The Seeker of Ancient Vaults commendation.

  • Why do I need to spend at least 35 hours grinding ancient vaults to unlock ANCIENT VAULT SAILS? They are amazing and recently I spent 5 hours opening 11 ancient vaults to get the commendation and I was wondering why do I have to spend so much time doing one task 100 times. 100 vaults for a single pair of sails, really? for so much time spent on something I could get a whole shipset.

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  • @stings990 commendations in this game are meant to be done over time and not ground out. I find vaults fun to stack on deck and see how many I can get on my boat at once.

    But there are plenty of other long winded commendations.

    250 completions/ 1000 nautical miles per company.
    500 skelly ships
    grade 5 for all hunter call commendations
    legendary sea dog

    those are just the easy to remember ones. there are plenty more.

    My advice is to take this game for what it is. Log in and have fun, commendations will come as they do.

  • In my view the best way to handle a grindy commendation is to do a little of everything every time you get to sail and eventually stuff will complete

    an example from my adventures is legendary hunter of the sea of thieves. It's a grind and I have zero interest in sitting there letting my brain rot from the monotony of in game fishing so over the last 6 months or so I've incorporated heavily searching barrels, shipwrecks, rowboats, and storage crates. This allows me to do many things at once, it breaks up monotony, and I get supplies all the time for the adventure at hand. When you look at a goal as opportunity to have fun it is no longer a chore.

    Maybe you do a vault a day maybe you do 2 or 3 it doesn't really matter eventually it will get done and you'll not only feel good about it you'll have plenty of memories from the time spent achieving your goal. Enjoy the journey because there is a lot more to enjoy along the way than there is after you've done everything

  • why should do a new player x markings instead of ancient vaults? when he get sails at the end? thats a bit stupid ,they should give sails for x markings as well.

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in The Seeker of Ancient Vaults commendation.:

    why should do a new player x markings instead of ancient vaults? when he get sails at the end? thats a bit stupid ,they should give sails for x markings as well.

    What about the riddles, eh?

  • @captain-coel Thanks a lot for your answer and your advice!

  • @wolfmanbush Thanks for the advice, this game can become really grindy when you forget to have fun.

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