Miniature Wargaming

  • Apologies if this should be in another thread, I wasnt sure since it is still SoT related.

    So i've had my eye on wargaming and miniatures over the last year or so and mostly looking at warhammer I just can't find a "series" that I am fully interested in.

    Personally I would love to see some Sea of Thieves miniatures.

    Buy a sloop, brigantine or galleon. Assemle the pieces and paint the ship in the design that YOU would like to see in the game. Perhaps Rare could make a painting competition and the most popular model could be put in the game

    Crews of pirates, skeltons and mermaids. Customise and paint to your hearts content. Players in game characters could be made in miniature form although it would be a bit more pricey.

    Objectives for players, pretty straight foward.

    Pigs, chickens, snakes, megalodons and krakens. Add more components to bring the table to life.

    Open waters, Skeleton fort, small islands. Almost every area of SoT could be recreated for tabletop in my opinion some islands could even be 3D and add height to the game
    Maybe not maurauders arch, although it would be dope hahah

    Anyone else interested or involved in the hobby, know anyone who is? Let me know what you or they think.

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  • I beleive a fan made version, this is my inspiration for this thread.

  • @sailorkek

    Reminds me of Space Engineers, a spacecraft and station building sandbox game. They have a program where you can have them 3D print your creations, and it's quite nice for those who either particularly like one such build or just want a memento. Personally, I'd love to see the islands also be able to be made, in both a very small version (you could even have absolutely tiny ships and emergent events to go with them) and in much larger ones for such tabletop displays. A scale model of the entire Sea of Thieves map would be something to see with the larger or smaller models. Perhaps they could also print life-size individual items, too?

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Miniature Wargaming:


    Personally, I'd love to see the islands also be able to be made, in both a very small version (you could even have absolutely tiny ships and emergent events to go with them) and in much larger ones for such tabletop displays. A scale model of the entire Sea of Thieves map would be something to see with the larger or smaller models.

    Yeah exactly! I think Rare has thier own RPG gamne out too so this could pair nicely with that. I know its not a thing for everyone but if Rare want to expand their merchandise this is a direction i'd like to see and almost assuredly buy.

    Perhaps they could also print life-size individual items, too?

    Yeah that would be sweet. I know they have a few things, like the tankard thats is in the dev updates, maybe some mermaid gems or DR items and the skulls of course.

  • @sailorkek

    I believe they have all of the sailor equipment and a good amount of treasures - I've seen the Shroudbreaker and its stones, a captain's chests, a few skulls, all 3 colors of mermaid gems, and a few others.

  • @ultmateragnarok yeah as replica items perhaps, haven't seen a version of 25, 28 or 35mm miniatures

  • I have a friend who paints miniatures. Seems like a fun, albeit expensive, hobby.

  • @galactic-geek yeah the price is one of the reasons why I'm so slow to get into it hahah
    You look at the Games Workship and I start having heart palpitations XD

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