
  • Some kind of feature that would allow players to set up pirate hideouts on islands to hoard treasure. Being able to set up a camp or build a small base could make things very interesting.

  • 7
  • @rummy-richard

    I would love for them to utilize these islands more. It would be amazing to do something like that.

  • @rummy-richard this is a chad idea, from a chad man.
    maybe this would make a safe place that you could stash your loot, that isn't deleted by server merges or despawning, but leaves it available to be stolen by any other pirates who pass by

  • @rummy-richard What if there were a quest that let pirates build a fort and defend it, king of the hill-style, for a prescribed period of time to get a reward?

    I love the idea of building a hideout, but feel like there would need to be some tension or incentive to stay in it. I'm always looking for new types of gameplay, new ways for players to interact and this starts to feel pretty cool...

  • @prescafatty said in Hideouts:

    @rummy-richard What if there were a quest that let pirates build a fort and defend it, king of the hill-style, for a prescribed period of time to get a reward?

    I love the idea of building a hideout, but feel like there would need to be some tension or incentive to stay in it. I'm always looking for new types of gameplay, new ways for players to interact and this starts to feel pretty cool...

    Ive been saying to some of my friends if I were to have 3 wishes to see some certain things added to this game and “King of the hill” style is one of them lol

  • @ecaiiaw +1 to that! Hope you're reading Rare :)

  • @prescafatty said in Hideouts:

    @ecaiiaw +1 to that! Hope you're reading Rare :)

    I haven’t but I’m searching now! Lol

6 out of 7