No Emissary bonus for Ghost fleet skulls

  • Not sure if this is a bug, but I just found out that you don't recieve any additional payout for selling new skulls from the ghost fleet while being a level 5 Order of Souls Emissary. It's the same ~3k for normal skulls and 5-6k for captian's no matter if you are an Emissary or not.

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  • @theslumbering said in No Emissary bonus for Ghost fleet skulls:

    Not sure if this is a bug, but I just found out that you don't recieve any additional payout for selling new skulls from the ghost fleet while being a level 5 Order of Souls Emissary. It's the same ~3k for normal skulls and 5-6k for captian's no matter if you are an Emissary or not.

    Not for Reapers.. you get the bonus loot.

  • Interesting. Just checked on one streamer and is's supposed to be 1k for normal skulls. I think i got the 2.5x payout without being an emissary when i did the fleet the first time. Strange, but I'll take it.

  • Not sure. We sold the captain fotd ghost skull for about 5.5k at grade 3. At grade 5 we did it again and got 7k+.

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