tall tale 100% completion and golden curse.

  • i feel like the requirement of 100% completion (all journals tall tale done 5 times over) for all tall tales to get the golden curse is a bit ridiculous because thats over 130 hours of gameplay at least to get a single item (curse) so i think it should be either a better reward or a easier process.

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  • @blister999 said in tall tale 100% completion and golden curse.:

    i feel like the requirement of 100% completion (all journals tall tale done 5 times over) for all tall tales to get the golden curse is a bit ridiculous because thats over 130 hours of gameplay at least to get a single item (curse) so i think it should be either a better reward or a easier process.

    That's sort of the point: very few players are willing to invest the time necessary to acquire that curse, so those who do have a sense of pride and accomplishment.

    That said, Rare appears to agree with you, as the newer tall tales only need to be completed 3 times to unlock the final commendation (well, that plus getting all the journals).

    I think you're overestimating the amount of time required. I got my gold curse after probably 48(EDIT: maybe closer to 60) hours of gameplay, albeit spread out over nearly a year. Certain things make tales easier: bosses like Briggsy and Graymarrow have much less health if you're using a sloop or brigantine, some tales are easy to grind out because they take place at only a few locations (like "Fate of the Morningstar"), and you can do other voyages simultaneously.

    Be patient: the things you experience along the way should be just as rewarding as the reward itself.

  • @limbicfanatic said in tall tale 100% completion and golden curse.:

    @blister999 said in tall tale 100% completion and golden curse.:

    i feel like the requirement of 100% completion (all journals tall tale done 5 times over) for all tall tales to get the golden curse is a bit ridiculous because thats over 130 hours of gameplay at least to get a single item (curse) so i think it should be either a better reward or a easier process.

    That's sort of the point: very few players are willing to invest the time necessary to acquire that curse, so those who do have a sense of pride and accomplishment.

    That said, Rare appeaers to agree with you, as the newer tall tales only need to be completed 3 times to unlock the final commendation (well, that plus getting all the journals).

    I think you're overestimating the amount of time required. I got my gold curse after probably 48 hours of gameplay, albeit spread out over nearly a year. Certain things make tales easier: bosses like Briggsy and Graymarrow have much less health if you're using a sloop or brigantine, some tales are easy to grind out because they take place at only a few locations (like "Fate of the Morningstar"), and you can do other voyages simultaneously.

    Be patient: the things you experience along the way should be just as rewarding as the reward itself.

    fair point.

  • @blister999 you want something you got to be willing to sacrifice something to get it

    in this case time

  • @blister999 this requires dedication. It is one of the rarer cosmetics in the game. Also 130 hrs is a bit absurd, that's an average of 3 hrs per tale, none of them take that long.

  • @captain-coel
    i guess its just in my experience theyre very long

  • But this wouldn't be SoT if the rewards felt worth it and the game respected your time

  • @jollyolsteamed

    But the thing is that it isn't worth the amount of time they ask for. It's a skin, that's it.

  • @blister999

    The first play through of each Tale can be long for sure. Especially if you are interested in them for the sake of the story like I am. But if you are planning on grinding them all out for the curse you could look at some guides to streamline the process. That can bring each tale down closer to around an hour depending on how far you need to go to complete them and some RNG on which variants you get.

  • @scavengerdan said in tall tale 100% completion and golden curse.:


    But the thing is that it isn't worth the amount of time they ask for. It's a skin, that's it.

    thats the thing it doesn't matter what it is everything you unlock in this game is skins

    somethings are suppose to be hard to get or take time to achieve

    if you want something then the time to unlock it is worth it

    the thing is you just want it sooner and this would greatly remove the feeling of achieveing something

  • You're disregarding the rewards you get from completing the Tall Tales themselves. Which are fairly worthwhile.

  • @scavengerdan how does Rare not "respect" my time? I found the tall tales to be easy and quick. I dont think the 5x was too much either.

  • @captain-coel said in tall tale 100% completion and golden curse.:

    @scavengerdan how does Rare not "respect" my time? I found the tall tales to be easy and quick. I dont think the 5x was too much either.

    the talltales are nothing compared to the legendary weapons unlock 250 wins in arena now thats when we can discuss time disrespecc

  • @jollyolsteamed even to me that's not bad. the only big drawback of the arena wins is that you cant work on anything else at the same time. With tall tales and the normal companies, you can be doing several activities at once. with arena you only can do arena.

  • @captain-coel said in tall tale 100% completion and golden curse.:

    @jollyolsteamed even to me that's not bad. the only big drawback of the arena wins is that you cant work on anything else at the same time. With tall tales and the normal companies, you can be doing several activities at once. with arena you only can do arena.

    well not to mention you got to "win" 250 games not just participate

    you know assuming one does not win everytime you could be looking at 500 games more or less to gain the unlock

    every match is 15 minutes

    so going of on a whim here say you win every two matches effectively narrowing it down to 500 matches to get unlock

    500 matches each 15 mins long = 125 hours

    whilst if you win every match you play which is unlikely

    250 matches each 15 minutes long = 62.5 hours give or take but thats a given if you win every match you play

    also not counting in the absurdly long queue times for a match

    its 62.5 hours at the minimum to unlock but you are most likely looking at more than just 62.5 hours of gameplay

  • Got my gold curse in about 60 hours spread out over 2 weeks. It really isn’t that hard to do, just a lot of repetition. After the first completion of a tale, we were completing the next 4 runs within 2 hours. It just takes dedication.

  • With a competent crew we were able to complete most tall tales in about 45mins - 1 hour the 2nd-5th times we went through them, the original play through taking around 1.5hrs so you’re looking at around 50-60 hours total

    I do think that 3 times each is enough though, 5 was overkill especially shores of gold 😫

  • Am I correct in reading this that to complete the commendations to get the Gold Curse you also have to get the Journals 5 times?

  • @olazdirt said in tall tale 100% completion and golden curse.:

    Am I correct in reading this that to complete the commendations to get the Gold Curse you also have to get the Journals 5 times?

    Nope. Just the once.

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