Shrouded Ghost

  • ok I have talked to people who have played for years and have never seen it. its time for rare to increase the spawn rate from
    .00000001 % to say 10 %. still rare but more obtainable…its stupid to hide 2 commedations behind something you might never see. horrible game design

  • 32
  • no reason to change it
    it's a lottery that doesn't cost anyone anything.

    the more ridiculous the rng is the funnier it is that someone like me hasn't found her

  • Been playing pretty much daily since launch and still haven't seen it once... but that's OK by me!

    I love hearing the stories players have around experiencing the Shrouded Ghost and I love that it is also hard to find - that's what makes it an exhilarating experience when the meg does finally spawn on you.

  • Day 1 -176 days played. 29M meters sailed. 22,461 islands visited... & Nothing. I play with others who have more stats than my own and none of us have seen it. Meanwhile, people joining an open crew with someone who just started the game get it straight away. It's a bad joke at this point.

  • @drizkillz said in Shrouded Ghost:

    Day 1 -176 days played. 29M meters sailed. 22,461 islands visited... & Nothing. I play with others who have more stats than my own and none of us have seen it. Meanwhile, people joining an open crew with someone who just started the game get it straight away. It's a bad joke at this point.

    how many meg encounters?

  • @wolfmanbush I've lost count at this point. The website is no good either as according to it I haven't turned in a chest in 2.5 years.

  • @drizkillz Only some of my stats update. I'm not sure what the deal is. Forum profile has me at 15 krakens and 159 megs, which is just silly. To compare, xbox has me at 1,647 GH chests turned in and the forum has me at 604.

  • @madfrito99

    I can’t say for sure but I think it was a programming glitch at first and Rare never fixed it.

    To get the legendary hunter of the shrouded ghost title, it was originally 50 kills. Clearly that’s impossible so Rare changed it to 5. Considering that almost impossible with the spawn rate as it is it’s still a joke.

    Many people have even said and believe that the shrouded ghost is fake and everyone with the title is a Rare employee or working with Rare to fan the flames of fantasy.

  • @madfrito99 here since open beta, got over 2800 hours and never seen I want to see it? For sure! Do I want the spawn rate increased? Hell NO! Keep the myth alive! Increasing the spawn rate would just lead to see everybody having that title within a few weeks
    Anyway, what does killing the shroudes ghost give you? A title and a few nothing really important or leave it as it is...I'm already a little bit upset, that Rare increased the spawn rate of the wood crate voyages found in messages in a bottle...I was close to finish them (ok, it was 10 left) and that title would be close to the rareness of the shrouded, not anymore, so I won't use it now because of that

  • I agree with what others have said, having something so mythically rare and sought after is amazing. The Shrouded Ghost fills such a great role in being an actual legend of the Sea of Thieves, of course theres video evidence and such outside the game but it really feels like a sailor's tale of old. Compared to something like the box of wondrous secrets, the Shrouded Ghost actually feels revered and exciting, and while i am comfortable with the fact i may never get it, knowing there is a title for killing it keeps me on my toes whenever a meg spawns, while i would probably walk right past a box of wondrous secrets.

  • there is this white whale that we are all searching for.....

  • it took me 32 million meters and I know people who still haven't gotten it with more.

    It keeps it unique. Even if I've seen people with 1 million with it.

  • I seemed to have gotten lucky, I have only been playing since last season and have managed to see and take one down. I wear my badge with pride:

    Hunter of The Shrouded Ghost

    You defeated The Shrouded Ghost.

    I didnt realise it was even that rare of a thing until I spoke to someone who has been playing this since day 1 and they have never seen one and even questioned it existed!

  • @knee1-b4-z0d yep, you're the type of player we're talking about zod

  • She doesn't exist!

    She doesn't exist!

    The cake is a lie!

  • @sshteeve if I had your amount of play time, I wouldn't be complaining... I don't even think you have a leg to stand on to complain, actually. LOL

  • @drizkillz said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @sshteeve if I had your amount of play time, I wouldn't be complaining... I don't even think you have a leg to stand on to complain, actually. LOL

    Matey, you clearly missed the joke completely in your effort to make a snide comment - check those forum rules again before posting.

    There was no complaint, only a mere jest that the Shrouded Ghost is so rare as to at this point be as the cake was in Portal - a lie. It's a shame you didn't get that.

    With regards to responding to your actual post - if you read other comments here you will clearly see that the rarity and randomness of the encounter is what makes the ghost so funny - therefore my playtime, whilst none of your business in the context of this forum, or indeed, real life, also has nothing to do with whether I should "have a leg to stand on" or not with regards to seeing her or not.

    You have a good day now.

  • @drizkillz there’s really no need for that.

  • @sshteeve I understood the joke, it's one I've made time & again because I'm living it. My remark wasn't snide as you suggest but a statement of fact in relation to the pain of this problem for more enthusiastic players who have put in an exhaustive amount of time into the game we love. I understand it's rareness all-to-well at this point, but the comical nature has run its course & should be addressed for long-term achievement hunters such as myself and others.

  • I would be in support of them increasing the spawn rate IF - and only if - the shrouded ghost was exponentially more difficult to kill than a regular Meg.

    A Sloop would effectively get a Galleon Meg that that takes 2x or 3x damage.

    Brigs and Galleons would experience the same difficulty multiplier that the sloop would.

    Still keep the spawn rate really low...but not as impossibly low as it is.

    If they did that, it would still make the encounter magical if you were able to defeat it because it would actually be a challenge.

  • This commendation sort of hurts a lot the players trying to get all the commendations since it is almost impossible with a huge element of luck involved. I don't want them to make it easy to get but I really wish they would add ways to increase your odds.

    Two ideas I have are one the ability to spawn a meg. Nothing special here just a quest that maybe involves you needing to throw like 20 meat in the sea and a random meg would spawn. This would make it much easier to farm without decreasing it's a percentage.

    The other idea I saw someone post that I liked was that the commendations of legendary hunter like a legendary hunter of the hungering one or even legendary hunter of the sea of thieves would each increase the percent chance of you finding a shrouded ghost. That way players who are trying to get everything can go through a serious grind to help them find it.

  • @nitroxien

    That way players who are trying to get everything can go through a serious grind to help them find it.


    should be addressed for long-term achievement hunters such as myself and others.

    I haven't dedicated my pirate life to searching for her just to have that search reduced down to a path for a completionist's checkmark

    no no no

    We embarked on this hunt fair and square. No changing the rules on her now. She's out there like the bald headed killer bear of Claire County. Crazed and bloodthirsty as ever. I'll find her

  • @wolfmanbush Here's the thing at the end of the day it's a game. And if an aspect of the game is unfun I would argue it should be changed. As a minimum, I would like there the ability to spawn a random Meg that way it is actually possible to grind it out.

  • @nitroxien said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @wolfmanbush Here's the thing at the end of the day it's a game. And if an aspect of the game is unfun I would argue it should be changed. As a minimum, I would like there the ability to spawn a random Meg that way it is actually possible to grind it out.

    what's unfun about it? I've heard all sorts of silly theories from people on the seas about how and where it spawns. Lots of stories many of them the classic tall tale of "I saw it once but this happened" That's a fun environment around it.

    It's a lottery without consequences that some win.

    Only 3 things in this game stay fresh.

    1. funny bugs and glitches
    2. random interactions
    3. Shrouded ghost kills due to extreme rarity
  • @wolfmanbush Big difference between your three points though. The first 2 have no commendations linked to them.

    The shrouded ghost should have been like the box of wonderous treasure a super rare drop with no linked commendation.

  • @nitroxien I still can't see matey why you think it's not fun? Knowing she's there and might drop is actually part of the fun - you hear a Meg coming and the first thing we do is check and get that little flutter as to whether it's her.

    There are plenty of other commendations to get in the game to find fun with - heck I have spent the last three sessions jumping from island to island to visit all 73 (I am on 73 with no clue as to the last btw...)

    @DrBullhammer says it best - achievements have killed replayability and taken a lot of the fun out of games. Sailing for fun should be just that - sailing for fun. The commendations will come as and when.

    Keep the Ghost a legend, in order to keep the legends alive.

  • I told y'all I would find her

  • Nah, obviously I’d really like to get just like one shot at it, but considering that so many other things are so common it’s nice to something this rare that makes you part of Avery small community when you find it. Plus it just makes it that much more sweet when you do.

  • I watch a spanish Streamer with 5200 hours at Sot. Saw It once and no more

  • @wolfmanbush said in Shrouded Ghost:

    I told y'all I would find her

    Why are you posting pictures of water?

  • @yelmurc maybe because the water in this game just looks so beautiful!

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