the PvPers are going to adapt their strategies. Already people who adapt easily have mentioned new strategies once the blunder is changed. Adapt or die.

  • This is a gross over-reaction.
    The new blunderbuss design is built around DEFENCE!!!
    it still does a huge amount of damage at 90 points rather than 100. The improved knock back can help solo players defend against boarders. If all 10 shots connect on an enemy, you litterally only have to hit them once more with ANY ITEM/WEAPON to beat them. It isn't going to "kill the game", it gives players going up against bigger crews to try defend themselves.

    Since i relied heavily on the Blunderbuss/Sword loadout before, i have swapped to blunder pistol, and I personally like that now players may now rely on other loadouts rather than the one that one shots

  • Now I can get knocked off my ship amd can't change weapons when I try to return.

    Excellent job!
    I'm harpooning you right after you blundie me. Are you going with me or do I get to safely pull back and blunder you off.

    It's not gonna kill it. Just a small boost in forum activity.

  • It doesn't bother me other than the message it sends. I see requests like that in this forum that are clearly made by newer players snd I think there's no way...

    I guess it makes sense that the casual playerbase is the vast majority therefore the biggest possible revenue stream and so the target market they want to cater for

    I'll reserve my judgement on the actual effect. I understand they want to shake up the meta and double barrel and throwing knife failed to do that (although throwing knife hit box feels over tweaked now).

    Personally the ability to quickscope is a bigger factor in double gun than the one shot capability of the blunder. You've always had to close the distance in order to get it and put yourself at likewise risk.
    Ideally a blunder from behind should still be one shot but honestly dunno if hitreg would ever be consistent enough to allow that. Potentially the held stab (backstab) with throwing knife could be same so a form of sneak bonus etc.

  • "it's going to kill the game" LOL
    If you only knew how many times we've heard that one....
    You have to stop being paranoid and learn to adapt.

  • If I had a dollar for every time some one said some change or feature would kill the game since its launch i would be able to buy the game for everyone i know twice over.

    Fixing quick swap didnt kill the game, safe seas didnt kill the game, increasing world event spawn rates didnt, and this also wont. It may upset some people, but the game will continue on as it has for the last 6 years of dead game claims.

  • It's not going to kill the game (at least not for the reason you say). This translates to a skill gap increase whether Rare intended it or not.

    For some players, double gunning (blunder+snipe) is ironically about to get a huge buff.

    For some players (read: those that use the Blunderbuss at crazy range to deliver 30 damage), double gunning is about to get harder.

    For those players that can't adapt, they'll change their loadouts and keep playing.

    The only thing this is REALLY going to impact is smaller crews. Most specifically, solos. Solos (even high skill ones) likely won't win the same battles that they used to...or at least won't win in the same way...but that's about it.

    Breaking spawn camps when you're outnumbered is going to be harder. Defending your ship from boarders if your ship is immobilized is about to get harder if you're outnumbered. Translation: solos are the absolute most negatively impacted by this.

    The only players it might genuinely kill the game for are solos...but we're gluttons for punishment and always have been... we'll largely keep hate playing.

  • It won't kill the game I think it's a good change from Rare, the blunderbuss is such an unbalanced and broken weapon, especially overused by players, while boarding people were killing you in one shot so boarding should be easier especially when they add Grappling Hooks, boarding will then be too simple but that's another topic, players will eventually use different weapons, blenderbuss will now be a good tool for smaller crews so that they can better cope with boarding, writing that this change will kill the game is a bit of an exaggeration, but that's just my point of view.

  • @sweetsandman

    Solo players would be perfectly fine with any and all balancing and new additions if Rare simply offered a solo sloop crew size to all players that if chosen puts the person on a server with just other solo players.

    The exact same randomness that adventure is known and loved for would occur. You won’t always be safe. You won’t always be attacked. And there won’t always be two or more crews forming an alliance and consolidating to one ship to sink the rest of the server. It would be just as unpredictable as adventure mode with full crews minus the massive PvP disadvantage.

    I have no idea why Rare refuses to make the game as good as it can be for solo players. No clue why Rare thinks all solo players should be on servers with full crews. But it’s a dumb decision. Solo players can’t really enjoy the BB event.

    Solo players shouldn’t have to be better than multiple people to enjoy Sea of Thieves. It’s perfectly acceptable to just be better than another solo and not be skilled enough to take on competent full crews. The problem is Rare doesn’t properly support solo players.

  • @savvystraw37257 For the longest time, I've been against Solo-only servers. Season 13's main content made me feel like maybe it's time for it...and what's coming on August 22nd will likely make me lean even further into that. Rare may have just done too much to nerf solo-slooping.

    The one thing I would say about solo servers is that, while I kind of now support the idea, I would want to see them be 7 or even 8 ship servers to make for a more unique experience.

  • @sweetsandman

    Solo = hard mode is something that just won’t die.

    It doesn’t have to be hard mode.

    And for the people who say that fighting only other solo players as a solo would be incredibly stale and boring then I say to you okay.. don’t use the solo sloop crew roster and simply choose sloop as you always have and join servers with full crews.

  • @captain-dott232

    The changes coming to the blunderbuss will kill the game.

    No it won’t.

  • @savvystraw37257 said in The new changes to the blunderbuss will kill the game:


    Solo = hard mode is something that just won’t die.

    It doesn’t have to be hard mode.

    And for the people who say that fighting only other solo players as a solo would be incredibly stale and boring then I say to you okay.. don’t use the solo sloop crew roster and simply choose sloop as you always have and join servers with full crews.

    Solo-only servers, for me, would largely be easy mode with free sinks. That's not a flex, that's just pointing out that there are players that have thousands upon thousands of hours of solo PvP experience that no casual solo player is going to overcome. That's just reality.

    The reason I say make it 7 or 8 ship servers for these solo servers is because you'd have a much higher chance of crews teaming up and working together. That would likely maintain the challenge that a lot of solo PvPers enjoy while not caving to the repetitive imbalances that Rare pushes on solo players.

  • @sweetsandman said in The new changes to the blunderbuss will kill the game:

    @savvystraw37257 said in The new changes to the blunderbuss will kill the game:


    Solo = hard mode is something that just won’t die.

    It doesn’t have to be hard mode.

    And for the people who say that fighting only other solo players as a solo would be incredibly stale and boring then I say to you okay.. don’t use the solo sloop crew roster and simply choose sloop as you always have and join servers with full crews.

    Solo-only servers, for me, would largely be easy mode with free sinks. That's not a flex, that's just pointing out that there are players that have thousands upon thousands of hours of solo PvP experience that no casual solo player is going to overcome. That's just reality.

    The reason I say make it 7 or 8 ship servers for these solo servers is because you'd have a much higher chance of crews teaming up and working together. That would likely maintain the challenge that a lot of solo PvPers enjoy while not caving to the repetitive imbalances that Rare pushes on solo players.

    Crews with thousands of hours of more experience almost always beat crews with much less experience regardless of crew size.

    No 6 ships would be fine.

    I guarantee you skilled solos would play on solo servers and you would eventually find yourself fighting a skilled opponent.

    All the points against the idea are all so easy to counter.

    The idea hurts nobody and makes solo PvP the best it can be.

  • @savvystraw37257 At this point, I'm not opposed to it. I just think that with the diving mechanics (both hourglass and otherwise), it would leave solo-servers feeling any extra special sort of empty. Maybe not...but the imagine gathering 8 solo sloops to do Glitterbeard. That'd be so cool. Without it, that's a mechanic that's not possible on anything other than mixed servers...meh...

  • @sweetsandman

    Glitterbeard is an awesome and emotional experience but it’s not enough of a reason to not properly support solo players.

    Rare could rework it so it requires only four players total.

  • @savvystraw37257 said in The new changes to the blunderbuss will kill the game:


    Glitterbeard is an awesome and emotional experience but it’s not enough of a reason to not properly support solo players.

    Rare could rework it so it requires only four players total.

    I'm not sure why you're so opposed to additional potential for interaction in what would be literally the most balanced environment the game would ever see. It would largely just be 8 players not communicating and trying to avoid one another anyways 😂

    I mean, I doubt Rare's going to do it anyways...but...I'd support it either way.

  • @sweetsandman

    There’s 7 outposts total so I would support up to 7 ships total but I would also be totally fine with 6 ships as well. That’s more than enough to guarantee interaction will occur.

  • The blunder nerf will make smaller/solo crews struggle more but the overall fun-level of PvP will go up when there won't be any 1-shot weapons left in the game except the cannon of course.

  • @burnbacon Yup. "This will kill the game" translates to "I don't like this." Ask them if it will stop them from playing and they might even say yes. But six months later, they will still be here, foretelling the doom of the game.

  • Friend, if changing one single weapon is all it takes to kill this game, then its time has come. If the only thing keeping you in the game is the blunderbus one-shot, then it's time for you to find another game to play. There is no reality in which this one thing, this one way to one-shot an opponent (if ping and server reg are kind to you), is all that is holding Sea of Thieves together. Unclutch your pearls and learn a new way to play.

  • @captain-dott232 said in The new changes to the blunderbuss will kill the game:

    The changes coming to the blunderbuss will kill the game. The one shot capability is necessary to be able to (SPAWN CAMP).

    I've changed your statement a little.
    My experience both in a crew & solo, is that many solo players who miss a boarder climbing up often lose the initial fight, and often get anchored. A weapon that forcefully knocks a boarder off the ladder or potentially the boat, might actually be an improvement for solo players guarding ladders. We won't know until we see it in action

  • @smuntface wont 4 blunderbusses from a gally be way stronger then?

  • @boombottom said in The new changes to the blunderbuss will kill the game:

    Friend, if changing one single weapon is all it takes to kill this game, then its time has come. If the only thing keeping you in the game is the blunderbus one-shot, then it's time for you to find another game to play. There is no reality in which this one thing, this one way to one-shot an opponent (if ping and server reg are kind to you), is all that is holding Sea of Thieves together.

    To be fair...if you are a mid-skill solo player...that might legitimately be the case. The bully (big crew) meta against smaller crews (specifically solos) has only gotten worse lately...and outlook doesn't seem like it's going to improve. Maybe I'm wrong...but...I doubt it.

    I'm kind of excited to have the meta shaken up and I'll no doubt still play and enjoy the game because of my playstyle as a solo...but I have no doubts in my mind that there are fights that I am used to winning (most specifically against larger crews) that I will no longer win...and that goes for pretty much any solo out there at all levels and playstyles.

    The number of times I've defeated a larger crew after recovering from a "mast down and they send a boarder situation" is well into the hundreds of times because of the blunderbuss. With this change, that will more often (not always) become a GGs situation for me. It's cool...Rare has never exactly liked the solo-player 😂. That's what I find fun...overcoming the massive uphill battle.

  • All the points against the idea are all so easy to counter.

    Except the primary, most salient point of all: Rare doesn't WANT that. Has never wanted that. Will never want that. It goes against the core vision of the game as the developers envisioned and intended based around one important idea: in a game where the most basic focus is and always has been player interaction, ANY kind of segregation AT ALL, be it based on skill, crew-size, playstyle or experience, is counter-productive.

    ...and I'm stating this a mostly solo-slooper myself who is, at best, slightly above average in combat situations and will most likely find myself on the losing end more frequently than I do now.

    And before you or anyone start in on the "Safer Seas" excuse, let me point out that it's a bad faith argument since they nerfed progression and rewards so deep into the ground that it's speaking Chinese, locked half the game's content and genuinely made it pointless for anyone except Tall Talers, fisherfolk and small children to spend any meaningful time there. One need only look at literally ever third forum post on here whining about "who it would hurt" to add Captaincy to see that (which just goes to show that Rare picked exactly the right things to exclude from Safer Seas in the first place to encourage graduation to High Seas, but I digress).

    The people that play or stay on Safer Seas would never have been on the seas in the main game in the first place. The overwhelming majority of solo-sloopers both would be AND currently are.

  • Highly doubt it.

    How many other times have players decried changes/iterations to gameplay, saying "x will kill the game" and it literally never has. This is no different. Players will adapt.

    One hit kill was a cheap and obnoxious meta that lasted far too long. The fact that six years later, blunderbuss was still meta in nearly every weapon combination speaks volumes.

  • It was a mistake to keep the one-blundie as long as they did. The change is long overdue and did not require the addition of the harpoon gun to justify.

  • @captain-dott232 said in The new changes to the blunderbuss will kill the game:

    @smuntface wont 4 blunderbusses from a gally be way stronger then?

    My preferred weapon is the blunder when solo, I get it.
    We won't know how the new balance works until we experience it.

  • The biggest issue is, in the current meta the blunderbuss works. The throwing knife, eor and cutlass are all somewhat viable and work too. Now they introduce new tools to the meta. The way to balance now is to buff the new weapons to catch up to the current meta, not change stuff that works rn.

    Although a bit too dramatic, OP is correct.

  • @captain-dott232 Main Blunderbuss user here, I don't think it will kill the game but it will definitely make it a lot less fun and funny. I've had so many good times with the blunderbuss and this change will unfortunately remove a lot of fun tactics that I use. We'll see what happens, but I do believe it will be less fun.

    I hope that they revert the decision to change the blunderbuss.

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