Get pink flame by also killing.

  • Lets say we are needing the 'Death by player' flame for fort of the damned.

    Why should we let a player kill us?
    We dont always die in PVP interactions so why make it a weak pvp interaction by making someone volunteer to die?

    We should be able to grab the light as we kill a player too.

    Think about it, its bad for everyone involved.

    You get approached by a pirate who doesnt even fight you properly, on the other hand they have to die for... No real reason other than bad design choice.

    Staying alive after multiple adventures is hard and should be an achievement, heck, even a comendation spanning multiple sessions and days.

    Call it a live-streak

    Same goes for other forms of lights.
    Kill sharks, lantern the blue light up.

    Hit by Lightning? Lantern it up..

    It would work lore-wise too.
    You see, as they turn green they are being dragged to the ferry. Therefore they are directly connected to the well of fates, meaning their body as they are dying is the beacon!

    Makes sense, you all know it does.
    Anybody else is just being difficult :p

  • 28
  • @daringclarky said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    Why should we let a player kill us?

    Because you want the pink flame... You answered your own question in your post.

  • @targasbr hilarious.
    Re-read the post then you will see the suggestion. The suggestion is to provide an alternative. Was there too many words for you?

  • @daringclarky this is story ONLY get the light from the Ferryman depending on the way you die...

  • @schwammlgott Perhaps they should widen this for gameplay.
    Gameplay should always be prioritised over lore. There is always ways to change lore in a believable way too.

  • You trying keep a positive K/D? The system in place makes sense to me. When you die the flames come from the ferry.

  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3 But their sole is tied to the ferry. They can act as a conduit.

    Thats not lore but its very believable. Telling me if the order of souls lady said that during a tall tale you all be like "Hang on there lady!!"

    Get one of the OOS ladies say it and its all cool.

    I think its believable.
    Gameplay should always be priorirized over lore.. Which is very light btw.

  • i mean, you still have to die to get the flame? so either way you are going to have to volunteer to die, all of the lanterns are gotten from dying somehow same goes for this one.

  • @simplelyricc The suggestion i posted is to make the dying a conduit to the flame. So you can kill and get the flame if you are quick enough meaning you dont have to die for it.

    Given current lore, it wouldnt be a far stretch.

    This isnt the elderscrolls or anything that lore heavy so this for me is a non issue

  • @daringclarky it's not lore its just implementing it. What if you kill someone and then die to fire/sharks/skeletons/lightning. What flame shows up then?

  • @daringclarky said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @targasbr hilarious.
    Re-read the post then you will see the suggestion. The suggestion is to provide an alternative. Was there too many words for you?

    We already have an alternative. If you have used google you could find it easily.

  • @targasbr said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @daringclarky said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @targasbr hilarious.
    Re-read the post then you will see the suggestion. The suggestion is to provide an alternative. Was there too many words for you?

    We already have an alternative. If you have used google you could find it easily.

    An alternative to not dying or relying on another to die? What is that?

    Aside from sneaking onto an active fort of the damned i dont know of such a way aside from ones already discussed.

  • @daringclarky said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @targasbr said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @daringclarky said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @targasbr hilarious.
    Re-read the post then you will see the suggestion. The suggestion is to provide an alternative. Was there too many words for you?

    We already have an alternative. If you have used google you could find it easily.

    An alternative to not dying or relying on another to die? What is that?

    Aside from sneaking onto an active fort of the damned i dont know of such a way aside from ones already discussed.

  • @daringclarky ok, what's the problem with dying anyway? Does it effect your K/D ratio in your mind? In this game dying means nothing...your ship sinking is the equivalent to die in other games...

    Another thing you want is to start Tall Tale chapter 7 somewhere else than on the ferry because you don't want to die?
    Get all the "Legend of the seas" without dying?

  • I mean. You could negotiate with someone to leave the pink light at one of the beacons too. Not that I would for you, but I do leave it and the red flame in a beacon if I get one.

    Barrel kills count for the pink light?

  • @pithyrumble sagte in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    I mean. You could negotiate with someone to leave the pink light at one of the beacons too. Not that I would for you, but I do leave it and the red flame in a beacon if I get one.

    Barrel kills count for the pink light?

    In this video, I guess, a crewmate lights the fuse and left the game, so it counts for the pink flame...didn't know this works...

  • Lol the people in this game make me laugh sometimes. Rare must have meetings and everyone reads a post and they all laugh. That's how they start the day.

  • @daringclarky sagte in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @schwammlgott Perhaps they should widen this for gameplay.
    Gameplay should always be prioritised over lore. There is always ways to change lore in a believable way too.

    I think it is about gameplay and that you take it too serious or have issues to get killed by someone else.
    It's the Fort of the "Damned".
    Not the Fort of the Successfull Killer ;-)

  • The key gameplay element here that OP is forgetting is communication.
    Rare loves to get players out of their comfort zone to have fun.

    OP likely has enough skill to kill other pirates, but is he a good enough player to get carebears to stop running away and kill him?
    That is what Rare wants to see.

    The mindset that life is precious and that we only have one life to live, is for muggles in the outside world.
    In the Sea of Thieves, death is inconsequential.

    Be more pirate.

  • As someone already tells you before to the way around the pink light is easy: a crew mate ignite a keg and alt+f4, when you die for the explosion the game record that you die by the hand of another pirate. Easy and fast, all the other light are very simple and I do like how it is nowadays, you die you can change colour!!

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @daringclarky sagte in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @schwammlgott Perhaps they should widen this for gameplay.
    Gameplay should always be prioritised over lore. There is always ways to change lore in a believable way too.

    I think it is about gameplay and that you take it too serious or have issues to get killed by someone else.
    It's the Fort of the "Damned".
    Not the Fort of the Successfull Killer ;-)

    Im not taking it too seriously at all.
    Im simply proposing an idea. I dont actually mind dying for the light. However i just think being able to take said light off another is a good idea.

  • @muchturnip49319 said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    As someone already tells you before to the way around the pink light is easy: a crew mate ignite a keg and alt+f4, when you die for the explosion the game record that you die by the hand of another pirate. Easy and fast, all the other light are very simple and I do like how it is nowadays, you die you can change colour!!

    This is a suggestion thread to suggest ideas. If i wanted to know game exploits i would have posted in the gameplay tips section

  • @daringclarky sagte in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @daringclarky sagte in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @schwammlgott Perhaps they should widen this for gameplay.
    Gameplay should always be prioritised over lore. There is always ways to change lore in a believable way too.

    I think it is about gameplay and that you take it too serious or have issues to get killed by someone else.
    It's the Fort of the "Damned".
    Not the Fort of the Successfull Killer ;-)

    Im not taking it too seriously at all.
    Im simply proposing an idea. I dont actually mind dying for the light. However i just think being able to take said light off another is a good idea.

    All fine , i dont think it's good the other way around, you get a flame for getting killed by xyz in different colors.
    Dont see why or where we get a Flame for killing a player.
    Regarding population ecconomy balance i dont want PvP more incentiviced.

    @daringclarky sagte in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @muchturnip49319 said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    As someone already tells you before to the way around the pink light is easy: a crew mate ignite a keg and alt+f4, when you die for the explosion the game record that you die by the hand of another pirate. Easy and fast, all the other light are very simple and I do like how it is nowadays, you die you can change colour!!

    This is a suggestion thread to suggest ideas. If i wanted to know game exploits i would have posted in the gameplay tips section

    btw :-)

  • Hi, there is a really quick way of getting the pink flame without encountering another crew.

    You need 2 people in your crew.

    Grab a keg.

    Essentially the person that ignites it , leaves the server before it explodes.

    The explosion kills the remaining player.

    Once that player is on the ferry, hey presto, you have a pink flame waiting for you.

    Your friend can then rejoin.


  • @schwammlgott said in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    @pithyrumble sagte in Get pink flame by also killing.:

    I mean. You could negotiate with someone to leave the pink light at one of the beacons too. Not that I would for you, but I do leave it and the red flame in a beacon if I get one.

    Barrel kills count for the pink light?

    In this video, I guess, a crewmate lights the fuse and left the game, so it counts for the pink flame...didn't know this works...

    It Works. I used this many times

  • I mean... Why let anything kill you?
    I thought it was funny when rare indirectly said... "You want content? Go kill yourself!" (FotD)
    Get over it. Its not hard to get.

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