Jumping mechanics

  • Can we do something about people boarding and just jumping around constantly to dodge shots and or sword swings. Like every time you jump your movement speed progressively gets slower the more you spam jump around a ship. It's really annoying that people are just jumping around like a bunny around the ship and eating with no setbacks.

  • 9
  • You can slash or shoot them or use blunderbombs to launch them off the boat.

  • @cptpandas guide/fight them under deck

  • @d3adst1ck That's the thing i was chasing him and swinging and hes not even sprinting hes just jumping and eating and i cant catch him.

  • @cptpandas You're swinging too early or not close enough.

    They can't outrun a bullet no matter what they do.

  • @d3adst1ck Dont gotta outrun a bullet if you're just jumping and zig zagging

  • I see no problem needing to fix here, being a hard target to hit is pretty much universally found in games. If they couldn't jump around, they would go prone. If they couldn't do either, they would zigzag, so on and so forth. Its only annoying to you because you can't kill them, but others like myself have zero issues with this.

    Lead shots to where they will land, anticipate the pattern they will form, and stop chasing them like a lawn mower on cruise control. You are cutting pirates not reaping wheat.

  • @cptpandas

    Honestly @Nabberwar is right, this is a non issue.

    Like when I see a player hop his little bunny behind up the stairs to the wheel on a galleon, I know exactly where he is going next if one of my teammates is chasing him, hes going to jump down from the top of the stairs straight into my waiting embrace.

    You are trying to hit them in the air when you dont have to, just wait for them to hit the ground. The one thing thats different from this game and other games is you can change your direction in the air. You can't do that in this game, once they jump they have only one trajectory. Pay attention to whats happening around you. You don't have to deviate to hit them that much if at all. Good luck man

  • Boarding is really strong now not going to lie. If u board an enemy ship u don't even have to kill anyone. Just being there distracting them from repairing or shooting cannons is already a great setback for them.

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