Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium

  • @felixking5821

    NO it would NOT be funny, that kind of racist comments are the ones that should be deleted and why adding Furries would even make a better year for Sea of Thieves

    Just for clarification the comment is bigotry not racism. Secondly, again, reasons are important. If its for inclusivity or agenda pushing I'm completely against it. I was against the rainbow flag of war for this reason.

    They could add a rainbow flag, rainbow boat, rainbow clouds and I would be completely for it, just so long as they said "we think rainbows are awesome, people like rainbows, we are adding rainbows". Totally for it because the reason is just that its fun and we enjoy it.

    No agenda pushing nor inclusivity reasons.

    You want furries because you and others want to be furries in game, TOTALLY FOR IT, thats awesome more cosmetics sweet. Someone wants cosmetics that look like clowns go for it. Someone wants cosmetics that make you look like an alien go for it. You say you want furries because you want a community to feel some kind of inclusivity and want that pushed into the game?? I'm against it. Again, you can't have inclusivity when in society we literally pick and choose who we deem worthy enough to be included. There are a lot of no no groups and communities that society says including is bad, yet we are suppose to welcome "everyone" and make sure everyone feels "included". Double standards and hypocrisy.

    These types of reasons always end up dividing the community and the people in general. They cause arguments, fights, hate between the people. Its pointless and endless. Reason why the world is getting more and more divided.

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    The reasons behind wanting something is very important because it determines whether or not you are trying to make your business everyone elses.

  • Don't we already have something like this covered with the Splashtail costume? Considering the game is based on nautical themes it makes sense to trade fir for scales. Beyond that, let's keep politics out of the game. Citing it as a lifestyle doesn't mean it needs to be in the game, being a biker is a lifestyle too, so should Rare add motorcycles to welcome that community? You are free to be the pirate you want to be.

  • @Musicmee

    Troll post that’ll probably cause a stir up. Might want to lock this one.

  • I'd say it's far from normal behavior. Please don't try to ruin Sea of Thieves, It's a pirate game.

  • [mod edit]

  • [mod edit]

  • I actually chuckled when I saw this thread, well done xD

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  • @vexllin said in Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium:

    [mod edit]

    @vexllin said in Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium:

    [mod edit]

    @vexllin said in Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium:

    [mod edit]

    Take it down a notch there friend. You already made your point that you don’t want to see their suggestion implemented. You are clearly having a reaction here. They are talking about clothing. Same stuff you might see someone wear at a sporting event. Not whatever you are turning it into. You’re crossing the line.

  • [mod edit]

  • @vexllin Several of your posts have been edited or removed as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • Wouldn't expect anything for free, things cost wages and corporations exist to make money.

    I would back that it's a pretty large community which would pay $10 for the cosmetics though, so is worth them shortlisting for shop content.

  • This has got to be one of the weirdest requests I’ve seen for this game. Not necessarily because of the subject matter but because someone would even ask for this to be added into a Pirate game.

    If this was cod I wouldn’t be surprised because of the type of cosmetics they have in those bundles. Sea of Thieves though, I can’t imagine it happening.

    I’m not saying in any way that people shouldn’t be able to be themselves, but just because you’re apart of a group doesn’t mean you need to be represented in every game you play. It anything I think it would actually bring more harassment your way. If people sink others just because of a rainbow flag I don’t want to think what drama will come out of furry costumes.

  • I think I'd rather see another PvE request thread than this. I'm truly shocked...

  • alt text

  • Funny that ive made a friendly respectful respond to this post and it got removed, hypocricy for the wind.
    Sometimes the modders are crossing red lines in this community, i understand if someone throws an empty insult but removing a reply of disagreement is absurd.

    Sea of Thieves forum is [mod edit], now with furries XD

  • You are totally right to claim that being a furry is a normal behavior and people for sure do not have the rights to tell you otherwise. Fighting to be threated as a "normal" human being instead of getting ridiculed for being the way you are while you're not hurting anyone is for sure something I encourage, but Sea of Thieves is not and shouldn't be your battlefield. This has nothing to do with Sea of Thieves or its lore, even PE Cosmetics should try to stick to the World's lore and or aesthetic (Spartan ship cosmetic for example are a tribute to Halo, but they adapted the art style to feel more like Sea of Thieves instead of adding futuristic and high-tech stuff which is at the core of a game set in a distant future).

    The pirate code already express quite clearly that the Sea of Thieves is for EVERYONE, there's no need to go deep into every single "political battle" that is being fought irl. Games can't and should help fighting every single battle IN GAME, specially if not related to their game's identity (and a Pirate themed game has nothing to di with furries imo, as it has nothing to do with drag queens or whatever "way of being" is highly recognizable throught the way you express yourself with your look/dressing). They can support a cause on twitter if they must.

  • @pellahh said in Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium:

    The pirate code already express quite clearly that the Sea of Thieves is for EVERYONE, there's no need to go deep into every single "political battle" that is being fought irl. Games can't and should help fighting every single battle IN GAME, specially if not related to their game's identity (and a Pirate themed game has nothing to di with furries imo, as it has nothing to do with drag queens or whatever "way of being" is highly recognizable throught the way you express yourself with your look/dressing). They can support a cause on twitter if they must.

    Exactly this. Besides not being a fan of the style and finding it has nothing to do with the theme of the game, it simply bothers me to see groups making demands with entitlement, claiming inclusivity as a pretext to add anything and everything just because, then crying racism and bigotry if people disagree with their views.

    It would be the same if any religious group would pop up one day, demand for a free ship set and cosmetics, all patting each other in the back and agreeing it must happen, then screaming bigotry and racism from the moment that a few people point out it has nothing to do with the game and seems out of place (in game, people can do whatever in their personal lives).

    Politic, religion and identity politics should be left ashore and people should enjoy the game provided to them. But whatever, people can mass flag this post too because I don't agree with them I suppose.

  • Hey @faceyourdemon, your comment was removed because it came off as derogatory and not respectful, not simply a statement of disagreement. I've now edited your last comment, too, because you specifically target one country/nation in a derisive fashion which others may find baiting.

    Please engage more thoughtfully with posts, even if you disagree, or further action may be taken against your account in the future.


  • I'm not surprised 3 mods tagged themselves in here already. I can literally feel the increasing pressure on them right now. Such an uncomfortable spot to be in. Can't lock the thread because they'd be discriminating the minority, but can't really prevent the backlash of people who feel provoked either. An actual checkmate. Smart move to keep it under sharp supervision though, this really is a sensitive topic, with great risk for big scandal and thus, consequences.

    @BloodyBil as well as others around here said it very well though. Be who/whatever you want to be, nobody will mind. Just don't feel obliged to shove that into other people's faces, and peace shall forever thrive.

    Now, putting minorities and inequalities topic aside. Things are actually quite simple. These costumes really just DON'T fit the game. Even if Rare adapted them to it, say they create a skeleton lord fluff costume, it will still feel out of spot/character. Simple as that fellas.

    So let's all bring down the pitchforks and torches, and lift high our grogs instead!

    Cheers me mateys, and fair winds!

  • @greengrimz said in Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium:

    I'm not surprised 3 mods tagged in here already. I can literally feel the increasing pressure on them right now. Such an uncomfortable spot to be in. Can't lock the thread because they'd be discriminating the minority, but can't really prevent the backlash of people who feel provoked either. An actual checkmate. Smart move to keep it under sharp supervision though, this really is a sensitive topic, with great risk for big scandal and thus, consequences.

    Lifestyles threads are always controversial and most people want to evade reality when playing games, not walk on eggs not to offend anyone.

    @BloodyBil as well as others around here said it very well though. Be who/whatever you want to be, nobody will mind. Just don't feel obliged to shove that into other people's faces, and peace shall forever thrive.

    Now, putting minorities and inequalities topic aside. Things are actually quite simple. These costumes really just DON'T fit the game. Even if Rare adapted them to it, say they create a skeleton lord fluff costume, it will still feel out of spot/character. Simple as that fellas.

    So let's all bring down the pitchforks and torches, and lift high our grogs instead!

    Cheers me mateys, and fair winds!

    We have the sea of sands set, we have the oriental set, if we were to have a viking set that would fit the aesthetics of SoT with pelts and whatnot, now that something that could be cool, an addition of cosmetics for it's visual and style, not to prove a point and because the devs have been armwrestled into adding something for the sake of pleasing a lifestyle group or another.

  • @ajm123 said in Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium:

    Wouldn't mind fighting Kermit the frog on a pirate ship tbh …………

    /me looks at his profile picture

    You and me both 😁

  • No offense, but that doesn't really fit with the pirate theme.

    Additionally, something like that makes more sense for a game like fortnite, and I do not want to see SoT become a costume flooded game like fortnite.

  • @furrybond-yt As long as there is no over-the-top rainbow wolves and cats with neon strobe lights, I'm fine with some more animalike curses, and such. The Parrot gloves have talons, surely there could be belts with tails incorporated, anything is possible, I just dont want everything too colorful and out-of-place in-game.

  • @illbushido305 Aye, I smell something fishy with our friend @phuzzybond I mean @Furrybond-YT, specifically in the gamertag and general new-ness to the forum and, not even half an hour spent in the game. Ah, and their Youtube channel is at a 1:1 ratio of viewers and subscribers, with zero views and zero subs, because the channel does not exist. @deckhands

    I respect all communities, and I will respect you no matter who/what you are, who/what you like, and if I slip up, forgive me and let me make things right, but this here, is a troll post and should be locked.

  • @klutchxking518

    I am keeping an eye on this one fur real!

  • @ninja-naranja because it's fake. That's why it seems ludicrous. They've fooled everyone, myself included. Look at their stats, time played, time on the forum, their non-existent Youtube Channel. No player with half an hour in-game is gonna ask for a pirate emporium update.

    Shenaniganery, Tomfoolery, Bamboozlement, and Dumbfoundery is at play.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium:

    but this here, is a troll post and should be locked.

    I don't have the facts on how serious or not serious it is but the conversation at large is a valuable one to have.

    The game has had some moments that I feel are virtue signaling but overall I don't think it has a bad record on it as far as actual content/cosmetics implemented.

    If a company wants to get out in front on a social issue that they want to take the risk on because they believe in it and actually use a significant percentage of the money brought in from the marketing of that issue for improving the cause that's something that at least has substance. That's not typically what happens. Companies use it as a tool for profits and it escalates situations and widens division.

    A company that cares about their product and is passionate about it doesn't have to engage in wave riding to succeed.

    The Dolly Parton method. Just serve the people the product and don't get involved in financial opportunism of heated social and political issues. That doesn't mean individuals don't get to have whatever opinions they have it's just a dedication to a product and the supporters of that product. Things works out a lot better when everyone has their personal opinions and lifestyles but don't try to make them the focus of a shared environment. Everyone gets to believe what they believe and live how they want to live and everyone can just play a pirate game while enjoying their escapism without the drama and negativity of the world that already has too much of it.

    No different than a policy that people used to hold during holidays with the family. No religion no politics no social stuff. Everyone gets along fine up until the point the opinions on those issues come out and now there is a fight in fuzzy slippers on the frozen lawn and the water is shut off outside for the winter so you can't spray them with the hose to break it up.

  • @klutchxking518 I think most of us are just taking it at face value on purpose.

  • @xultanis-dragon lol who hurt you?

  • @klutchxking518 We’ve been tricked, we’ve been backstabbed and we’ve been quite possibly, bamboozled.

  • @thagoochiestman said in Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium:

    @xultanis-dragon lol who hurt you?

    ??? In regards to what??

    I was just laying down some facts. Did anything I say not make sense?? Granted I have issues typing so what part was confusing and I'll try to elaborate.

  • @ghostpaw said in Adding Furfits To The Pirate Emporium:

    @klutchxking518 I think most of us are just taking it at face value on purpose.

    Some took it as a real post. This pirate in fact. Hook, line, and sinker, they caught themselves a ButteryBarnacle.

  • Troll or not doesn't mean it's a terrible idea. I could careless if they did or didn't add animal costumes.

    Just imagine boarding a ship and a Giant ManBearPig one blundy you

    If we take it at face value imagine the possibilities here

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