Stuck UI for "Propose the voyage on the captain's table"

  • Hello! New player here, started out less than a week ago.

    Every time I start the game, I'm greeted by the same introductory spiel by the Mysterious Stranger — the one he gave me right after my Maiden Voyage. I've started the game close to 10 times now, and this happened every single one of them.

    Also: the "Propose the voyage on the captain's table" message is stuck on my screen whenever I'm on the ship. (And whenever I'm not, it tells me to get to my ship so I can propose the voyage on the table.)

    I already tried doing a full gameplay loop of proposing a voyage and completing it, but the issues did not disappear.

    I've been absolutely in love with the game, but these bugs are dulling a great deal of its shine.

    How can I make the game recognize that I'm not on my first play session and stop showing me this introductory chat and messages?

    So, what can I do? Is this a known issue?

    A few extra details:

    • I'm on PC, via Game Pass.
    • Every time the text box issue happened, I was playing solo, sloop, on a closed session. The one time I played with a friend, I started my session with the Mysterious Stranger introductory speech, but I didn't have the text box stuck on my screen.
    • Not sure if related, but when I was doing my first full voyage to try and see if the issue would disappear, I've had a (quite funny) bug in which the "[Item] sold!" and "Reputation up" banners and accompanying sound effects for a haul played out of the blue, when I was far out into the open sea, many minutes after I actually sold that haul. Very weird. On other hauls, I didn't have the banners appear at all.
    • When I played multiplayer, I do not remember if my proposed voyage was voted in, or the other player's.
  • 7
    mysterious strangerbug
  • I'm pretty sure you have to complete all the steps before those messages stop for good. That is, not just propose and complete a gold hoarder voyage, but after you dig up the chest you need to return and sell it at an outpost. Only then will it recognize that you are finished with the tutorial.

  • @marath0n3r That's what I thought, so I tried to do that today. Did it right before writing this post. I proposed and voted (by myself) on a voyage, completed all the quests related to it, and then turned every item (except for maybe a couple that I might have lost in the way) for cash on an outpost. The game even displayed a "Voyage completed" message.

    By the way, it was a ton of work. Took me probably longer than two hours, as I got three islands with buried chests, they weren't close to each other, and the last one was not only huge, but had three chests — one of which was a Chest of Rage (which was a pain in the butt to deliver) and another a Humble Gift (which caused me to have to sail halfway across the world in addition to simply going back to an outpost).

    I only left the game once I had nothing else to do related to that particular voyage, and still the issue persists.

  • I've heard elsewhere that apparently there's a canonical "first voyage", called something like "A quest for glittering gold", that just has you getting a single chest from an X-marks-the-spot map. If that's the case, I don't think I did this one, as all the voyages I've done were more complex than a single X.

    (Almost as soon as I awoke in the tavern after the Maiden Voyage, I jumped into a multiplayer session with a friend.)

    I don't even think I HAVE this voyage on me. Can someone tell me its exact name and how/where/from whom do I get it?

  • @bracht1789 I think it's usually given to you, or you buy it from the gold hoarder, as part of the tutorial process after completing the Maiden Voyage.

    You could try running through the Maiden Voyage again (and if you haven't completed all the commendations for it, you may want to do that anyways) and see if the tutorial continues for you once you wake up in the tavern?

    If that doesn't work, I'd submit a support ticket explaining the situation and they might be able to manually mark it as completed for you.

  • @d3adst1ck What if I told you I've already completed all Maiden Voyage commendations 😓

    I'm starting to believe the only real fix would really be for Rare themselves to flag the tutorial as done on my account in the back end. Hopefully they can do that.

    I opened a support ticket as soon as I published this topic, but I have no idea how efficient Rare's support is, so I'm still looking for community help, if anyone has more ideas...

  • Solved it!

    I've heard elsewhere that apparently there's a canonical "first voyage", called something like "A quest for glittering gold", that just has you getting a single chest from an X-marks-the-spot map. If that's the case, I don't think I did this one, as all the voyages I've done were more complex than a single X.

    Turns out I did have this voyage on me, and the solution was to complete specifically this one. Not any other, but this exact one.

    It would probably be a good idea to rewrite the tutorial box in the UI to specifically say the name of the voyage you're expected to do... either that, or make it go away no matter what voyage you propose+vote in the Captain's table.

    Anyway, this topic can be closed now.

mysterious strangerbug
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