Sea Monsters: Beyond the Kraken

  • Other then the most well known monsters, like the Kraken, there are many other sea creatures that were depicted on old sea maps that could exist below the depths of the seas.

    It would be very cool to see more mythical creatures in the seas.

    Olaus Magnus: Carta Marina (detail). Printed in Venice 1539. The sea-monsters apparently were considered a real threat.
    "Carta marina et descriptio septentrionalium terrarum (Latin for Marine map and description of the Northern lands;[1] commonly abbreviated Carta marina) is the first map of the Nordic countries to give details and place names, created by Swedish ecclesiastic Olaus Magnus and initially published in 1539. Only two earlier maps of the Nordic countries are known, those of Jacob Ziegler (Strasbourg, 1532) and Claudius Clavus (15th century)." -wiki

    The dynamic, Renaissance-style dolphins on the 'Typus Cosmographicus Universalis' by Sebastian Münster in the 'Novus orbis regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitorarum'
    Map by Sebastian Munster, the era's most prolific mapmaker, famous for his great geographical work, Cosmographia (Basle, 1540). - RareMaps

    See Text Below Img
    Top L: "A woman holding seashell banner riding a merman with a trident, who together confront a woman holding a fish banner riding a merman holding a club, on Gastaldi's Dell'Universale of c. 1550 (British Library, Maps C 7.c.17)."
    Top R: "A curious spiky sea monster on Gastaldi's Dell'Universale of c. 1550; this same monster appears in Andre' Thevet's Cosmographie of 1575 (British Library, Maps C.7.c.17)."
    Bottom L: "A winged sea dragon with huge rabbit ears on Gastaldi's 'Cosmographica Universalis et Exatissima iuxta postremam neotericorum tradio[n]em' of c. 1561 (British Library, Maps C. 18.n.1)."
    Bottom R: "A menacing sea monster on Gastaldi's map of Africa in the 1563 edition of Ramusio's 'Navigazioni', f. 261 (in British Library, G.6820)"

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  • I agree. I would really like to see additional sea monsters added to the game or different variants of the existing bosses. Changing the existing bosses might be a difficult task since commendations are already linked to the current iteration. I just think it would be cool to see a massive hammerhead or even a giant eel mixed in. Just my opinion, I would really like to see the megs get reworked to look and act different rather than just a color change. I think a massive salt water croc would also be an interesting addition to the game. The croc could even be linked to a Captain Hook update in the future.

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