Update day

  • Been excited for the introduction of a whole new bunch of bugs and glitches in the game. I’m sure today won’t disappoint.

    My favourite so far was the update they did to fix QOL and bugs, what was good about this update was they fixed the sound glitches in the game by introducing a whole new sound of the boat dragging over a sand bar. Great work.

    Anyway. Since this is meant to be feedback. Here is mine.
    Your update always break more than they fix, I suggest you listen to your feedback more.

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  • @pabio-escobar said in Update day:

    Been excited for the introduction of a whole new bunch of bugs and glitches in the game. I’m sure today won’t disappoint.

    Lol your so toxic.
    The devs are working from home so they don't have the same communication as they would normally have, and at least they are still bringing out updates.

  • While we understand your intention is to leave feedback, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. Posts containing no material for discussion do not offer anything constructive for the community to engage with. We value your feedback, and if you want to make suggestions or offer your ideas to improve the game, please feel free to create a topic in Feedback & Suggestions. This topic will now be locked.

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