Athena Emissary Grade V

  • There's an issue I believe needs to be raised with the Athena Emissary system. The problem is that reaching Grade V when flying an Athena Emissary flag is far too difficult compared to other trading companies. I've put this to the test several times, both solo and with my three-woman crew.

    My crew and I get together once or twice a week, and usually have about 3 to 4 hours to play per session. If we raise any of the other emissary flags, we have no trouble getting to Grade V within a session. But not when we run Athena. We'll raise the Athena emissary flag and complete an entire Ashen Athena Voyage, as well as stopping to sink skellie ships, megalodons, etc. Yet we won't reach Grade V. This wasn't true when the system first rolled out.

    Last night I tried getting to Grade V doing a Thieves Haven Run solo. I completed the run successfully. I even killed an ashen captain or two, sank some skellie ships, and sank a player sloop. The best I got to was Grade IV and about a third. I had to start a second Thieves Haven Run, completing almost half of it before finally reaching Grade V. It took several hours, far longer than the time I had allotted for play.

    My crew and I are all adults. We've all been playing Sea of Thieves for over two years, so we know the game pretty well. This is clearly not working as well as it could. In a session of 3 to 4 hours, it should be possible to reach Grade V Athena Emissary.

    One other point. I've noticed that doing Athena voyages, the cargo portions of the mission don't count towards the emissary grade. Not at all, during any portion of the mission. I think it would help tremendously if turning in the cargo would count towards raising your grade while doing an Athena voyage. It would also inspire people to actually DO the cargo runs instead of dumping them, as most people seem to do. This tweak alone might go a long way towards helping reach Grade V.

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  • @genuine-heather Yeah I think it's a bit too long to level up. I had to do 2 normal Athenas and kill 2 megs to get grade 5. By that time I'm already bored of doing Athenas.

  • I'm not disagreeing with you, but my galleon crew a few weeks ago managed it in about 3 hours. We did, if I recall correctly, 1 Thieves Haven voyage, a standard Athena run, an active fort, and every PvE event that came our way.

  • @galactic-geek said in Athena Emissary Grade V:

    I'm not disagreeing with you, but my galleon crew a few weeks ago managed it in about 3 hours. We did, if I recall correctly, 1 Thieves Haven voyage, a standard Athena run, an active fort, and every PvE event that came our way.

    That's an insane amount of activity in only three hours. If you can really accomplish that much in three hours, more power to you. I'm not surprised you'd make Grade V with all that. But my crew can't go anywhere near that fast. An Athena voyage, a Thieves Haven run, an entire fort, and all emergent PvE? No way.

    I think that just cements my point. If that's what it actually takes to make Grade V Athena Emissary, it's clearly way too much. The other emissaries are no problem. But Athena feels broken.

  • Yeah, I was helping a friend work on their Athena progression, before and after the changes they made, and it felt wrong with how long it took (and we were doing things fairly quickly and efficiently).

    I feel fortunate that my crew and I went nuts the first week of the Emissary update and completed our Athena. Although, that did feel too quick. We weren't 'cheezing' it or anything - we spent a lot of hours on the seas and it just went pretty quick.

    It seemed like they just needed to make it require more to advance the levels - not slow down the Emissary Grade process.

    It also seemed like the Thieves Haven Runs were the best way to go - we had hoped doing Athena's Voyages would work just as well - but, after those changes - it just didn't feel quick enough.

    Of course, as always, different crews/players and play-styles may get through the voyages more quickly than others - but I don't think it is balanced correctly right now.

    All the other Emissaries feel okay for shorter/limited play sessions - but Athena's feels like a slog, or a punishment - which is a shame, since it was finally new stuff for Pirate Legends.

    Just my observations and opinions! ;)

  • @genuine-heather

    Your correct that they havent yet updated the athena voyages to reflect the emissary which is why the cargo doesn't work as the cargo give rep on turn in. It works for reaper faction ironicly. I belive this will be updated soon.

    As for rep reduction it was done this way on purpose. Now you can disagree and say they nerfed athena to hard in which case i would agree but its not really an issue. I think this be less of an issue once they updated the athena mission which should give all athena loot like the theves heaven run.

    The reason is simply that the loot you get doesn't all count towards the rep like it should.

  • @enf0rcer said in Athena Emissary Grade V:


    Your correct that they havent yet updated the athena voyages to reflect the emissary which is why the cargo doesn't work as the cargo give rep on turn in. It works for reaper faction ironicly. I belive this will be updated soon.

    As for rep reduction it was done this way on purpose. Now you can disagree and say they nerfed athena to hard in which case i would agree but its not really an issue. I think this be less of an issue once they updated the athena mission which should give all athena loot like the theves heaven run.

    The reason is simply that the loot you get doesn't all count towards the rep like it should.

    Right. Not only doesn't all the loot count, nor the cargo runs, I noticed I get nothing for sinking other ships, either. That should certainly be worth something, I'd think. I know they're trying to strike a balance, and I definitely don't want it made too easy. But as it stands at this moment, it's fairly broken.

  • @genuine-heather said in Athena Emissary Grade V:

    @enf0rcer said in Athena Emissary Grade V:


    Your correct that they havent yet updated the athena voyages to reflect the emissary which is why the cargo doesn't work as the cargo give rep on turn in. It works for reaper faction ironicly. I belive this will be updated soon.

    As for rep reduction it was done this way on purpose. Now you can disagree and say they nerfed athena to hard in which case i would agree but its not really an issue. I think this be less of an issue once they updated the athena mission which should give all athena loot like the theves heaven run.

    The reason is simply that the loot you get doesn't all count towards the rep like it should.

    Right. Not only doesn't all the loot count, nor the cargo runs, I noticed I get nothing for sinking other ships, either. That should certainly be worth something, I'd think. I know they're trying to strike a balance, and I definitely don't want it made too easy. But as it stands at this moment, it's fairly broken.

    I wouldn't say it's broken as it is more that the dev take long to update old content to be on par with the new and do this in a peice by peice style approach.

    So its more like it's incomplete then broken.

    In other words this is simply an unfornate but unavoidable outcome of there dev style.

    But i agree doing random encounter should add to rep as well as killing other emissary players with a larger reward for killing reapers as one of the prime goals of the factions was to serve as a check on the reapers. As of now you do get rep from killing reaper pirates but not hitting their ship or sinking them not even for collecting or turning in the reaper flag. This i would also have changed.

    Well not hitting a ship cuased that was tried and lead to farming and not sinking a ship. But for sinking and/or getting the flag.

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