{Suggestion} Ship Names

  • Hellow fellow Pirates! I've been playing SoT for just a little over than 100 hours and there is a certain feel that haunts me. Feel of something missing.
    And this is an opportunity to give your ship a name instead of sailing the nameless one.

    Today I give you my view of how this feature could be realised in game in the most fitting way possible.

    Here we go — Ship Name Combination List. Go on, take a look at it!

    So the idea is simple — you cant write down your own name (like you do with your pets), but you can choose from a wide variety of available nouns, verbs and adjectives! But moreover, you can combine them together to make your title more unique and immersive! That way ship names will be a part of customization system — some titles would be only accessible through pirate emporium, others through commendations and etc. Imagine the possible profit for Rares!

    But customization is useless if you cant showcase it to the others, right? I've foreseen this also! Look:

    Your ships name would be displayed on the map for your alliance crew or for anyone on the server if you placed a death mark upon yourself. But most importantly, it would be seen below your name!

    Now lets talk about available options. I did a small work but its already excites my mind about all the possible combinations and how they display your pirates temper and playstyle.
    You want tough and edgy ship name? How bout Cutting Sword? Or Bloody Berserk? If you want a more virtuous name — try Queen's Shield!
    I also like sentimental options — how bout Mother's Cry?

    Ofcourse there is a room for dirty and offensive titles, but they easily could be blocked off the list. For example, if you choose "Mother's" as adjective, "Lover" noun shall be blocked and etc.

    What do you think? Please let me know about this! Is there any combinations you really liked? Show them!

    P.S. sorry for mistakes if theres any, English is not my native =^-^=

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  • @a-c-w1477 great work. I love it. Nice solution to the potential of offensive titles

  • There's a very high chance that rare has been planning adding ship names into the game since the start, the galleon even has a name plate

  • As much as I like this idea I would rather write my own name for it.

    Main reason is incase somebody already has chosen the name I want or if my name is not available. It would be unique to me.

  • @A-C-W1477 thats a good system to avoid offensive or inappropriate titles. If Rare did allow us to name ships they would probably do something similar to this. Although I would love to name my ship Boaty McBoatFace

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