Stuttering Fix

  • Just wanted to share what fixed stuttering for me and probably will work on all games. Be sure to remember this fix as Windows could undo this fix when an Update is installed.

    Disable the Superfetch and Prefetch in Windows which will always keep your ram pre-filled with data from most used applications, this fights with currently running games to constantly fill up any free ram causing stuttering.

    Goto your services and disable the Sysmain Service

    Open Regedit
    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
    Put a 0 next to prefetch and Superfetch

    Profit from stutter free gaming.

    Went from 84% used ram in Taskmanager before running games to 15% and nothing fighting for that ram in the background that's with 16GB installed Ram

  • 5
  • I had some nasty stuttering two days ago, but I just ran the most recent Nvidea update which seemed to fix it for me.

  • Wow thanks +@OMGLAZERGUNSGO, disabling Superfetch and Prefetch seems to have done the trick for me !

    I used to have a lot of stuttering issues in Sea Of Thieves, but not since I followed your advice !

  • tyvm my dude

  • tyvm my dude

2 out of 5