Lost shipment bug: manifest but no sunken ship?

  • Over the last couple days, I have encountered a strange bug with the lost shipment voyages. I will follow the clues, find the key, but when I make it to the end of the voyage I find a VERY large flock of seagulls (as opposed the the smallish size flock normally found by the end of the missions) and a floating manifest on the surface of the water with no boat beneath it. This is kind of a disappointment, as the keys don’t work on other sunken ships, so I am stuck selling the key to the merchant alliance without getting the captain’s quarters loot! I am wondering if anyone else has been encountering this, or has found a way to avoid it happening?

    This has happened in 2 of the past 4 lost shipment voyages I have done, making the commendation for opening 50 captains quarters extremely difficult... if the captains quarters doesn’t exist! If this is a common bug, it might be beneficial to hold off on these missions until it’s fixed if you’re wanting that new commendations and sails!

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  • @lancers33
    This happened to me once (done them now twenty or so times).

    Last clue was next to Golden Sands (the destination), and no shipwreck between that position and Golden Sands but there was a large flock of birds North-West of Sailor's Knot Stronghold that I hadn't seen when I looked for a clue on the fort.

    I chalked it up to having no suitable location for the wreck, so the manifest just spawns somewhere on the route instead.

    Too bad you seem to have less luck with these voyages.

  • Well that’s good to know it’s only happened to you 1/20 then! I won’t lose hope! Thanks for the input! :)

  • I just experienced the exact same problem. 2021-03-17

  • Same problem here, happened twice in a row over by Golden Sands.

  • I experienced the same problem, thrice in a row on 2021-03-20

  • Rare fixed it by putting the manifest on top of the water when there is a massive flock of birds..

  • Just had it happen. 21-04-2021
    Seems large bird flock tells you your out of luck

  • Happened 2 times in a row to us, the first was fine but last 2 was bwah no wreck only a manifest

  • I had the large flock with manifest the other day but sunken ship was in another location with a small amount of seagulls

  • Same here last night....

  • Had it back-to-back last night while doing lost shipments in Devil's Roar. We sorta figured it was a bug with the volcanoes "sinking" the sunken ships or something bizarre like that. But it sounds like it's happening a lot around Golden Sands too.

  • Happened to me this afternoon.
    I made 4 Lost Shipment voyages ;
    First one ended with a wrong named shipwreck, unusable key (Trust me, I spent a lot of time looking for another shipwreck..)
    Second one was fine, got my rewards.
    Third and last one I only found manifests floating under a patch of seagulls, 0 shipwrecks.

    A well spent "Gold and Glory" afternoon

    I feel kinda bad because 2 days earlier, when the Gold and Glory event began, I gathered 6 Vaults keys, and didn't get any double gold/rep on all of that (Blue gems for 1k, Captains chests for 900, etc..)

    Edit ; Happened to me 1 more time today
    Edit 2 ; Okay 2 more times. I'm done making Lost shipments. Ever. ( That's 5 out of 6 lost shipments voyages done for almost nothing)

  • This happened to me twice in a row today, really disappointing

  • so me and my buddy have done like 8 of these, and 6 of the 8 have not had a ship. almost seems pointless to do these now.

  • 3 times in a row for me.. idk if i should try again... its a waste of time if it happen again sigh 4/2/2021

  • I have done about 20 of these missions and not had a single problem, but i'm also not quite at rank 45 (top tier) yet. i'm starting to think its a problem with either the top tier voyages. dumb question, please don't beat me up but is there any chance people just aren't finding them. I have had a problem finding the wreck a few times, but after a very long time searching (about 45 min) i was always able to find them in the end.

  • @shifty189 We did one last week and when we got the birds, manifest and no ship at the end, but also got the "Voyage Complete" notice, we were pretty sure it was the reported ship glitch. Everything was gone from the wheel, no maps or clues, seemed broken.

  • @pollyoliverperk
    the voyage complete part makes me think yes this is a true bug and i'm just getting very lucky. Thanks for the update.

  • I've complete all commendation relate to this quest and It probably happen to me 10-15 time pretty annoying to complete the cabin fever commendation

  • this keeps happening to me where at least half the voyages I attempt do not have a shipwreck. Only a manifest.

  • I've had this glitch happen to me like 4 out of the 5 times I've attempted the voyage in the past few days, and the one where it didn't happen, a key didn't spawn so I still didn't get the extra loot. (I'm sure I didn't just miss the key)

  • Same thing has happened to me 5 times in a row now and Im really frustrated about it

  • The same just happened to me today

  • Just happened to me 16/04/2021

  • Happened to me twice in a row 4/18 once in shores of plenty, once in the wilds.

  • Happened to me as well but I have the captains key. What am I supposed to do with it?

  • @majorpainzzz
    You sell it
    I just had this bug again twice in a row. Both times, just the manifest. I thought the patch notes said they added crates to collect along with the manifest?

  • Me and my friend did 4 voyage, 2 of them there was no ship, just manifest... so sad. 21/04/2021

  • Just had this happen to me too. Glad I’m not the only one, but it sucks because I was trying to get grade 5 :/

  • @briannasings16 said in Lost shipment bug: manifest but no sunken ship?:

    Just had this happen to me too. Glad I’m not the only one, but it sucks because I was trying to get grade 5 :/

    That's disappointing. I thought the patch notes stated that the cargo was supposed to be floating along with the manifest now.

  • @jasonk-36o
    Not to sure on the patches, I don’t pay to much attention but it happened to me twice as well. I only did it to get emissary five and I found them next to the first or second clue so I’m not too mad but I recommend just doing the new merchant stuff once your em 5. Hella gold and emissary value.

  • Just happened to me as well. Went through the clues and the last clue was less than a square away from the destination which I thought was weird and I had to go looking all around Smuggler's and didn't see it there. I decided to go back through the route and saw a large flock of birds but when I got there there was no ship only the manifest floating in the water and when I grabbed it, it said voyage complete. I have done a couple of these now and there was no key on about 2 or 3 of them and the time I find the key there's no ship. My route was from Golden Sands to Smuggler's and I read through this thread and it seemed like the common denominator was Golden Sands? Not entirely sure but that's my theory for now. 4-23-2021

  • Yes, happened to me just now. 4-26-2021

  • Just had this bug 5 OUT OF 7 times. 27-04-2021

    Server 1: sloop/2 voyages, both=no-ship's. Had keys for both. First voyage grabbed all the clues.

    Server 2: sloop/3 voyages 1st and 3rd=no-ship's. Found all clues on the last voyage. Last no-ship was in a storm.

    Server 3: sloop/2 voyages, first=no-ship. Had key. server had one clue spawn on an already active FoF. (was up before I began voyage)

    I don't remember how many in total but several of the no-ship's spawned with manifests floating in completely open water, no land remotely close. nothing would indicate that the shipwreck would collide or conflict with anything.

    Build: 6570990

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