Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?

  • The last time a post regarding this topic was made here was 2 months ago yet we still have it in the game. We're in an awkward position where players who follow the rules suffer against players who take advantage of bugs in the game. Yes, I know we need to record and report players being suspected of this, but I would like to know: Is it getting patched at all? This situation is getting tiresome.
    I know it's probably very frustrating to deal with these issues and to get nagged about it from all sides but simply asking players: "don't do it or share it, please" just isn't a solution.

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  • They have an ethics issue with the community on this one.

    People think it's ok, people think they won't face consequences for it, it's popular in content and engagement farming.

    People shouldn't do it. Rare can enforce, it's silly to think a youtube video somehow protects the player from enforcement in rule violations. It's silly to think content creators are authorities on what is ok and what isn't with a launch exploit.

    I have no doubt they are working on it but it's gonna take some time to get the community back on the same page with this one.

    I say this all the time and I'll say it here too,

    Don't do it, it's not as safe as you think it is, play fair and encourage others to play fair as well.

    Do it in a substantive way to help others, don't just get involved in drama, try to encourage fair play, not just start drama over it.

    Remember, the latest update on exploits is that they will consider enforcing on them and it is on the player to avoid gameplay that isn't fair and within the rules.

  • Even if it's patched tomorrow, there's still ladder and Sovereign launching people will just do. Not only that, but they've announced a grapple gun is coming, perhaps making any funny launch obsolete.

    Learning to defend sounds like your best bet.

  • @europa4033 said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    Learning to defend sounds like your best bet.

    Crud launch completely catches people unaware especially so if you dolphin directly onto their deck. Learn to defend? Are you for real? Just simply be prepared for a man to laggily teleport onto your boat at any moment. Got it.

  • @a-soft-object said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    @europa4033 said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    Learning to defend sounds like your best bet.

    Crud launch completely catches people unaware especially so if you dolphin directly onto their deck. Learn to defend? Are you for real? Just simply be prepared for a man to laggily teleport onto your boat at any moment. Got it.

    So, I've had players do this to me. Never caught me off guard. I hear them launch out, and inform those (if any) on my ship to watch for boarders. One managed to land, but met my blunderbuss back off into the water, and once there, I opened fire on their ship and they sank. Am I for real? According to the hours I have, yes I am (are you?). It's called learning how to defend your ship from boarders. It doesn't matter if they land on your ship from a cannon launch, fishing pole launch, ladder launch, sovereign launch, or the future grapple gun like I said. There are many ways players can board your ship. Are you going to just stand there and not be observant or prepared for when they do, or maybe, just maybe, learn how to defend. Like I said.

  • Was hoping this month’s patch but maybe next? Fingers crossed!

  • @wolfmanbush said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    People shouldn't do it.

    Many people do it anyway and will always abuse any bug or exploit they can. Half the SoT playerbase are children and angsty teenagers who watch their friends do it and watch content creators encourage it. Rare just has too soft a touch on this one. They patched Burning Blade exploits in a few days, why not patch issues that are negatively impacting PvP as well as the economy? Even if it's rough bandaids in the meantime, like not being able to enter a cannon with your fishing rod equipped. In what possible circumstance would that be required in any case?

  • @hefty-henri said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    @wolfmanbush said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    People shouldn't do it.

    Many people do it anyway and will always abuse any bug or exploit they can. Half the SoT playerbase are children and angsty teenagers who watch their friends do it and watch content creators encourage it. Rare just has too soft a touch on this one. They patched Burning Blade exploits in a few days, why not patch issues that are negatively impacting PvP as well as the economy? Even if it's rough bandaids in the meantime, like not being able to enter a cannon with your fishing rod equipped. In what possible circumstance would that be required in any case?

    My interest (as this is all that is within my power) is to put good messaging out there.

    I not only want people to consider looking at things a different way but also changing risky/harmful activity before it becomes an issue for them.

    a lot of people are just caught up in things, can happen to anyone
    online influence is something that a lot of people are caught up in

    I post about what makes sense. It just makes sense to avoid/stop participating in things that violate the rules of fair play. It's always a risk so even if someone doesn't think it's wrong it still just makes sense to not put the account at risk.

    When the most recent word from Rare is that they are against exploits and may enforce then it makes that first video irrelevant. The most recent info should be considered a warning for those that are combat exploiting.

    It just makes sense to back away from the exploits and move forward in fair play. It's the smart move, it's the fair move, it's the safer move.

  • @wolfmanbush You're 100% right and teaching people not to exploit has value, but reality is the majority of people who exploit will not be reading these types of messages or even if they do, will continue anyway. There's nothing anybody can do against that except Rare taking more swift action on forcefully removing such exploits even if it breaks some other, more insignificant part of the game in the meantime. The more insignificant part can be fixed on a longer term.

  • @hefty-henri said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    @wolfmanbush You're 100% right and teaching people not to exploit has value, but reality is the majority of people who exploit will not be reading these types of messages or even if they do, will continue anyway. There's nothing anybody can do against that except Rare taking more swift action on forcefully removing such exploits even if it breaks some other, more insignificant part of the game in the meantime. The more insignificant part can be fixed on a longer term.

    to me it pays off if just one person considers it

    Rare is gonna do what Rare is gonna do and players will as well

    we all are just regularly waiting to see what happens.

    Good investment for me, never know what might happen.

  • Doesn't seem common, I only recently encountered it for the first time. Being able to land on someone's ship from directly behind them is stupid and I don't think will even be possible with the upcoming harpoon gun, it's range isn't long enough for that. It's dumb and should be patched

  • @kezmur said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    Doesn't seem common, I only recently encountered it for the first time. Being able to land on someone's ship from directly behind them is stupid and I don't think will even be possible with the upcoming harpoon gun, it's range isn't long enough for that. It's dumb and should be patched

    Unlike downloaded programs and like season 13 pve cheating it's not a situation where people hide it.

    People record themselves doing it, they announce it in game in hot mics, they troll with it, they think it's funny/harmless, etc. They also don't think they will get in trouble for it.

    Unlike program cheating there is strong evidence that it exists regularly, widespread, and within casual play.

    People's anecdotal examples/experiences will vary but there is enough evidence to suggest that it is a widespread issue in pvp and in risk/reward scenarios in random adventure.

    At the low end there were 20k people caught up in some of the worst pve cheating that people can do, mass duping reward through disconnecting the net, they are getting the strats from some of the same groups that spread the combat exploits. It makes it very likely that many people are also using the other strats as they are less severe and people aren't worried about consequences.

    Unlike program cheats we have a lot more to work with to get a good read on how common it is in this game, and in random adventure.

  • @wolfmanbush I don't follow streamers or content creators much, just speaking from my in-game experience, in adventure at least. I haven't done much hourglass lately, I could see it being more visible there easily. When i did encounter it once, it was a serving hopping Reaper V sloop. I think this is something Rare should take a firmer public stance on though, especially if there's a fix upcoming.

    The PvE burning blade exploit, I think it's a lot easier to parse out where the gold came from and how much came from it. With crud launching, I think it's harder to pinpoint what loot was acquired because of it to take it back, anyone they stole from could've had any item from any content. Hourglass progress might be easier to parse out?

  • @kezmur said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    @wolfmanbush I don't follow streamers or content creators much, just speaking from my in-game experience, in adventure at least. I haven't done much hourglass lately, I could see it being more visible there easily. When i did encounter it once, it was a serving hopping Reaper V sloop. I think this is something Rare should take a firmer public stance on though, especially if there's a fix upcoming.

    I dunno if there is any bite to the bark but they did do what they should have done. They released another video that made it more clear that exploits are not something they are ok with, that they can lead to consequences, and that it's on the player to not get involved in the major exploits that go against fair play. Launches that get distance and angles that are unintended in a game like this is very much a violation of fair play.

    They've done alright in season 13 with it. Pretty darn good compared to the past, now it's just a wait and see scenario to see if that stays consistent going forward.

    As long as they are headed in the right direction then requiring patience is fair, so far in season 13 it seems right direction to me. Even if it's a slow process.

    They handled the season 13 specific exploits way better than in other seasons.

  • Im sorry but they literally said that people wont be penalized for the way way way more broken ladder launch. Banning people over the crudlaunch while declaring ladderlaunch to be an OK exploit that theyll maybe fix in the future is absolutely absurd. Players definitely can reasonably assume that crudlaunch is OK to use without getting banned for it.

  • @ictus-xxi I don't know if I'd be as confident about that as you are. Banning is always up to the developers, and if they decide that whatever you're doing is impactful enough you can get the hammer.

    Drew Stevens in Aug 8th News in :

    Stepping back from this incident (referring to BB exploits), look, this is game development. No matter how tight our processes are some bugs and unintended mechanics are going to find their way to live.

    However players that abuse them to gain an advantage should expect to be penalised, and that can range from progress being removed through to suspended playtime depending on the severity of the impact. The responsibility ultimately sits with you as players on how you approach this. Clearly the best approach is report it, don't use it and certainly don't share it. If you do however choose to take advantage of it, you should expect follow-up actions on your account - you've been warned.

  • @ictus-xxi said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    Im sorry but they literally said that people wont be penalized for the way way way more broken ladder launch. Banning people over the crudlaunch while declaring ladderlaunch to be an OK exploit that theyll maybe fix in the future is absolutely absurd. Players definitely can reasonably assume that crudlaunch is OK to use without getting banned for it.

    There is a point where people have to take accountability for the nonsense they do. A lot of the exploiters are roaming around on brigs and doing it against sloopers and many sloopers are solo.

    No matter what Rare said at one point it has always been ridiculous to do that to sloopers and solos. It's a gross violation of fair play, and keep in mind sloopers were dealing with this when the Brig was at plaid speed before they acknowledged how OP the brig speed is.

    I'm a lenient dude but people need to own up to some of the nonsense that they have been doing to the others in this game.

    People getting spawn camped by an OP boat that devs (and some in the community) didn't publicly acknowledge for 2 years and these exploits also being a part of it has been ridiculous history in this game. They never should have got those boards, in lots of cases they never should have got those camps.

    It's not naval enthusiasts using this, it's campers that are beatable in naval. It significantly alters outcome in a game where far more can handle naval fights than tdm fights.

  • I may sound stupid here, but what is Crud Launch?

  • @n3rdgirl646116 said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    I may sound stupid here, but what is Crud Launch?

    Not knowing something and asking about it never makes someone sound that way.

    It's a nickname for a launch exploit that allows unintended results and favors the crew doing it. More distance, more angles.

  • Personally, I think rare dropped the ball here by not immediately and permanently banning all content creators that share the exploits and temporarily banning the exploiters from the beginning. By being more passive on it they allowed for a cancer to grow in our community and it's becoming a bigger problem over time.

  • @Deckhands just wondering if Rare has an official statement on whether or not the crud launch IS going to be patched soon or if the bad actors abusing it are going to get banned. It really does break my heart seeing how prolific it has become. I don't mind reporting people but I feel like I'm capturing and reporting someone for using it almost every game now...

  • @captain-fob4141 I'd be interested in hearing an official statement as well. I'd also like for it to be something that makes a meaningful impact and I feel like that needs to be bans handed out for repeat offenders now.

    Will this issue be addressed at all before the fight night event coming up? Or should I just plan on being frustrated for a few HG fights before moving on to something else?

  • I just watched a video to see exactly what this Crud launch is (and the Dolphin). It should be a no-brainer these should be patched.

  • @wolfmanbush Yes but why "crud launch" not safe and banning people but nobody is banning ladder launch AKA funny launch why that one is safe and no one got banned. To be honest ladder launch is more broken and you can travel very very far away its crazy but on the other hand the crud launch has very limited range.

  • @kurec11 ban both... the crud launching is in the scopes right now because it's becoming insanely popular and widespread. There are some people going so far as to say that every launch should be a crud launch and that everyone needs to be doing it because it's meta.

  • @captain-fob4141 said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    @Deckhands just wondering if Rare has an official statement on whether or not the crud launch IS going to be patched soon or if the bad actors abusing it are going to get banned. It really does break my heart seeing how prolific it has become. I don't mind reporting people but I feel like I'm capturing and reporting someone for using it almost every game now...

    It feels like I see it in 1 out of every 5 hourglass matches. It's everywhere and I even have friends who are going as far as to adopt the position of "Just fight fire with fire" or "It's no different than the sword dash" and it has even started arguments over it because I refuse to do it and insist that they don't do it either.
    Like I said before, I know game development can be a hard and tedious job but things like these staying in the game for as long as it has is some ghastly response time. A finger wag in a youtube video is just not good enough for a 40$ pvpve game with active updates and microtransactions.

  • @europa4033 said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    Even if it's patched tomorrow, there's still ladder and Sovereign launching people will just do. Not only that, but they've announced a grapple gun is coming, perhaps making any funny launch obsolete.

    Learning to defend sounds like your best bet.

    using the ladder exploit is punishable by redbeard.

  • I saw an excellent example first hand of why this exploit is completely unbalanced and needs patching asap. I was fighting a 4 crew burning blade, i was out navaling them constantly but they'd cannon launch 2 guys while I was at the rear of there ship in prime position and they'd appear alongside my boat. So now I've got 2 guys to deal with because they've turned in mid air towards me completely removing the naval advantage I'd gained. Because I'm used to these kinds of things I prevented there attempts but it put a massive sour taste on the fight so I left. Exploiters don't get my time.

    To the Devs, this needs patching as a priority.

  • @a10dr4651 said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    I saw an excellent example first hand of why this exploit is completely unbalanced and needs patching asap. I was fighting a 4 crew burning blade, i was out navaling them constantly but they'd cannon launch 2 guys while I was at the rear of there ship in prime position and they'd appear alongside my boat. So now I've got 2 guys to deal with because they've turned in mid air towards me completely removing the naval advantage I'd gained. Because I'm used to these kinds of things I prevented there attempts but it put a massive sour taste on the fight so I left. Exploiters don't get my time.

    To the Devs, this needs patching as a priority.

    The blunder change makes it worse for smaller crews and especially solos in a lot of these situations.

    An underdog sloop fight rarely changes in SoT against a larger aggressive and/or experienced pvp crew.

    It's just surviving spam while trying to put on some pressure. Chainshot spam and/or board spamming.

    They only need to get the mast down or get the anchor down once so they just spam until that happens.

    Once that happens that's where the blunder change makes it worse because it's a popcorn fest rather than getting kills so the underdog player/s have a worse chance of getting out of that situation.

    Now where this makes the blunder change a lot worse for these situations is how common launch exploits are.

    They are getting boards they shouldn't and anchors they shouldn't specifically because of an exploit and now they are mostly just going to be popped off rather than sent to the ferry. Popcorning people does not help in defense in this very common situation against larger crews.

    Essentially guaranteeing their win in that situation rather than it just being a very tough situation to get out of.

    People feel how they feel about the blunder change and that's ok but it's just a fact that it makes it worse for a lot of people in this game in a very common scenario in adventure. A scenario that very often includes these exploits now.

  • @wolfmanbush as a counterpoint, iv found it infinitely easier to deal with boarders with the blunder rework. But it is anecdotal.

  • @captain-fob4141 said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    @wolfmanbush as a counterpoint, iv found it infinitely easier to deal with boarders with the blunder rework. But it is anecdotal.

    How? so much of combat is a dice roll in performance and at the moment the blunder leans in favor of larger crews, by a lot.

    There isn't anything they brought to the table in an underdog situation, they only removed power.

    If you are solo v solo

    crew vs crew

    or fighting inexperienced players then it wouldn't change much but it's def not a better weapon for a solo vs experienced crews.

    There are situations where some people won't see much change but there really isn't a case for it being a better solo defense weapon.

    In a spam board situations against larger crew they always get on eventually, that's why they spam board. Even if a solo is very skilled there are countless game bugs that will let a player on eventually. Or they just get the mast down and keep spamming.

    In that situation all solos and sloops are at more of a disadvantage with a popcorn/no 1 shot weapon.

    Anything you can do now you could have done before this patch, the only thing that has changed is now you won't get efficient kills with a blunder.

    At a bare minimum these launch exploits should have been fixed before nerfing solos/sloops that fight larger and experienced crews.

  • @kurec11 said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    @wolfmanbush Yes but why "crud launch" not safe and banning people but nobody is banning ladder launch AKA funny launch why that one is safe and no one got banned. To be honest ladder launch is more broken and you can travel very very far away its crazy but on the other hand the crud launch has very limited range.

    Both of them are exploits and should be bannable and patched in my opinion.

  • @wolfmanbush the lack of power means it's hard for them to kill me and keep me spawn killed whereas I can kill with knives or flintlock just the same. It's just as easy to prevent the from getting on board and now it's harder for them to spawn camp. A net positive in my books.

  • @captain-fob4141 said in Is "Crud Launch" getting patched out soon?:

    @wolfmanbush the lack of power means it's hard for them to kill me and keep me spawn killed whereas I can kill with knives or flintlock just the same. It's just as easy to prevent the from getting on board and now it's harder for them to spawn camp. A net positive in my books.

    In a bigger crew situation with experience it's not difficult for them to get a camp. They don't need the one tap because they have the power of numbers and pressure.

    They just removed power from the smaller crew/solo.

    What I have been talking about with the blunder will be seen on every stream of a solo that engages in challenging combat against larger crews. Especially against launch exploit crews.

    There won't be a bunch of footage of solos feeling stronger or performing better when on the ropes with the blunder against larger experienced crews. They aren't in a better situation and that's gonna show in footage that players create.

  • @wolfmanbush personally, from my experience, the one blunder benefits the larger crew more than the smaller crew. Now they can't one blunder you on spawn and have to actually fight you to get the spawn kill.

    Since we are finally seeing loadouts that don't include the blunderbus and the meta is opening up, it's all positives in my book.

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