Soulflame Captain Costume

  • Sorry, my question must be dumb :)

    So to get this set I need to:
    -Get level 50 at 3 companies
    -Complete all the event achievements
    -Buy set at the Black Market for 250.000 gold

    So the question is: Can I get all the achievements done before the event ends, and then it ends gather ranks and gold and buy this set at Black Market?

    Thank you and sorry for poor English

  • 7
  • I believe once it ends it'll be moved down into the pirate legend area and once you hit pirate legend you can go buy it down there

  • @chilloutbruh518 Ahoy matey!

    All you need is to be Pirate Legend (at least Level 50 in three factions) and buy it from Larinna for 1million gold.

    Once the event is over it will move to the Pirate Legend Hideout... but for a bigger amount of challenge!

  • @musicmee

    So what's the point to do all of these event achievements? Except for fun I mean :D

  • @musicmee So if it moves to the Pirate Legend Hideout, it gets more expensive? And the price right now is more like a discounted price?

  • Its actually 1,000,000 gold. Also Idk why the heck they decided to do a PL requirement. Sucks for people like me who just got the game this month and can usually only play on weekends. Ive completed every single challenge (except for the 400 shadow skeleton kills for the title, which I do plan to get, but thats not required), and yet I still cant get the outfit during the event because I may not be able to get PL in time. Currently Lvl 50 Gold Hoarders, Lvl 34 Order Of Souls, and Lvl 27 Merchant Alliance. I have enough gold, I have all 24 challenges completed, I dont understand why I should have to grind for PL alongside that, but, Im gonna have to try.

  • @alphawolf7878 Ahoy matey!

    Don't panic too much - even though its a Pirate legend only cosmetic, if you have unlocked it right now you will see it down in the pirate Legend hideout once you reach the place yourself - even after the event is over!

6 out of 7