Question regarding the Golden Legendary Set

  • Whilst a while away yet, we are beginning to slowly approach our Second Year Anniversary for Sea of Thieves and one thing I wanted to know was regarding a specific set, the Golden Legendary Set.
    For those who don't know what I mean, here's an image compilation of them.
    Golden Legendary Set
    So these beauties were added to the game as part of the First Year Anniversary Update and was given to Pirate Legends, sadly I missed them out as I wasn't a Pirate Legend during that time (which eventually I now am) but I wanted to ask a question regarding it.

    Is there a possibility that the (Original) Golden Legendary Set may make a return for the next anniversary with a possibility of new Golden Legendary stuff?

    Or is this set a one-time thing for the First Anniversary only?

    I do not know what Rare's stance is on this during the time of the Anniversary but I would like to know what is the case regarding this, whether it may make a return or not but would be nice to know however.

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  • It's possible that they have golden versions of the other ship parts and instruments sitting around that they could add for a reward for year 2. They seem to love handing out sets a bit at a time anyways.

  • Those are for year 1 legends, so I doubt they will be re-released. They better not be.

  • @dislex-fx said in Question regarding the Golden Legendary Set:

    Those are for year 1 legends, so I doubt they will be re-released. They better not be.

    I don't mind either way, I would love for them to return but again I don't mind.

  • As you said this set was to celebrate year one pirate legends so if they rereleased the exact same cosmetics this year they wouldn’t stand for what rare wanted them to in the first place YEAR 1 pirate legends. If they give them out this year and every year there won’t be anything special about them and no one would care about when they become pirate legend.

    Now if they added brand new cosmetics that look completely different from the last ones for year 2 pirate legends I am all for it and I would even love it if they added some cosmetics for year 2 Athena 10 players. (But rerelease the same year one cosmetics.... please no)

  • @foxywiththemoxy

    The sad thing is, if they don't ever release those colors again then a bunch of players are going to be screwed over.

    The legendary cannons, anchor, and wheel go with that legendary color scheme.

    The original legend stuff is more purple and no gold. Which means the Athena commendation set goes PERFECTLY with ONLY the yearly anniversary stuff.

    As a person with some mild OCD, I go completely ape crazy when my crew tries to put mix matches stuff on going "OH HEY IT LOOKS COOL" no, it doesn't. I want things to match and to fit or I go stir crazy as I'm playing.

    I would rather they do away with limited cosmetics or anything and just make everything available PERIOD. Just make them cost a ton of gold.

    1m for each piece sails and boat skin. 500k for each wheel, cannon, and anchor.

    Never liked limited cosmetics or anything

    SIDE NOT I know this sounds kinda rude, but I call shenanigans on anyone who says they care about their cosmetics not being "rare". That is completely malarky. Other players having a skin that you have changes nothing nor does it effect you. All skins go through a fade period. After that period you never see it again.

    I've seen this is every game so far. A skin is super rare and super cool, you see it everywhere for a few weeks maybe 2 or 3 months. Then a new one comes out and you never see the old one ever again. Then players who have that old one complain if it ever gets re-released to the public saying "well then what I have isn't special anymore".

    It stopped being special when you got bored with it and stopped ever using it. There are so many cool skins that we never see because the ones who have it are already bored of it.

  • @britishmango05
    I won't mind either way, if they aren't coming back, I know that I missed out on them but tough luck.
    Would be nice to get some clarification from Rare though regarding it.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    I got autism so I can relate but I fully understand that if I miss out on them, I miss out on them.
    And yeah, never really been a fan of limited/exclusive cosmetics either as its know for producing entitlement and argument between those that do and don't have it (The Overwatch forums to do with Pink Mercy are an example of this, and trust me it can get very messy there).

  • I hope not, it is a reward to those who managed to reach Legend at that time and many of them played from the alpha of the game.
    Let's not take away the value of those things by making them mundane.

  • I wouldn't mind seeing them return, as a reward for any new legends. I say this as someone who has them already.

    To anyone worried about ”too many” people having them, at the time of this post, according to XBL, only 1.41% of all SoT players are legends. Reintroducing them once a year isn't going to flood the game with them.

  • @darth-noc I don't think it's about that, it's about taking care of the value of things.
    It would seem good to add a new set for the second year, not to devalue what shows the time you have been in the game, your story in the game.

    Only 1.4%? 🤯 I thought there were many more.

  • @quietrobot
    Whilst I would love for them to make a return (would love Rare to say something regarding it), I won't mind either way though I do understand why many wouldn't want it to return (it shows that you are one of the earlier PL's)

  • I was around back then, and personally would have no problem if once a year they continued to add too or make this set available again to newer players in celebration of a game that we've all grown to love.

  • @darth-noc said in Question regarding the Golden Legendary Set:

    To anyone worried about ”too many” people having them, at the time of this post, according to XBL, only 1.41% of all SoT players are legends.

    I know it's 2 months old... but..

    2 years in and people still throw this garbage completely wrong statistic around...

    This needs to stop. People claiming this do absolutely nothing but hold the game back when it comes to making PL actually have a reason to be achieved and to even exist in game.

    As far as these cosmetics go.. No. Keep them exclusive.

    It's literally all anyones got to show for hitting PL within the first year, while almost everyone else at that time berated PLs for being horrible people because "they sunk me and don't exemplify Rare's dreams for the community", or hearing non stop about how we're upset there's no actual content because "only 1% of players are PL. It's your fault you speedran it, grinded it, and didn't just enjoy the adventure"

  • I play on a new account now, so I've missed out on the exclusive cosmetic stuff, but it's about sinking ships for me. I can do that even if my character looks like he crawled out of a sea dumpster.

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