Sea of Thieves and Rare creators,
I was given the opportunity to play SoT with game pass and I was very excited. I have heard great things about SoT and I do love an adventure. However, like many massive multiplayer online games, there are player issues. From research after playing, I have found out that the community has been divided between those who want to keep SoT as is and those who want a single-player/local co-op option.
I do understand why people want to keep it as an MMO only and how making a single-player storyline or a local co-op would defeat the entire purpose of why the game was created, however, I do not think that the purpose of SoT is to crush and totally annihilate new players. Thanks to the other players on the server, I am rather disappointed in the game and definitely will not spend money on it. I was trying out this game with an older friend of mine who enjoys videogames very much but adapts slower to videogame mechanics than other people online. This game is rated for teens, so I figured that we would have some time to figure out how to steer ships and shoot skeletons. Low and behold, spawn killers got the better of us. I understand the point of the game is to find buried treasure and fight other people out at sea. Except, those who attacked our ship stayed on our ship after they had taken all of our belongings and continued to kill us after we respawned. It was obvious we were new players. Our characters were still in their underwear, our sail was tattered, we hardly had anything to take to begin with, and our ship had plenty of holes in it already from crashing into land from our attempts to learn how to control our ship. Yet, these other players stayed and continued to kill us right after we came back from the Ship of the Damned. They finally left us alone thanks to another ship that started to attack our half-sunken, half-aflame ship. To kill other players JUST to kill other players is not a good sport and we were killed so fast by these other two who had advanced weapons, magic spells, and fancier clothing that there was no way to get their gamer tag. The only time I was able to get a good look at them was from a distance where their gamer tags were too small to read.
I understand that this is not the game developer's fault. This is a common problem with PvP MMO's in general (World of Warcraft has MANY but because of how they have starter towns and lower-level areas, players can enhance their skills without threat of more advanced players) and it is nearly impossible to catch every single group that chooses to witch hunt and spawn kill. By not having a local co-op option or a storyline option (or having the fallen players spawn in a safe zone to collect themselves), new players will be incapacitated by those online who choose to witch hunt/spawn kill and not likely to play the game again. This is a pirate game, not Call of Duty. The point of the game not to just kill people. But even FPS's, like Call of Duty, has a single-player/local co-op option for those who are not skilled and want to gain those skills.
This was, unfortunately, a disappointment and I hope there will be at least an open discussion about adding an option for those who either want to play alone (and offline) or with those that they choose (and offline) while still having the main option an MMO server. I disagree that adding those kinds of options will take away the reason why this game was created. I think that it would open it up to a larger variety of people. Those who want an MMO, they can have their MMO. Those who want to just play with their friends, can just play with their friends. And of course, those who just want to sail the open ocean, battling NPC's, learning lore, and finding the booty of famous pirates all by themselves, can do just that.
We dearly enjoyed our time learning to sail and navigating the seas. We enjoyed reading what the NPC's had to say and the story that seemed to be coming out of what items we found. Even after we were killed the first time by our attackers, we were enjoying it. It is a game after all. But that faded fast as we became utterly helpless.
Maybe another pirate game similar to SoT but with just a single-player or local co-op could be an option for Rare. Keeping it as an MMO only game will keep these problems going. It is just the way some people think is okay to play.
Thank You for creating a wonderful concept.