New wraith cannonball commendation

  • Does anyone feel that the commendation is very difficult? I mean, 25 wraith cannonball is much, and it only counts individually, not as a team/crew

  • 6
  • Not really, considering you have the rest of the game to do it. The ghost ships will be a permanent addition, and one day you will just achieve it.

    Also we played 2 hours today, and killed 65 ghost ships and got lots if those cannon balls... so really not a big thing. Im sure you dont need the achievement NOW, and by normal playing im sure you will get it done in a week.

    Also it says you have to hit other crews with those, but skeleton ships counts as well. At least we got some hits counted and we never attacked any players, just a couple of random skeleton ships that decided to pop up and join the party in the middle of a ghost ship encounter.

  • @ghostfire1981 What do you mean you got lots of those cannonballs? It can be found only in "cannonball crate of the damned". Am I wrong?

  • @nanomogyesz
    Yup... and most of the "boss" ghost ships have a chance to drop them. We usually harpoon everything... in hope of getting more resources, and we actually got close to 15-20 of them. Perhaps just luck, but we did sink a LOT of those ships.

    EDIT: I believe we sold close to 20 of different boxes to the merchant when we stopped playing... not sure how many of those were cannon ball crates and how many were supply crates. (We did the Flameheart fight alone and got all the loot from all the ships, so that is a good source of everything. We had LOTS of ghost sculls, chests, merchant chest and different supply chests. Perhaps we were just lucky?)

  • Where can I even see the new commendations?

  • @jumli7 said in New wraith cannonball commendation:

    Where can I even see the new commendations?

    Under Order of Souls achievements in the game.

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