Alliance Servers

  • Hey, how can i find a full server alliance? there is discord groups or something? i really want to be in one..

  • 20
  • @macquid Ahoy matey!

    Welcome to the forum :) May I suggest taking a look through some of our Find a Crew posts, you may find a community there offering you the experience you are after!

  • @musicmee Thanks you, ill try to look for something :D

  • They are growing!

  • @macquid well one way to get in an alliance server is:

    1. Get lucky and join one randomly
    2. Know people and groups that post about it and will let you join as stated above
    3. Start one! It's what I do! Just go to every ship you see and tell them what you want to do. Your be surprised how many people wanna share profits rather than steal them lol
  • @macquid said in Alliance Servers:

    Hey, how can i find a full server alliance? there is discord groups or something? i really want to be in one..

    How about you don't and actually put some real work to get to Pirate Legend? This is supposed to be a PvPvE game, not a "sharing is caring" simulator. We're pirates!

  • I wouldn’t join one. If you intend to join for progression without risk of enemy players, then don’t. #bemorepirate

  • @illbushido305 I mean, I probably wouldn't play on one. But getting more loot for less risk and less work, and thumbing your nose at what alot of the community thinks is the proper way of doing things? Sound pretty piraty to me. I don't think many of the people who say be more pirate really understand pirates.

  • @william-flint said in Alliance Servers:

    @illbushido305 I mean, I probably wouldn't play on one. But getting more loot for less risk and less work, and thumbing your nose at what alot of the community thinks is the proper way of doing things? Sound pretty piraty to me. I don't think many of the people who say be more pirate really understand pirates.

    People that do alliance servers don't understand the point of the game. Alliances are supposed to be tenuous, not guaranteed bonds of trust. Alliance Servers, by extension, corrupt the spirit of the game by removing any risk of having other players attack you; you can effectively play a singleplayer or co-op PvE game, which isn't how Sea of Thieves was designed or intended to be enjoyed.

  • @blam320 alas Rare actively supports such discords and encourages the use of privately controlled servers ( On this very forum) then have to try to fix an unfixable, broken economy. Either it's against the TOS to take over servers and in a way "cheat" at the game, or it is not. No official statement from Rare for years means its fair game and you don't actually have to play a game where you can encounter risk at any time, but instead, get infinite rewards to obtain faux pride.

    Apart from monitoring who is in discords, you cannot tell who plays legit and who doesn't. This renders all cosmetic rewards in the game, completely void of value.

  • @blam320 said in Alliance Servers:

    @macquid said in Alliance Servers:

    Hey, how can i find a full server alliance? there is discord groups or something? i really want to be in one..

    How about you don't and actually put some real work to get to Pirate Legend? This is supposed to be a PvPvE game, not a "sharing is caring" simulator. We're pirates!

    The best post on this thread, uglyword the alliances!

  • @blam320 sagte in Alliance Servers:

    How about you don't and actually put some real work to get to Pirate Legend? This is supposed to be a PvPvE game, not a "sharing is caring" simulator. We're pirates!

    Pirate + real work ???

    made my day
    let's hope you put the same standards to people who hop servers for solely PvP.
    Isn't: Let everyone play like he want to a claim here?

    @William-Flint is completely right!

    And as you can see Moderators here help them too.
    And with the DA Set pricetags Rare drives almost everyone to Alliance Servers.
    Normal players cannot afford it otherwise, but for sure want it, because the game is mostly about getting cosmetics right?
    I also dont like to play on Alliance Servers, only tried 2 times in 2018, but with DA-Set price i consider to do it again occasinally to counter the elitism about the Set/ Gold and #bemorepirate when choosing to be smart not bold, but dumb.

  • @blam320 I didn't dispute any of that. I just pointed out that be more pirate is a silly thing to say in response to a shortcut they would probably take if they could.

  • @william-flint said in Alliance Servers:

    @illbushido305 I mean, I probably wouldn't play on one. But getting more loot for less risk and less work, and thumbing your nose at what alot of the community thinks is the proper way of doing things? Sound pretty piraty to me. I don't think many of the people who say be more pirate really understand pirates.

    You’re twisting my whole point. It’s not “piraty” to alliance with five ships share everything and be nice to each other. That’s being the opposite of a pirate. You’re being more of a Merchant Trader server like that which defies the purpose of the game.

  • @illbushido305 nah everyone should play however they like, regardless of what you want them to do 🤣

  • @satanicnemesis said in Alliance Servers:

    @blam320 alas Rare actively supports such discords and encourages the use of privately controlled servers ( On this very forum) then have to try to fix an unfixable, broken economy. Either it's against the TOS to take over servers and in a way "cheat" at the game, or it is not. No official statement from Rare for years means its fair game and you don't actually have to play a game where you can encounter risk at any time, but instead, get infinite rewards to obtain faux pride.

    Apart from monitoring who is in discords, you cannot tell who plays legit and who doesn't. This renders all cosmetic rewards in the game, completely void of value.

    Rare's implementation of private servers specifically disabled all progression so that people couldn't easily form mega-alliance servers and farm their way to Pirate Legend without putting in any sort of real effort.

  • @blam320 i wasn't talking about their in game custom servers. I provided a link to the forum page which has recruitment threads hosted for alliance server discords.

  • @thagoochiestman said in Alliance Servers:

    @illbushido305 nah everyone should play however they like, regardless of what you want them to do 🤣

    Yeah everyone should play how they want but milking gold, rep, and commendations with no risk is massively exploiting the game. Alliance servers are out of the question for how to play if you just want to farm pve with no risk. When someone actually attacks you you’ll end up not doing so well because of a lack of practice.

  • Taking into account other comments, I think the best compromise would be loading screen alliances, where you have a loading screen that has say, 8 player slots max, and you could fill it up with ships that represent a number of slots, 2 for sloop, 3 for Brig, 4 for Galleon. It could also be as few as 6 slots if 8 is considered OP.

    Then, friends could ally up, and have each other's backs, making PvE players feel safer. However, the system would be balanced in such a way that it wouldn't be a full PvE server, and PvP could still take place, especially if your 'friends' back stabbed you in game.

  • @MacQuid

    Hey, I give you props for just openly coming out and looking.

    Even though I don't agree that you should go that route and think Alliances servers should be dealt with, I give respect that you came out and just said "hey where can I find alliances servers" versus the token "I need PvE Servers and hate this game" post. Making the best of what you have available to you. Go for it broski if you find it.

    Like @Musicmee said, you can go to the look in the "Find a Crew" posts, or you can check reddit. Lots of them there and can even find some peeps on the official Sea of Thieves discord.

    Also, if you are on xbox, you can honestly find those servers REALLY easy on the LFG service in your xbox app. Lots of those posts are pretty much server alliance posts for xbox only.

    I really feel that you are missing out, but good luck out there.

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