Please rework the blunder knock back

  • Now I know people have different opinions on the one blunder being removed I personally like it because you could have a brand new player kill the best player in the game just because he got a lucky one blunder there is zero skill required so I was okay when they took it out however I quickly realized they didn’t need it if anything they buffed it sure they took out the one blunder but think about it how often were your shots actually registering? Anyways I quickly realized that the knock back was insane wanna board? Shot off immediately into the water trying to defend your boat in hg for example when someone’s on nope shot off into the water those are just some example I know this was a needed change for upcoming things but at least reduce the knock back a little and maybe the spread and then I think you have the perfect blunderbuss I know it’s supposed to be a defensive weapon but it’s almost to defensive to the point you can’t do anything now.

  • 11
  • quickly realized that the knock back was insane wanna board? Shot off immediately into the water trying to defend your boat in hg for example when someone’s on nope shot off into the water those are just some example

    So…you’re upset because you can’t board. Sounds like like you need to improve your boarding.

    Next up on season 14, harpoon gun. Tired of climbing up my ladders? No problem, just harpoon!

  • @burnbacon i think he is talking about getting shot off your own ship quite easily now by a person quickly releasing the ladder, shooting the blunder and regrabbing the ladder

  • Blunder is such an obnoxious/boring weapon in this game overall, imo.

    I've always liked shotguns (along with bows and snipers) in games, I've never cared that I got one blundered, getting camped never bothered me so I don't have any of those anti-blunder biases in that way. I do not live in a world of "I would have won if" If I'm deck fighting, I already lost. Doesn't matter and doesn't bother me.

    It's just not fun to use or fight in this game imo and just got worse with this silly knockback/popcorn thing. I've never used it more than a little here or there just because it's not a fun way to play the game, imo.

    I genuinely think this game would be more fun without the weapon entirely at this point. 90%, wild hit reg, and the popcorn is just a silly weapon, and not the good kind of silly.

    Camp me, one shot me, idc, just let it be a fun weapon lol, One shot pistol me in the game and I'd enjoy combat more than this mess of a blunder weapon.

    Getting camped by a 1 hit shovel would be 100x more fun for me than what this blunder gun is in SoT as a solo that defends, lol.

  • @wolfmanbush The thing I thought that was neat about them were how they could change ship rotation. Until I learned that it doesn't matter where you hit them with it as it they'll spin towards a hard coded direction. It's dumb how you can't choose which direction the ship turns.

  • @bkb said:

    The thing I thought that was neat about them were how they could change ship rotation. Until I learned that it doesn't matter where you hit them with it as it they'll spin towards a hard coded direction. It's dumb how you can't choose which direction the ship turns.

    Lol they're talking about the blunderbuss, but yes, this should also be a thing if Rare is on a path to get rid of stale metas.

    Also, make the masts drop in a random direction. I'm tired of orbitals. Go parallel broad v broad w/ me towards the border like a game of naval chicken.

    I've seen good suggestions on buffing the Flintlock to make it more useful in CQC. Maybe even add a few ms to the EoR's reload.

    I think they should nerf the goofy knockback, bring back the 1-shot, and 4x the spread (even in ADS) so that 1-shotting is only possible at point blank range. With those other changes, this should shake up the meta enough.

  • Lol idk why I thought he was talking about blunderbombs. That's exactly all I wanted as well. Just a reduction on ranged damage for the blunderbuss.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Please rework the blunder knock back:

    I think they should nerf the goofy knockback, bring back the 1-shot, and 4x the spread (even in ADS) so that 1-shotting is only possible at point blank range. With those other changes, this should shake up the meta enough.

    Without any chance of a 1 shot it's an anti-solo weapon as far as defending/fighting experienced crews goes.

    Not only is there the hit reg and the popcorn but a solo is dealing with spam boarders and a lot of launch exploiters, in experienced fighting.

    It's interesting that they are acting like this is a defending weapon because it's one of the most anti-solo defending changes they have made.

    It's just an annoying weapon that spam boarders can use to popcorn people with.

    If they nerf the popcorn (without a one shot) it's still an ineffective defending weapon for solos that fight the typical hostile larger crew in SoT.

    Blunder only makes sense in SoT for solos against skilled pvpers/larger crews with a one shot possibility.

  • Here to soundingly agree with the OP. The blunderbuss should not be able to yeet someone off their boat while THEY are actively defending the ladder. Doing the solo HG this morning, and have been yeeted from the port side ladder (guarding) off the starboard side of the boat, with enough clearance to fit another one of me under me.

    On top of this, coming back from the ferry, only for the black screen to reveal I'm halfway flying off the edge of my boat. Is this what they intended?

    I understand this game has magic, but the blunderbuss should not be a magical yeet-machine.

  • @burnbacon
    If you are going to reply, say something useful. No need for passive trash talking. Be better than that.

    May The Flame Burn

  • After playing a few more rounds of Hourglass I have come to hate the new blunderbuss, mostly because it still unreliable most likely due to hitreg or latency issues but now instead of getting one shoted by a border that I shot point blank before they even pulled out their gun and waiting about 20 so seconds to get back on your ship I now get stuck in merfolk hell or forced to play musical ladders. The only scenario that the knock back seems to work reliable for me is knocking anyone standing on the sloop's canopy guarding the wheel or capstan.

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