The change to fullscreen made the Steam version a lot worse.

  • I usually have two monitors on my PC, one for the game, another for Discord or whatever. I switched to the Steam version out of curiosity, but that version does not allow a borderless windowed mode. I used to move the cursor to the other monitor by opening up the inventory, so the cursor was on screen in the game and free to move to the other screen.

    Right now, it is no longer possible, worsening the use of another monitor. Moreover, even when I use windowed mode, the game stops for a short duration when I move to the other monitor and again when moving back into the game. In fullscreen the game even pauses in the background and disconnects from the server after a short while.

    Again, it would have been nice to get the option to confine the cursor to the game window or not instead of another enforcement.

    And by the way, the issue on the sloop, the inconsistency with the ladders where you can fall off on the right side, still persists.

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  • I found that my mouse being able to fly to my other monitor while I'm in any menu with cursor up as well as not being able to get task bar to stay hidden have messed me up in combat too many times to count.

    I have to end task for windows explorer and also lock cursor to screen with DMT. A painful process to do every time I want to play. It's really dumb. I bought steam version and mouse locks to screen but dang task bar still persists in steam version so i refunded that and went back to windows store version. There is no solution I've been able to find other than what i'm already doing.

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