Stuck on 90% with the download in xbox app.

  • Hi all,

    2 friends of mine who played the game in the past wanted to rejoin the sea's but have been unable to install the game. Mostly of the time i find the solution with a problem online... but now i am out of options we tried everything that google has to offer us. Deleting the old files reinstalling the xbox app and so on. The last option i have is actually copying all my files on a external harddrive and put them manualy in there folder with copy paste and see if it verifies.

    Anyone here have a solution to the 90% download stuck glitch/bug/error?

    Thanks in avdance

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  • Fun, you'll have to contact support about that. It's probably a borked windows store file somewhere.

  • The problem is that all the windows support answers that i found on the internet are all the same deleting register files, restarting pc, reinstaling windows store, reinstalling xbox app and so on so this was basicly my lasy resort to find something on the forums. :)

  • Contact Sea of Thieves support. They may be able to help.

  • @kerkvlerk There's a few more things that you can try here.

  • Thanks i will forward the link to my friends

  • @foxdodge said in Stuck on 90% with the download in xbox app.:

    @kerkvlerk There's a few more things that you can try here.

    Basically what I was talking about, yes.

  • May this message find you well.
    I had the same curse; I had never seen past the 18.51 GB point while downloading. Just like you, I searched through forums to no avail. No Microsoft Store reset, no purging of the Xbox app solved it... Until I accidentally left my download on while connecting to South Korea via VPN. As I closed my VPN connection, I noticed that the download continued as if I had never even had a problem. It seems to be stuck again after a while, and then I connect/disconnect to South Korea to fix it.

    Sorry for necroposting. I don't even like posting in general. The only reason I went out of my way is because I would've never gotten it if not for pure [mod edit] luck. I will from now on appoint myself as the rightful prophet of the gods of South Korean VPN connections and spread their message far and wide.

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