Capture NO Code (super UNOFFICIAL) Community Catwalk - Show me your Pirate

  • Ahoy maties!

    There is a lot of discussion about the IPG and cosmetics and I am very interested in what y'all look like when sailing the seas.
    Please take your your time and post your pic here. Maybe add some text about your choices. I am sure lots of us will enjoy this.


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    communityscreenshotjust for fun
  • That's me. Just a Bilge Rat from the Roar. Title: mostly Sailor... cause that's what I am!

  • I should eat some of those fish I sell to Merrick!!

  • @beatrman you got the skellie curse 😅

  • The Emerald Scoundrel

    • Bilge Rat Jacket
    • Rotten Bilge Rat Trousers
    • Dirty Rotten Bilge Rat Gloves
    • Legendary Belt
    • Glitterbeard's Beard
    • Bilge Rat Hair
    • Nature's Bounty Hair Dye
    • Makeup of the Ocean Deep
    • Shores of Gold Curse
    • Shark Bitemark Scars (not really visible with this outfit)
    • Umbra's Chronicle Tattoo Set

    And because this is about the IPG, here's what my pirate looks like with default cosmetics (though I think he had a red beard when I rolled him originally)


  • @lordplinde My pirate is my profile picture, of course!

    I like to sport Dark Adventurer mixed with various time-limited cosmetics, such as a Festival of the Damned facepaint, golden M eyepatch, black dog belt, and, recently, I started wearing Ferryman boots.
    Here's a better look:

    And here's my recently finished Insider outfit:

    I also have a really cool blue Triumphant outfit, but I don't have the picture right now.

  • I change it up a bit now and then, but this is my main look for my pirate. Basically as tattered and homeless as I can make her look. The weasely-ist, cowardly-ist, and most aromatic pirate on the high seas.

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    Wish there were more vest or sleeveless jacket cosmetics

    @ruigtand-nl Your pirate's face is phenomenal

  • @bokchoi968

    I changed to this pirate with a potion. Pirates now laugh at me and somehow i get press-ganged a lot into bigger crews only im not allowed near the food 😋

  • Oh, I like this idea!

  • It's not often that I find a new set I like so much... but the Emerald Scoundrel may need to become the Rose Gold Rogue for a little bit! (Also, where's the Thriving Rose compass at???)

  • Here’s me

  • the camera added 10 pounds to my nose

  • Here's my pirate. A bit basic, but oh well.

communityscreenshotjust for fun
12 out of 20