Do all emissary flags make you apear on everyone's map?

  • I haven't been able to fully tell on my own and I am wonder do all emissary flags from the factions make your ship visible on the map to everyone or just the reapers flag?

  • 7
  • @tenkaar
    Ships with the reaper's bones flag will show up on everyone's map.

    People with any emissary flag (any grade, any faction) will show up on those Reaper's Bones maps who made it to grade 5.

  • Ok.. that makes more sense now.. Thank you

  • Small point: Reaper Bones at grade 5, can see ships but they wont know what garde you are.

  • @Lem0n-Curry @BurnBacon
    Thank you both that confirms somethings for me.

  • @tenkaar
    the emissary faction tables show the amount of ships flying the emissary flag of this faction.

    Reaper Grade V only see there is an emissary ship, they dont know what type of ship, what grade or anything else, just there is an emissary ship, nothing else.

  • Only the reapers faction appears on enemy maps. When you reach level five reaper status you are awarded a map that displays every emmissary on the sea.

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