I have a lot of friends who didn't realize the Insider Rewards kept going after the ship set and another friend who just hasn't been able to do Insider much and they've been really discouraged by the fact that they've fallen way behind on the Silver Blade set and it will take them over 2 years to get fully caught up and this will be even more daunting for new Insiders. Can we come up with a system for catching up on Insider Rewards at least up until a certain point? Maybe have the player do an extra hour, or two for another weeks reward, or have specific goal for testing and if the player accomplishes it they can get another week of Insider Rewards. A lot of what Rare wants tested takes more than the hour all a player needs to do to get their weekly rewards for testing Insider and being able to catch up on rewards could be a way to encourage more testing from more players.
For the people who have stayed caught up their could be a buffer of several weeks that won't qualify for catch up weeks. Now that a second Insider Reward set is being release maybe allow catch up until the Silver Blade Set is finished and then end it for the Sapphire Blade Set until it is finished and we move onto the next Insider set. Just so they can continue to feel special for keeping up with Insider. Another reward could be some extra Gold, Doubloons, or Ancient Coins for staying caught up.