Storage Crates and the New Resource Transfer Mechanic - The One Issue

  • Right now, if you were to have a storage crate with all the slots filled up (a variety of items but not the max of each), the game lets you auto-fill more items from barrels into your crate, but only the ones that fit, leaving the resources that don't fit on the barrel without notifying you by any means that there are more resources inside, but they simply don't fit on your crate.

    The game should give a prompt near the fill prompt saying that there are unpickable items inside, as for right now, there's no way of knowing that unless you open the barrel yourself, removing the entire reason of using the auto-fill feature on long journeys of getting supplies.

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  • I mean…if the barrel doesn’t say “empty” then the barrel is still contains items. :p

  • @burnbacon You're wrong, that's not how it works with the new mechanic. Some visual examples.

    Here is the Storage Crate I'm working with:
    Full Storage crate

    Here's the empty barrel and next to it and the prompts that appear when holding my crate:

    Empty barrel
    Empty barrel prompts

    Here's the barrel that still has something inside:

    Full barrel
    Full barrel prompts

    As you can see, there's no difference between them.

  • I think it would be reasonable for them to set it so that it has the Empty tag when looking at an Empty Barrel. That would be enough context I think.

  • While we could chalk this up to being lazy, I do think there's an easy fix.

    Maybe something as simple ask keeping the "Take" prompt there, and just giving it a sort of shake effect when there's no remaining slots/space available in the storage crate or other supply crate variants.

  • @bailong1595

    As you can see, there's no difference between them.

    @redeyesith 's idea is great, make the empty symbol appear even when holding the storage crate.
    In the meantime, all that means is that you have to check your storage crate/the barrels if you suspect it's getting full.

  • we're really complaining about having to take 1 second to drop your crate and pick it up again to be able to see the barrel empty notice.

  • It does what it says - it transfers goods from one storage to another.

    It's up to you to know / find out whether the storage crate you're storing into isn't too full.

    Even with periodically checking if you're not leaving anything you want to take with you, it's a great tool.

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