Unofficial Guide to Fate of the Damned Challenges

  • Hey Folks, FoxyWithTheMoxy here.
    I'll be posting a guide on this forum to help those with the Fate of the Damned challenges and understand them better. As this month is weekly, the post will be updated with each week with the latest info on the challenges, along with rewards.

    There are three mini-events which are:

    • Fated Fortune Challenges
    • Slayer of Fate
    • Stronghold Sharefest

    Fated Fortune Challenges

    This consists of four challenges that are unlocked within each week, each challenge contains 6 goals in them.
    Week 1 - Fate of Wild Shores
    This one is pretty damn easy and can likely be done in a single session.

    1. A Light in Dark Places - This requires you to defeat 10 Purple or Green Shadows of Fate Skeletons, you don't need to do 10 exact of that colour, it just needs to be 10 of any colour. This can be done through The Search for Wild Plentiful Shadows of Fate Voyage as they only spawn those skeletons, of course the amount they spawn is random I believe so you might get lucky and have all 10 or not.
    2. A Reading Festival - This requires you to find and read Umbra's Journal on Crooked Masts, the journal is located on the North Peak right next to a Beacon of Fate (which is part of another goal), this does require a cannon and trial and error to get to it.
    3. A Dying Light - This requires a Green and Purple light from the Well of Fates (Note: The flames obtained in the voyage DO NOT count), a green light is obtained by dying from a Skeleton and a purple light can be earned from death by snake. These can easily be done on Lagoon of Whispers which has both of them.
    4. Tavern Talk - The most easiest one of the lot, just talk to Larinna and select any dialogue option, that's it.
    5. Wild Lights of Plenty - This one requires you to light all the beacons located in The Shores of Plenty and The Wilds either Green or Purple (you don't need to do it all in one go nor the same colour, it just needs to be either one of the two). The islands you'll need to go to are:
    • Shores of Plenty: Mermaid's Hideaway, Cannon Cave, Smuggler's Bay
    • Wilds: Marauder's Arch, Crooked Masts (Can be done along with A Reading Festival) and Kraken's Fall.
    1. Light 'Em Up - If you have done the method for A Dying Light, then this one is pretty easy, you just need to light up all your ships beacons with a mixture of a Green and Purple light, I recommend using a Sloop for this as its a lot easier to do.

    Those are the challenges so far for this week, I will update it when the next week comes, but lastly the rewards!

    Slayer of Fate

    This one only has two challenges in it but it does take time to complete them.

    • Apprentice Slayer of Fate - Kill 200 of any Shadow of Fate Skeleton, this can be done through Fort of the Damned, Fate of the Damned Voyages or Athena Thieves Haven Run voyage (Fort of the Damned is the better option as all waves are only Shadows of Fate).
    • Master Slayer of Fate - Kill 400 of any Shadow of Fate skeleton, the same method as before applies to this one as well.

    Stronghold Sharefest

    Easy as well, just give three stronghold loot items to another crew, this happens on a daily basis.
    NOTE: I believe this only applies to Loot Items directly related to Strongholds such as a Stronghold Chest, Skull and Keg.


    These are the rewards you will get for completing these challenges.

    • 1000 Coins and 10 Doubloons - Done by completing a goal in Fated Fortune, this applies to all goals.
    • Soulflame Sword - Done by completing 4 goals in Fated Fortune.
    • Soulflame Pistol - Done by completing 8 goals in Fated Fortune.
    • Soulflame Eye of Reach - Done by completing 12 goals in Fated Fortune.
    • Soulflame Blunderbuss - Done by completing 16 goals in Fated Fortune.
    • Supreme Fated Slayer (TITLE) - Done by completing all 24 goals in Fated Fortune.
    • Soulflame Crew Set - Done by completing all 24 goals in Fated Fortune (Pirate Legends only).
    • Soulflame Lantern - Done by killing 200 Shadows of Fate in Slayer of Fate.
    • Fated Slayer of Dauntless Fury (TITLE) - Done by killing 400 Shadows of Fate in Slayer of Fate.
    • 5000 Coins - Done by handing in Three Stronghold based loot items to another crew in Stronghold Sharefest.

    Anyways, here is the guide to the challenges, hopes this helps and happy sailing!

  • 8
  • @foxywiththemoxy

    Are you or anyone else running into issues with progression tracking? Crew mate and I have not had any of our progress updated after unlocking the sword. FOTD, alliance, skelly kills, etc not tracking.

  • Seems the stronghold will be most troubling. As you have to let another crew turn in? Which means “steal” but if another crew steals it without you even claiming it. It useless effort.

    And allies...

  • The skeletons are a group commendation. I did fotd last night no way did I kill 88

  • @burnbacon it's for the people who get robbed at fotd. Lol

  • @foxywiththemoxy thanks for this. Very helpful

  • So me and my crew are about to start on this adventure and we noticed that crew costume unlock. Is it that you cant buy the costume till your pl even if you unlock it or is it that you cant even unlock the option unless your a pl? Also the wording form the page is abit confusing, is it you buying your friend costumes as some introduction to a new mechanic? Or is it just a misleading phrasing and everyone will need to unlock that set?

  • Once its gone its gone right?

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