Make Sea of thieves not a expensive game

  • i have a problem that is that my friends wants Sea of thieves but it is too expensive and so i have no crew on my ship wich makes it so hard for me that i almost destroyed my computer of rage mainly because people wont leave me alone and steal my treasure

  • 10
  • LoL
    This game is on game pass PC and it's 4€ a month. Tell your friends to try it via GamePass and ask them to buy it if they like it.
    40€ for this game is not expensive. I have already 45 hours on steam so is definetly worth the money.

  • i told them the money was worth it but they still don't want to buy this game

  • @mikkymikh

    that i almost destroyed my computer of rage

    This is completely a you problem. Lashing out with rage is something normal people don't do. This isn't the games pricing problem. Get help.

  • @nabberwar i know that it is my problem about rage

  • The price is more than reasonable. If some of your friends can't afford it, just gift or tell em to get a summer job. Even a lemonade stand will easily cover the price.

  • Careful with that rage of yours just because of other “pirates”
    You may end up cursed and stuck as a ghost in some rick cave waiting for the day to be released

  • Just tell them in the real world they need to buy things, and sea of thieves is no exception. The developers put hard work into this game and deserve every dollar. Also the game is ok game pass which is insanely cheap, and the current price is also cheap. Maybe compare it to other games that are priced at double the sea of thieves price.

    Price isn’t the issue. It’s the mindset that something worth the money should be cheaper for convenience.

9 out of 10