Season 5 Was A Massive QoL Update. What Other QoL Updates Would You Want To See?

  • What QoL update/new small mechanic would you like to see down the line?

    Personally, these are my few favourites:

    • More traps/functionality on islands. Put some traps in the caves of Devil's Ridge, Plunder Valley, underwater traps on Mermaid's Hideaway, etc.

    • Fist Fighting. Currently primary fire and secondary fire do nothing when you have nothing equiped. Just as burying treasure was part of the pirate fantasy, so are drunken bar brawls. I'd love to see them.

    • Clothing Presets. This might just be the most higly requested thing ever.

    • Maps using drawn sketches of islands, not pictures that look like they were taken with a camera (

    • Buying Bait from Seaposts.

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  • Maps using drawn sketches of islands, not pictures that look like they were taken with a camera.

    I already find it difficult enough as it is to find treasure with a regular map. Wouldn't a drawn out sketch of a map make it even more difficult to locate treasure on an island.

    Though I do agree with you that maps would look more cool and realistic that way.

  • Down the line . . .

    What if you could attach a keg to a rope on the back of your ship and drag it around.

    Boarding axes/throwing axes.

    Bow cannon.

    Cannon balls can destroy the ships railing and explode lanterns. Exploding lanterns would be a cool way to set fire to a ship.

    A rope to hold your helm in place while your away from it.

  • What if ships didn't despawn after sinking?

    Ocean floor?

    Visual anchor?

    These might be complex ideas but there still ideas.


    Movable doors, maybe a lock and key?

    What if shops had a closing time and you could break into them?

    What if you could set up your own shop?

  • I wanna hit opponents with whatever object is in my hands at that time

  • Destroy a ships rudder?

    Switch servers ingame?

    No PVP area?

    spawn another ship ingame, allowing you to have more than one ship and to steal other players ships?

    extra capstan below deck for pumping out water faster?

    Storage vault in ship for storing treasure?

    Writing messages on paper and putting them into bottles to throw into the sea or leave somewhere for people to find and read?

    Write a book?

    Crewmembers can vote for a captian who is in charge of the whole ship?

    cargo slides around ship due to movement?

  • I think it would be nice if all commendations that gave cosmetic rewards listed that under the commendation, like they do with Tall Tales. I think that could help with a lot of the confusion that players have when a new set comes out in the shops.

    • SAVED SETS!! Make it happened already, and not just a couple, the bare minimum is 10.

    • Cant wait to name my ship "MorningWood"

    • Slap players with a trophy fish haha dosent have to do alot of damage, just a way to UTTERLY DESTROY someone.

    • More brave cosmetics, different kind of swords other then cutlasses, and in general i want to see less Fortnite style cosmetics. More authentic clothes and from different places in the worlds.
      That being said, hmm Broly from DBZ as a figurehead would be amazing hahaha.

    • Gas masks it would mean the world for me if Rare will bring a gas mask, it dosent have to come from WW2, just an improvised wasteland style. I would be the happiest man alive.

    • Animals wont die from one slap, they had too much health before but now they have too little, buff their health a bit so i wont be have to be scared that global warming or something scratched them to death.

    Speaking of animals, just more ways to make the game feel more alive, dolphins in the distance and more animals in general even hostile
    But this is not QoL anymore.

    • Toggle On/Off on scopes and spyglasses with tint.

    • Change voice chat of your own crew so that they wont hear you from everywhere (youll be able to revert back), I want to do silly stuff with my crew or prank them, or when i board a ship I dont want to yell in my crew's ears aswell.

    • A small fish tank would be nice to store some fish...

    • Two eyepatches XD and switch sides.
      I understand why two hooks wont work because of the animations but what about two peglegs? Shouldnt be difficult.

    • Eyes colors! This and gas maks are the two things i really cant wait to see in the game, obviously they cant operate their eyes so the icon of each color to choose in the Vanity Chest would look like a magical vial with colors.

    • Any cosmetic related to Krieg from Borderlands would be amazing! His mask or a figurehead of him or a normal psycho.

    So yeah some suggestion related to the game and some of em are my pure wishes.

  • More parkour runs, like the ones around and in Arena.

  • I'm also personally still gunning for weapons displayed on players.

  • Also, surprised I missed it in my intial post, but the ability to favourite cosmetics. Want a certain eye of reach but don't want to scroll through 2-3 pages of EoR cosmetics? Just favourite the one you want, and it'll always be on on the first page.

  • Good post.

    • It's about time we get an overhaul of the cosmetics HUD, allowing us to save custom sets for clothing and ship liveries.

    • Trading companies should offer more voyages, not just 3, but at least 3 pages with 9 voyages in total, so you don't need to server hop or sail to the outpost back and forth.

    • I wolud love to lay down on a bed or hammock, and use the third person view to take screenshots. In this mode, your health won't recover.

    • I also think, Skeleton fleets should drop high valuable merchant loot like "crate of captain's bone dust" or similar. It's the only event that has not related merchant loot.

    • Athena voyages need to drop all or almost all athena loot.

    The other things are some ballances issues here and there: reducing skeleton spawns on Lagoon of Whispers, reducing the health of the Skeleton Lords at the fort (it gets boring), increase the spawn of the Forts... etc

  • Pre game alliance. For balance reasons 4-6 players. Combine ship types to get the number of people you want. Not only would it be a guaranteed way to get an Alliance (although only a small one of 2-3 ships), it would also allow bigger groups of friends to easily play together, without the challenge of introducing bigger ships.

  • @joshcraftworld6 said in Season 5 Was A Massive QoL Update. What Other QoL Updates Would You Want To See?:

    Down the line . . .

    What if you could attach a keg to a rope on the back of your ship and drag it around.

    You can kinda sorta do this now. Stick all your GPB in a harpoon rowboat and drag that around instead : )

  • I would love to be able to decide if I want to share my buried treasure Map or keep it safe for a later/another day session. Burying storage crates is possible already, so why can't we keep the supplies buried up safe for the next session. Would be a great QoL update for saving some time.

  • My biggest one right now is prompt priority. For example, I think if your ship has holes, any interactive prompts (sit, close/open cage) should drop to a "low priority" state... meaning they don't appear unless you are looking in a specific spot and patching holes takes a "high priority" state. Not sure how doable it is but I think it would help alleviate a lot of frustrations.

    @almtychcknpoo said in Season 5 Was A Massive QoL Update. What Other QoL Updates Would You Want To See?:

    I wanna hit opponents with whatever object is in my hands at that time

    This is something that I think should be in the game also. It's kind of silly that you can't melee. Even if it did minimal damage and a little stun, it would add a lot to encounters.

    Aside from that, most have mentioned my most wanted features: cosmetic presets, ship presets, more customisation (rings, necklaces, etc...), being able to swap eyepatch sides.

  • I'd like to see alliance rewards brought down to 25% and people start getting 65-70% of gold from the new bury/dig map situation (higher than 50 because there won't be emissary bonuses)

    I think it would benefit the game more to incentivize that system and activity rather than alliances and is more in line with the foundation of the game

    This gets everyone working together and limits the cheese but incentivizes more positives for servers and activity rather than just locking them down.

    For someone like me that solo's for nice loot I'd gladly bury high value items and take less money in exchange for not having to sell.

    I think pvpers would participate in this as well because they often wanna steal more than they want to sell.

    I think I'd like to see a bird carrier system brought in too

    an example

    pvper wants to take over an ashen winds but doesn't really want to sell

    they can bury the skull and some loot and as long as their ship is floating and within a certain distance of the island a carrier bird can be called to return the map to an outpost

    so they can bury and bounce. they will be more likely to participate without having to return to the outpost

  • @mferr11 love these ideas, I want maybe a mini arena where you can fight with you crew! it could even just be a fist fighting arena

  • Here is an idea . . .

    For anyone out there who is a pirates of the caribbean fan and has watched dead men tell no tales, do you remember the scene The Dying Gull.
    Well, I think that this scene would be an awesome implimentation into the start of the game.

    Another idea is the ability to beach your ship.

  • @joshcraftworld6 that is crazy that all of your ideas would be bad in the game, I guess a book wouldn't be bad there is just no point, and as much as I would love to read notes many people would be upset that people are toxic

  • @joshcraftworld6 said in Season 5 Was A Massive QoL Update. What Other QoL Updates Would You Want To See?:

    Boarding axes/throwing axes.

    Boarding Axes and Throwing Knives would be cool additions to the world. It would definitely spice up PvP, we haven't gotten a new handheld weapon yet.

    Movable doors, maybe a lock and key?

    I think it'd be cool to be able to open and close the doors in the Galleon's Captain Cabin.

  • I'd like to see Quest Board activities become contested things more directly. I would see this as multiple Crews can get their hands on these Maps and items clear off as any Crew finds the Loot (and it clears from the Quest Board when all the Loot is found or a Server Shutdown as now). I don't think the Maps should give any indicator that another Crew has the Maps, outside of noticing X Marks disappearing on them or the Map itself clearing out of the Radial once completed. This would make an even greater distinction in how these function compared to Voyages. I'd also like to see more Voyage Types in the mix here, and there is a Red Sea Mechanic Change post where I mentioned how we might start to accomplish this too. Also, center the gimmick around the Bilge Rats and drop the Gold Hoarder iconography on the Boards.

    I've posted before about a Boarding Axe and some related systems that could compliment it (like Shipwright Repairs) well and keep it as a unique niche of a Weapon selection in other threads, and I see someone here brought up the general idea again, so for now I'll just say I'm for it with the right spice added to the mix. Would be cool to see a new Weapon come to the game.

    I'm also in favor of removing Hit Markers from the game. As it stands, years have been invested in Hit Registration, and I'm not saying that more work shouldn't be done on it (maybe even leave them in Insiders so that more testing can be done to help keep improving this), but as it stands those things just provide highly inaccurate information to the player and as a result increase frustrations in PvP. I'd rather just not have the data and go that route in retail at this point until such time as we have accurate data coming through.

    I'd like to see Ship Variants added for the 3 Classes that we have right now. You could have a Cutter (Sloop), Schooner (Brigantine), and Frigate (Galleon) as options when selecting your Ship. One major difference if doing Flat Decks for Ships that currently do Raised Decks for the Helm area (and adding appropriate Captain's Quarters to ones that are getting the raised variant). They could also have slightly different layouts of where things are located on the Ship for a little extra variety. Generally though, they would balance as the Class of Ship they are (same Canon and Mast count, same Interaction speeds, same Manuvering and Wind Strengths, things an equivocal Traversal distance to Interaction points). This would be a nice variety addition to the game.

    I'd like to see the Core Factions evened out in regards to their Voyage Types, and would like to see a full assortment of each type at an Outpost for better Voyage planning control. So for the setup: Gold Hoarder have X Mark Maps, Riddles, and Vaults; Order of Souls have Skeleton Bounty, Ghost Ships, and would need a third; Merchants have Animal Acquisition, Cargo Runs, and Lost Shipments. Each of the Faction Representatives would offer 3 of each type (with higher grade ones being Reputation Locked to provide a greater sense of Progression to Ranking up the Core Factions). I'd also like to see the Gold Hoarders and the Order of Souls get something equivalent to the Commodities system that the Merchants have, but themed around their Factions. I personally believe the Core Factions should maintain some sense of mechanical parity among them with the difference being the focus theme.

    I think the Hunters Call should see an increase in value on handing in Megalodon and Kraken Meat to encourage players to go out and actually hunt these beasts for the Faction. I don't think they need a Voyage System like others have suggested, as that is part of what makes them unique by being a background task Faction. I could see them getting an Emissary system though to get a multiplier on doing the hunting/fishing they should be doing. Killing/Catching and Cooking all Meats should provide some progression in this system with the Monsters providing the best bumps. They could also then see a Reputation increase to keep them on par with the other main Adventure Factions.

    I wouldn't mind seeing Arena come back (and this is coming from someone who was against Arena originally), but it needs stronger ties to Adventure to encourage people to engage in a round or two of Arena in the midst of their sessions without having to do a bounce back to the main menu and reloading everything again. Rather, now that we have Portals, make a Voting Table on the Sea Dog Tavern to take your crew into the Arena (and one inside the Sea Dog Tavern to vote your way back into Adventure). You can still maintain the option at the main menu to start off in either Mode, but a swapping feature right in the game might actually encourage more engagement. We could even eventually add other asked for Modes like TDM or Capture the Fort (Flag) by having a couple of these Voting Tables for each type of Match and some kind of indicator of what the current wait time is for that Match type.

  • Another small cosmetics thing, I'd like to see masks become their own category. They could make a mask for each set, but I think an easier thing would be to to just have different colours.

  • @faceyourdemon I can respect that name. Ours is Lady Drowner

  • Saving presets for a pirate's outfit and the ship's appearance.

    Fewer digs for buried treasure.

    Significantly longer range on the glimmer for floating items; also birds above a sunken player's ship.

    Barrels on the Ferry of the Damned that are interconnected with the barrels on your ship; this way somebody that is being camped, for example, can reach into one of their food barrels to replenish, or restock their blunder bombs.

    Third ammunition barrel on the sloop.

  • @thathappyhat Lady Downer!? What a legendary name!
    I always love to see true creativity hahaha

  • Yeah, saved presets for outfits and ship cosmetics.

    That's all. I can wait for the rest as long as that one gets implemented first.

  • deaf support accessibility.

  • @joshcraftworld6 said in Season 5 Was A Massive QoL Update. What Other QoL Updates Would You Want To See?:

    Maps using drawn sketches of islands, not pictures that look like they were taken with a camera.

    I already find it difficult enough as it is to find treasure with a regular map. Wouldn't a drawn out sketch of a map make it even more difficult to locate treasure on an island.

    Though I do agree with you that maps would look more cool and realistic that way.

    I second more detailed maps because they don’t remotely represent island layout.

  • I'd love to see an actual photo mode, not just a 3rd person angle. Have filters, depth-of-field adjustments, change sun position, toggle between night/day, etc.

  • Not really a qol for the game but still helpfull.
    I'd love the team to run another poll post with some of the frequent ideas the community have posted to see which would get the most favour

  • @laughsmaniacaly I agree. I found it odd that they only did this once (as far as I know). You'd think almost 4 yearsa later would be a good time to do another community poll.

  • @rosewraith2788 said in Season 5 Was A Massive QoL Update. What Other QoL Updates Would You Want To See?:

    I'd love to see an actual photo mode, not just a 3rd person angle. Have filters, depth-of-field adjustments, change sun position, toggle between night/day, etc.

    How are you going to do all of that with other crews on the shared, live server?

  • @galactic-geek Definitely not on live servers. Can't have every crew changing the sun whenever they want lol. But maybe on custom. I remember ages ago some footage of a ship's wheel being used to move the sun and change the time. Plus in promo images Rare often moves the sun around to make the shot look better, so I imagine it's possible.

  • I think it would be cool that when its time to log off you can access a "daily stats" list that shows stuff like Islands visited, Creatures killed, boats sank, gold earned..etc.etc.. might be cool to see how you did each day.

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