Adding a PvP Event

  • Rare admit to agreeing with any play style that the sea of thieves provides. PvEers, PvPers and PvEvPers. So I think it’s about time we see a PvP related event. (Since there have been many, many PvE events so far). There has never really been anything in Adventure Mode that requires players to kill or fight other players. The Reapers Bones Faction was close to being one of the greatest parts about this game, a purely PvP/stealing faction. However, the majority of the users of this faction, use it just for a gold boost for their world event stacks.

    To make a PvP event fair, it would make sense that there wouldn’t be a large number of kills/damage dealt to other players or ships required to progress and complete this event. This will avoid the exclusion of new players or lower skilled/inexperienced PvPers to the event.

    I think a lot of the SoT player base would support this and see it as an interesting addition for however long the event was active. It would also encourage player with little PvP experience to take part in PvP, which in turn will benefit them with enjoyment or improvement in PvP in general, which will support these players to defend their PvE loot in the future. Win-Win for both sides.

    EDIT: I just want to a address I’m not a crying PvPer who wants Rare to sacrifice all their work just to abide to the diehard PvPers who only care for the PvP in this game. I am very interested in the PvE in this game as well. I just thought that a PvP event would be a nice thing to add since the events have mainly been PvE based.

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  • Every event is a potential PVP event. It doesn't really make sense to try to add one specifically for this, because if you end up in a server where no one wants to PvP then the event just sits there. You also haven't really provided any details on how this event would actually work.

  • Difficulty with finding people to PvP at times would definitely be an issue I agree. I partially agree with every event being a potential PvP event. They normally do encourage more questing and therefore loot gathering, which can then be stolen. However a lot of events sometimes don’t produce a lot to fight for. Take ‘Festival of Fishing’ as an example, not the most PvP friendly event? As well as the ‘Fate of the Damned’ update. Those quests could take around an hour for some players and they would produce a few skulls of the damned and a ritual skull. Nothing really significant for PvPers to aim for. I do mainly PvP for the fun, but a fair reward is also quite important to me. About not providing specific details for a PvP event, my post was mainly intended for hearing other people’s views on the idea of a PvP event.

  • @hexternal There is nothing stopping you (other than other players obviously...) from stealing peoples fish......

  • @hexternal said in Adding a PvP Event:

    Difficulty with finding people to PvP at times would definitely be an issue I agree. I partially agree with every event being a potential PvP event. They normally do encourage more questing and therefore loot gathering, which can then be stolen. However a lot of events sometimes don’t produce a lot to fight for. Take ‘Festival of Fishing’ as an example, not the most PvP friendly event? As well as the ‘Fate of the Damned’ update. Those quests could take around an hour for some players and they would produce a few skulls of the damned and a ritual skull. Nothing really significant for PvPers to aim for. I do mainly PvP for the fun, but a fair reward is also quite important to me. About not providing specific details for a PvP event, my post was mainly intended for hearing other people’s views on the idea of a PvP event.

    Fate of the damned was actually far underrated when it comes to pvp. It created many more FOTD's on servers for a short time. That's the sort of thing that truly feeds pvp in reality.

    If they really wanted to bring in more opportunity for hostilities all they would need to do is improve the merge algorithm to keep servers consistently near full capacity and release a quest that made it quicker to get the ingredients for a FOTD

    the rest would work itself out

  • @triheadedmonkey I personally value fish quite highly myself, but I know a huge amount of the player base do not. Fish however can be defended far more easily by players as 5-20 fish can be stored on players depending on the size of the crew. If the crew is storing their fish in their barrels and they sink, all the fish is gone. I understand this can also be controlled by skilled players attempting to steal said fish, as they can board, notice the fish being stored in the barrels and protect the ship from sinking, as well as transferring all of the enemy’s fish out of the barrels. However, situations will arise where attackers will lose all the potential loot (fish) by the other ship sinking, without possibly being able to stop it from happening. Examples could be the enemy ship sinking to a skeleton ship or kraken. Although this would be a rare occurrence, it still poses this significant issue.

  • @wolfmanbush I do agree with the update increasing FOTD occurrences, however the event quest itself does not provide much ‘gold/doubloon’ valuable loot, I am not undermining the overall value of the ritual skull, as it does start the FOTD, however many players will not want to use the ritual skull for the FOTD, due to them not having time or not being interested. ‘Fate of the Damned’ was probably a bad example overall to highlight for my post, that is my fault. However I still do believe the thought of a PvP event isn’t insane.

  • This update will be good for some....bad for those that cross me.

    I will sneak onboard....and just bite the heads off all the fish and then disappear. If the crew is hot mic'ing then make it sound like one of them did it...mwuahahahaha

  • @Hexternal
    @D3ADST1CK is right here -every Event is a possible PvP Event, we had some of them end of 2018.
    Rum Runners and the Thieves Have run is still kinda some.
    Every Server Event is a PvEvP Event.

    @hexternal sagte in Adding a PvP Event:

    Rare admit to agreeing with any play style that the sea of thieves provides. PvEers, PvPers and PvEvPers.

    let me ask you where is that from, becuase i think it is wrong or lets say this was never said.
    First of all the game is about PvE that is contested in a open free for all PvP world.
    Call it PvEvP or PvPvE it doesnt matter because it says the same, PvE and PvP belong together.
    There is no PvErs tbh. you cannot not PvP in SoT, even if you run or just watch the horizon you are already preapring, defeding, reacting to possible threads.
    This is not an Arena, this is a sandbox like environment and the PvP is all around.
    The pirates focussing on PvP solely have a self inflicted problem in a game that wasnt made to solely PvP.
    You can do that all power to you, but please dont try to change the game to your favors, it would only disturb the balance of the game in regards of PvEvP.
    PvP happens best organically, because this is a sandbox adventure, again not an Arena you login and know where and what to fight.

    So I think it’s about time we see a PvP related event. (Since there have been many, many PvE events so far).

    Again, all the PvE Events happen in a open PvP environemnt, they were all PvEvP Events.

    There has never really been anything in Adventure Mode that requires players to kill or fight other players.

    For good reasons, you can go o Arena to do that. Not that i support Arena, it is exactly the thing that attracted all the PvP demanding players who just seem to not understand the game in adventure mode.

    The Reapers Bones Faction was close to being one of the greatest parts about this game, a purely PvP/stealing faction. However, the majority of the users of this faction, use it just for a gold boost for their world event stacks.

    seen, best evidence for what the game really is and not what many PvP focussed players think about and want it to be.

    To make a PvP event fair, it would make sense that there wouldn’t be a large number of kills/damage dealt to other players or ships required to progress and complete this event. This will avoid the exclusion of new players or lower skilled/inexperienced PvPers to the event.

    there is already some stolen loots achievements/ commendations.

    I think a lot of the SoT player base would support this and see it as an interesting addition for however long the event was active. It would also encourage player with little PvP experience to take part in PvP, which in turn will benefit them with enjoyment or improvement in PvP in general, which will support these players to defend their PvE loot in the future. Win-Win for both sides.

    EDIT: I just want to a address I’m not a crying PvPer who wants Rare to sacrifice all their work just to abide to the diehard PvPers who only care for the PvP in this game. I am very interested in the PvE in this game as well. I just thought that a PvP event would be a nice thing to add since the events have mainly been PvE based.

    then best is to have PvP happen organic and restrict the serverhopping and make the server events or one new server event be super intersting and everone want to do it and is willing to figh for it.

    this was how it was in early 2018 and forts. And it was the best time regarding PvP in SoT.
    Forts spawned Rare and provided the best and worthy loot in the game, everyone wanted to do them and earn gold to buy the first cosmetics.
    The problem with less contestes Server Events and loot is, loot comes by very easy in multiple ways, people are saturated with gold and loot to easily and its not worth the hassle to fight over an event, because the next one pops up in 30 minutes and if there is not the event you want people hop server.
    People hop server to find and to avoid PvP.
    All this are decicions Rare made over the time analysing the data.
    Now the game is popular and we have a split community of hardcore PvE ginders, hardcore PvP hoppers and whatnot.

    An event no matter what will be cheesed, avoided or grinded and change nothing.

    If you want more PvP Rare need to have something rarely happening on servers, that cannot be cheesed by hopping servers and almost everyone want to do it and is willing to fight for it.

  • I like this idea - how about maybe making an Arenas specific event, or a limited time new game mode for Arenas or something like that? As a regular arena player who spends as much time waiting in lobbies as in the actual match, I think this already existing game mode could use a little love.

  • @stundorn I simply suggested a PvP style event, to perhaps observe what would happen? 1-3 weeks of an event that people could complete in 5-6 hours. STRICTLY TEMPORARY. Don’t group me with the Diehard only PvP players, I mean, I did write it right there on my post. Such a short event would not destroy that game, if it wouldn’t go well, better off that it was an event and Rare don’t need to add something like it again. I didn’t ask Rare to turn the game into an Arena, we have a game mode for that.

  • @hexternal

    like i said we already had this, but has not increasd PvP or made it any better.
    I'm not against some Run Runner Events like Reaper Runs of shipwrecked Bay or other Mercenary Events/ Voyages.

    I have done them all with success.

    the wandering Reaper

    the inevitable Reaper

    the Shipwreck Reaper

  • @hexternal

    So I know what you want except thats not how the game works.

    The game isn't suppose to be about forcing types of gameplay, even though it LOVES to do it with telling us to do things while allianced or to STEAL things specifically.

    I love PvP but I am not a fan of commendations that say to ally or to steal. That is dictating how I earn something.

    Back to the point though, the world events are suppose to be the PvP events. The reason why they are not is because the game is more commendation focused then Loot focused.

    The events are suppose to be the KEY place to get loot. A large assortment of loot from defeating a contested event.

    The issues with this model is that they changed it from how it originally worked. Loot is so abundant that players don't really need to do the events because they can earn the same amount simply by sailing from one island to the next. Skelly ship, megladon, loot in the water. There is loot everywhere so unless you need a commendation there is no need to do the events.

    That is one of the biggest issues.

    However, this is slowly being changed with the recent seasons and the new cosmetics they are adding.

    The high priced cosmetics are now pushing players to focus on earning Gold as the priority not commendation completion. Which is why you see more emissary's recently out on the seas. Players need that multiplier.

    Another push would be to rebalance loot in its entirety for the game.

    Reduce the abundance of loot in the game. Make it more rare to find loot outside of quests or events and make the World spawns drop less loot overall.

    Have Events spawn higher tier loot with more lower tier loot. Reduce the spawn rate of events to entice players to try their luck when they see it.

    Rework quests from their monotony. I don't think they should have added the buying quests from the outposts, I think they should have worked exclusively with messages in a bottle.

    Kill a skelly captain and it could drop a compass that points to a vault, or find a dig map and it has the potential to have a key and a map that leads to a sunken merchant ship.

    That way the direction you go is random but it increases the chances for higher teir loot as you play.

    Athena's could have been event driven. A compass that you pick up from the fort that acts like the fort key. It points to the Athena at an island. Things of that nature.

    Remove completion commendation, or just remove commendations period. Honestly. Players cried about wanting commendations to feel special for completing stuff but the original version of that was cosmetics.

    Now its "oh hey I killed this boss like 20 times har har" when it used to be "holy hell, those guys actually leveled up high enough and saved up enough cash to get that cosmetic?? damn.."

    Making an event strictly for PvP is a bad idea overall just like telling players to get commendations by forcing them to ally or forcing them to complete quests.

    I hope you understood what I was trying to say but yeah, to get the game back to how it was they need to make some changes.

  • @hexternal I would say a good 80% of this game is PVP related. every time you step foot on a ship, or island, or outpost you are thrust into PVP regardless of if your aware of it or not. They keep the PvE events going to keep the non-pirate stuff up so the pirates can PVP.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Adding a PvP Event:

    I will sneak onboard....and just bite the heads off all the fish and then disappear.


  • I much as a pvp event would be cool, that's kinda the point of the other events and no one does them. People are too chicken to actually take risks in the game half the time. Can't blame them what with the garbage pvp is now ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • @hexternal

    Their approach is to add PvE material that encourages player interaction of any kind. Skull Forts, Fort of the Damned, Skeleton Ships, Ashen Lords, you name it. This is all about bringing players together by motivating them with a high value event.

    So when you get there, it may be a battle or it may be a shaky alliance... who knows? I mean I like PvP, but I like going to the events and not knowing what kind of players will be at the events. That's too predictable for Sea of Thieves.

    I think Rare's current approach is wonderful and really allows the unique unpredictable social dynamic of this game to shine.

  • @chronodusk My post was not referring to world events, it’s referring to limited-time events. I do love the world events as they support both sides amazingly well. Fun and rewarding for PvE, with the same reasoning for PvP also, I agree with that.

  • @hexternal said in Adding a PvP Event:

    @chronodusk My post was not referring to world events, it’s referring to limited-time events.

    They did once. With arena. And it was kinda sucky tbh.

    Best case is do what they're doing in adventure, and every situation has a better potential to pay out for PvPers who sink ships that have been loading up trying to complete some event challenge

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