I don't care about ANY of your opinions on what makes this game good since your tastes are not MINE. I am full of people saying this is a pirate game because it is not, it is a joke of a game in those terms since real pirates never behaved like that and didn't have any of the tools the griefers who play this game have, first off they couldn't board another ship by just cannoning themselves in they would die as soon as they even thought such a dumb thing and if they did mass murders they would be chased by spanish galleons full of cannons until they were dead
I bought this game and paid it like you guys did and i got lured into it by thinking that yea there was a pvp but it wasn't behind every little angle of the map and it wasn't shoveled up my throat like that. I wasted ton of time trying to play this game standing by your rules but i simply have no time to git gud i am a medicine student in 1 year i will get my degree and be even more busy and all i have are 2 around 3 hours A WEEK to spend on games and for the love of god i cannot waste it because a bunch of kids decided they are bored and start boarding my solo sloop. I even tried to make my friends play it but they are in the identical situation the adventure already takes several hours to play and if you lose them all because of a more skilled but still useless gamer decided they wanted to play pvp and feel good then the game is not fun and even worse it becomes a reason to hate it and the design behind it.
I repeat i really don't care about the community lurking here and commenting aiming to make every suggestion like this be locked so i anticipate i bought this game to play co op with my friends and manage a galleon, end of discussion, you guys shouoldn't even exist in my game. There is no talking of getting good because i don't want to get good on a game i just want to have fun and i paid for it, if you guys can't give me that mode because the kids here want pvp all over the game then drop this very bad game and make a good one because in this game are only playing peole willing to grief and i repeat there is no pirate simulation behind this because the physics and mechanics are all a joke for being taken serious and too strong instruments in the hands of players who had time to play for years compared to any newcomer, i really don't need to misure my thing anymore i got other ways to exploit my hormone rampage and i really can't believe that rare has put themselves in the position of making such a good game be ruined by only the pvp mode AND die like that just because their community is a very big pile of dump. To all the others who want everyone to play their favorite broken mode you are a joke of a PvPer there is no worse PvPer than those who want to impose their game mode on everyone else even not the skilled ones this is a testament on how much you guys are weak if you want even those who DON'T want to play that mode in your game, when i pvped i wasn't like that at all and i trashed a whole ragnarok online private server by myself doing 1 vs 3 all the time but i never imposed myself or started hitting people lurking around dungeons because 1 I simply could not do that by game rules and 2 I would feel like a joke of a man for having made others lose time just because i didn't have anything to do with the game, usually when you start picking of newcomers it should be the prime example of having played too much and needing to switch game, but here it is allowed encouraged and in b4 thread locked because game must remain hostage to a bunch of pvpers who are so bad they need to pick on those who don't want to pvp at all
Give me a only co op adventure mode
@aglasgowthing nah if you want you can babble about how this game is a picture perfect representation of pirate life and how they launched themselves and boarded other ships with cannons or slingshotted themselves with charged attacks or glitched themselves in other ships angles yea and did mass murders with 100% impunity not being chased by several state navies because of that yea, such a good pirate game
@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
@aglasgowthing nah if you want you can babble about how this game is a picture perfect representation of pirate life and how they launched themselves and boarded other ships with cannons or slingshotted themselves with charged attacks or glitched themselves in other ships angles yea
It’s a game not real life. Grow up honestly
@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
@aglasgowthing ah now it's a game? then give me my co op mode and you grow up not obliging people to play your game mode because you are bad at pvp and can't play vs those of your skill but need to pick up on newcomers :)
I mostly play this game for pvp and I’m fairly decent at it it would appear you are The one who is bad at pvp and pve by the sounds of it.
Try RAFT. maybe more fitting to you.@aglasgowthing ah that's why you're trying to get the thread locked, gj, dude now get good and play on pvp only games because this is not a legit pvp game i already made clear that i am not here to hear the opinions of the pvp enthusiasts since it is obvious that you want everyone to play your game and be your prey your opinion is biased
@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
@aglasgowthing ah that's why you're trying to get the thread locked, gj, dude now get good and play on pvp only games because this is not a legit pvp game
[mod edit]
Na il stick to sea for now got a bit bored on the old CS and quake but thanks for you’re concern.
@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
@aglasgowthing ah now it's a game? then give me my co op mode and you grow up not obliging people to play your game mode because you are bad at pvp and can't play vs those of your skill but need to pick up on newcomers :)
Only reason I got good at PvP was the other good PvPers beating me. I wanted to beat them and now no one has sunk me in the past 6months in adventure.
the simple fact that those who want to PVP always answer to change game when all i am asking is a co op mode that doesn't change your gameplay a single bit but only liberates me from wasting my time speaks volumes on how much you guys care about others opinions, that's why i don't really weigh yours
@knut-skallagrim This isn't the game for you. Please stop trying to change it.
Just cause it's a GaaS doesn't mean it needs to cater to you. If it's not your type of game then move along.
The game is about "Tools not Rules" therefore you want to Co-op, fine. Throw up that Alliance flag and try talking to people.
What you're currently doing is like going to the Stardew Valley forums and asking for some form of PvP cause you thought it would have at least a little amount of it.
@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
the simple fact that those who want to PVP always answer to change game when all i am asking is a co op mode that doesn't change your gameplay a single bit but only liberates me from wasting my time speaks volumes on how much you guys care about others opinions, that's why i don't really weigh yours
But it does change for us, if there was a PvE or a Co-op mode. Then by your own admission anyone that plays like you (looking to team up) will go there. Therefore Adventure would just turn into KOS.
Why do you want to change the game anyway?
If you are not enjoying it then stop playing I don't understand. I don't play Ark or Atlas cause they have persistent servers, I don't go over to their forums and ask for session based play like SoT@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
@aglasgowthing ah that's why you're trying to get the thread locked, gj, dude now get good and play on pvp only games because this is not a legit pvp game i already made clear that i am not here to hear the opinions of the pvp enthusiasts since it is obvious that you want everyone to play your game and be your prey your opinion is biased
If you don't want to hear from anybody that like's the PvP, then how will you hear about how your
rubbishdifferent ideas affect other people. Or is it that you don't care about other people?I have a feeling you shouldn't be playing with other people, find a single player game.
@badassfro are you one of those journalists putting words on others mouth then revolving a whole discussion over it? I said i wanted a co op only adventure mode, i didn't talk about sessions or persistent play, and if you can't think about adjusting some rules to accomodate the problems you've presented then you must play more games because there are a truckload with this precise setting just to name a famous couple GTA V and RDO who have smth like 100x time the population of this game not because they are a fundamentally better game (they are not) but because they don't revolve only around PVP as simple as it may sound. They don't have PVP only or adventure only server they simply have offensive and defensive modes available so that the playerbase doesn't get split if that is such a big issue for you. And if developers or players are against a "mode" available then they could just put exclusive content onto the PvP-PvE mode but still leave a pve only mode available with lower payouts n etcetera.
I stated that i do not want your opinions because this is how it classicaly goes, people starts inventing and presenting problems by themselves without thinking about a solution because they do not want to find a solution, they are already king of the hill, they are content with the pvp mode and they do not want to accomodate other players game nor care about them having fun or not with the game even if they play it a bit differently. I am happy you are happy with this game but it makes me laugh that you are thinking that if there will be an adventure co op mode the PvP pve mode will suffer because you're really ignoring the elefant in the room i.e. that it is already like that since the few like me who wanted to play the game for the co op prolly already have quit or never gave chance to the game and you'll never see them anyways since they will be playing other games so you are talking of a non problem presenting it as a problem, a classic, making me look like the one who doesn't care about other having fun while for 3 years this game has been playing by your rules and your rules only and this community never gave a chance to this game mode for even a split second, a week, a month. nope. As you said yea i will find another game if this doesn't get an adventure co op mode and the end result will be that you will still play with a low player base anyways because this is how this community deals with a simple request like this "go play another game this one is mine", and the stardwevalley example is a joke, i own the game and i would welcome a pvp mini mode in it if people asked especially because it is a local hosted co op game. Anyways i laugh also at you stating what i should play and what i should not. I couldn't be more right on stating that first point on the thread i am not interested on your opinion on how or what i should play, you don't know my taste while from all your catty answers i can define precisely that you just want the game as it is, i.e. super dead with you as king of the hill, while if you really cared about others wellbeing you would have just said "ok let's experiment if this means that more people might me interested in playing the game"....noooope!
@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
@badassfro are you one of those journalists putting words on others mouth then revolving a whole discussion over it? I said i wanted a co op only adventure mode, i didn't talk about sessions or persistent play, and if you can't think about adjusting some rules to accomodate the problems you've presented then you must play more games because there are a truckload with this precise setting just to name a famous couple GTA V and RDO who have smth like 100x time the population of this game not because they are a fundamentally better game (they are not) but because they don't revolve only around PVP as simple as it may sound. They don't have PVP only or adventure only server they simply have offensive and defensive modes available so that the playerbase doesn't get split if that is such a big issue for you. And if developers or players are against a "mode" available then they could just put exclusive content onto the PvP-PvE mode but still leave a pve only mode available with lower payouts n etcetera.
I stated that i do not want your opinions because this is how it classicaly goes, people starts inventing and presenting problems by themselves without thinking about a solution because they do not want to find a solution, they are already king of the hill, they are content with the pvp mode and they do not want to accomodate other players game nor care about them having fun or not with the game even if they play it a bit differently.
What exactly are you doing? Are you not inventing a problem and making up a solution to suit yourself, without giving a thought to the other players?
I am happy you are happy with this game but it makes me laugh that you are thinking that if there will be an adventure co op mode the PvP pve mode will suffer because you're really ignoring the elefant in the room i.e. that it is already like that since the few like me who wanted to play the game for the co op prolly already have quit or never gave chance to the game and you'll never see them anyways since they will be playing other games so you are talking of a non problem presenting it as a problem, a classic.
I think you should take a look at Elite Dangerous, they added a PvE mode like you are requesting. It involved everyone moving from open world to that, because nobody wanted to risk anything. It wasn't needed and now they are in the process of removing features from that game mode to get people to play the game as intended which is what we are doing.
Why don't you want to play the game as intended? why do you want to change the game so fundamentally?
You are not asking for, say a Fort defense mode which would work as PvE/ Co-op. You are here asking for complete segregation.
As you said yea i will find another game if this doesn't get an adventure co op mode and the end result will be that you will still play with a low player base anyways because this is how this community deals with a simple request like this "go play another game this one is mine"
Fine we don't need players like you, we need players that take the game as intended PvEvP shared world.....SHARED world.
I hope you find the game you are looking for....cause this isn't it
@knut-skallagrim I love when people come to the forums to share salt. Please keep on salting 😂 #BeMorePirate
@badassfro said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
You are not asking for, say a Fort defense mode which would work as PvE/ Co-op. You are here asking for complete segregation.
Once again putting on my mouth your preconceptions is amazing, i never asked about segregation i even provided the example like gta and rdo but nope
"Why don't you want to play the game as intended? why do you want to change the game so fundamentally?" i simply stated i wanted a game mode lol and you are as always putting words in my mouth.
Also lol for:"I have a feeling you shouldn't be playing with other people, find a single player game."
"Fine we don't need players like you, we need players that take the game as intended PvEvP shared world.....SHARED world.
I hope you find the game you are looking for....cause this isn't it"as i've stated in the previous post you're just a big "go play another game this one is mine" and all these phrases are why i don't need your opinion, you are evidently biased
to the rest : gg this is what i wanted "someone got sunk" "salt" n etc such an amazing community
@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
@badassfro said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
You are not asking for, say a Fort defense mode which would work as PvE/ Co-op. You are here asking for complete segregation.
Once again putting on my mouth your preconceptions is amazing, i never asked about segregation i even provided the example like gta and rdo but nope
"Why don't you want to play the game as intended? why do you want to change the game so fundamentally?" i simply stated i wanted a game mode lol and you are as always putting words in my mouth.
Also lol for:"I have a feeling you shouldn't be playing with other people, find a single player game."
"Fine we don't need players like you, we need players that take the game as intended PvEvP shared world.....SHARED world.
I hope you find the game you are looking for....cause this isn't it"as i've stated in the previous post you're just a big "go play another game this one is mine" and all these phrases are why i don't need your opinion, you are evidently biased
But what you are not understanding, is by offering that game mode you are segregating the playerbase.
I am biased in the fact that I disagree with you???
or is it really because you don't like the answer being that this game isn't for you. It's alright not all games can cater to everyone.On a serious note, why can't you Co-op up using the Alliance flag and talking to people?
I’m so angry that you fight skeletons and krakens in this game, and have magical cursed cannonballs and ghosts.
Real pirates didn’t fight skeletons or have magic, so all of this should be removed from the game...
That’s how your post reads. You want a solo offline pirate adventure? Go code a new game by yourself and bring it to market!
@badassfro no i am not segregating anything i am more like allowing a part of the potential playerbase who never played the game because it is pvpve to try it and enjoy 90% of it and maybe get good at it and play subsequently PvP when they feel like they can lose the progress that day. But tbh i'm done explaining the possibilities with someone who just says playerbase is getting segregated without taking in account that it already is because of pvp being in every angle of this game. And you are not biased because you disagree with me, but you are biased because knowing that you disagree with me you're looking for every kind of thing to just not make the co op mode happen without just admitting that it wouldn't change a single thing for classic players
I always run with alliance flag but sometimes that doesn't stop people who are "bored" (direct quotation) to board me and take my belongings (which is fine since the only moments i play the game are where i already take in account that i could lose everything which actually already obliges me to decline playing the game many times because of simpl this) but then start kill spawning and self justifying saying "this is a pirate game it is supposed to behave like this" while now i don't even discuss that since for me it is a joke of an excuse@Peteloaf my discussion about real pirates was to pre-answer those who say that this is a pirate game and that because of that they are allowed to board and do stuff. this is not a pirate game and you helped me state that so gg. the only fond memories of this game i have is when i played vs skeletons and skeleton ships so i would be really glad that people stopped calling it a pirate game
@knut-skallagrim So you won't tell me why you cannot play co-op using the Alliance flag and talking to people?
You have the tools in the game already to allow you to play the way you want.
Pre-answer isn’t a thing.
This is a game, Rare can make it however they want. It has always been billed as, and will continue to be, PvPvE. If you don’t like it, then the game just isn’t for you. I don’t get how you can’t grasp this. It’s like me playing Assassins Creed and getting annoyed that there’s no gigantic marshmallow people living in Ancient Egypt, and I think they should add it to the game, and getting annoyed about it. L
I am more intrigued by why you guys think that me enjoying the game in a co op mode would hurt your gameplay but whatever guys, you're amazing
@badassfro said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
@knut-skallagrim So you won't tell me why you cannot play co-op using the Alliance flag and talking to people?
You have the tools in the game already to allow you to play the way you want.
I answered you already, that doesn't stop people to board me and killspawn me or doesn't stop me from not playing the game because i could lose all my progress. I am sure i am not alone with the only difference that people who experienced the same are simply not here and weren't interested in this game since it was alpha
@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
@badassfro no i am not segregating anything i am more like allowing a part of the potential playerbase who never played the game because it is pvpve to try it and enjoy 90% of it and maybe get good at it and play subsequently PvP when they feel like they can lose the progress that day. But tbh i'm done explaining the possibilities with someone who just says playerbase is getting segregated without taking in account that it already is because of pvp being in every angle of this game. And you are not biased because you disagree with me, but you are biased because knowing that you disagree with me you're looking for every kind of thing to just not make the co op mode happen without just admitting that it wouldn't change a single thing for classic players
I always run with alliance flag but sometimes that doesn't stop people who are "bored" (direct quotation) to board me and take my belongings (which is fine since the only moments i play the game are where i already take in account that i could lose everything which actually already obliges me to decline playing the game many times because of simpl this) but then start kill spawning and self justifying saying "this is a pirate game it is supposed to behave like this" while now i don't even discuss that since for me it is a joke of an excuse@Peteloaf my discussion about real pirates was to pre-answer those who say that this is a pirate game and that because of that they are allowed to board and do stuff. this is not a pirate game and you helped me state that so gg. the only fond memories of this game i have is when i played vs skeletons and skeleton ships so i would be really glad that people stopped calling it a pirate game
It’s a pirate game tho hard to stop calling it what it is.
U know what else pirates didn’t do? Go on forums and complain. YaaaarWell the game has always been marketed as a PvEvP game in a shared world. (The trailers had videos of crews stealing treasure from other crews.) Changing that would be false marketing for many of us, as we would not get the game that we paid real money for.
I would understand the frustration IF the game started (as a new game) as a single player or one crew against NPCs, and then later got PVP elements added, but now that is not the case. So now the game needs to change from what is was designed (and marketed) as into something else/new?
@knut-skallagrim said in Give me a only co op adventure mode:
I don't care about ANY of your opinions on what makes this game good since your tastes are not MINE.
If you don't want feedback, why post in a forum where you would get feedback. You could simply have sent an email or a letter directly to Rare.
I am full of people saying this is a pirate game because it is not, it is a joke of a game in those terms since real pirates never behaved like that and didn't have any of the tools the griefers who play this game have, first off they couldn't board another ship by just cannoning themselves in they would die as soon as they even thought such a dumb thing and if they did mass murders they would be chased by spanish galleons full of cannons until they were dead
I bought this game and paid it like you guys did and i got lured into it by thinking that yea there was a pvp but it wasn't behind every little angle of the map and it wasn't shoveled up my throat like that.
I wasted ton of time trying to play this game standing by your rules but i simply have no time to git gud i am a medicine student in 1 year i will get my degree and be even more busy and all i have are 2 around 3 hours A WEEK to spend on games and for the love of god i cannot waste it because a bunch of kids decided they are bored and start boarding my solo sloop. I even tried to make my friends play it but they are in the identical situation the adventure already takes several hours to play and if you lose them all because of a more skilled but still useless gamer decided they wanted to play pvp and feel good then the game is not fun and even worse it becomes a reason to hate it and the design behind it.
I am a programmer. I work 9 hours a day, I study (programmers can never stop studying), have a daughter, wife, chores and duties. Don't blame your lack of ability to your personal life.
You shouldn't offend people either, they are doing in the game what is allowed by the game. If you are being attacked, just defend yourself or run away. No ships appear out of nowhere to attack you, they will always appear on the horizon and this gives you a few minutes to escape. Just keep an eye on the horizon.
I repeat i really don't care about the community lurking here and commenting aiming to make every suggestion like this be locked so i anticipate i bought this game to play co op with my friends and manage a galleon, end of discussion, you guys shouoldn't even exist in my game.
I think first of all you should calm down and read what you wrote. Community is what makes Sea of Thieves a game, without the community, Sea of Thieves would not exist, it is an online game. If there is something that should not exist in this game, it is people who buy the game thinking they can completely change its structure. Crying here won't solve it, the community won't feel sorry for you or support you. If you want Rare or the community to hear you, use logic, say positive points to your request, and show the negatives as well. We all deserve to be heard, whether you're the most experienced player or even you, with a request that, in my opinion, makes no sense.
There is no talking of getting good because i don't want to get good on a game i just want to have fun and i paid for it, if you guys can't give me that mode because the kids here want pvp all over the game then drop this very bad game and make a good one because in this game are only playing peole willing to grief and i repeat there is no pirate simulation behind this because the physics and mechanics are all a joke for being taken serious and too strong instruments in the hands of players who had time to play for years compared to any newcomer, i really don't need to misure my thing anymore i got other ways to exploit my hormone rampage and i really can't believe that rare has put themselves in the position of making such a good game be ruined by only the pvp mode AND die like that just because their community is a very big pile of dump. To all the others who want everyone to play their favorite broken mode you are a joke of a PvPer there is no worse PvPer than those who want to impose their game mode on everyone else even not the skilled ones this is a testament on how much you guys are weak if you want even those who DON'T want to play that mode in your game, when i pvped i wasn't like that at all and i trashed a whole ragnarok online private server by myself doing 1 vs 3 all the time but i never imposed myself or started hitting people lurking around dungeons because 1 I simply could not do that by game rules and 2 I would feel like a joke of a man for having made others lose time just because i didn't have anything to do with the game, usually when you start picking of newcomers it should be the prime example of having played too much and needing to switch game, but here it is allowed encouraged and in b4 thread locked because game must remain hostage to a bunch of pvpers who are so bad they need to pick on those who don't want to pvp at all
If you hate the game and your community so much, wouldn't it be better to play another game? I think you don't want to solve your "problem", you just want to complain. There are other good games on the theme where you will not be attacked by other players and still have fun, try looking for them.
@ghostfire1981 Right? The game would stop being worthy of the name "Sea of Thieves" and LITERALLY transform into "Sea of Friends", the ol' meme about the current state of the game (Adventure mode, specifically).
The OG needs to understand that he's already putting himself in a position of being outgunned/outmanned by any other ship of a crew that's more numerous than himself by sailing solo on a sloop. All the best players, and by best I mean those that can hold their own against most other crews regardless if solo or not and know when to flee if necessary, have learned how to survive by sailing solo sloop. They will have sunk many times and lost loot, but they have ended up coming out of it as better players. I have heard many examples of players feeling like they're only being engaged by PvPers all the time, but interestingly many PvPers also struggle to find what they want the most: crews that are of equal skill to themselves, a worthy fight that will determine who's the best at ship management and combat. What made certain pirates and ships famous? Their ability to fight and claim the loot that only the best pirate deserves, yarr.
My best advice to a player like the OG? Keep on sailing, learn the game inside-out and grab a friend to sail with. A crewmate helps out a lot and makes your voyaging more enjoyable, unless you're in for the solo sloop challenge.
Not sure if you are actually this dense for real or just trolling.
You are a founder, that means you have been here since before the game launched. You should have been well aware of what kind of game Rare was building long before you actually bought it, as Rare have always been open about this game being nothing else than a PvPvE experience.