The Mercenary Set does't have a Hook Hand

  • The Mercenary Set is missing one vanity item, a Hook Hand.

    I hope the developers might create something unique for the Mercenary Hook Hand. Maybe the Hook is shaped like Scorpion's Tail, since the Scorpion is symbol of the Mercenaries or a Hook Hand with a miniture Scorpion Statue on top with it claws and/or tail from the Hook.

    Scorpion Tail Hook

    Scorpion Claw Hook

  • 7
  • I wish the Black dog set has a hook!

  • Neither does the Black Dog set and since they’re recolors, they would have to be recolor hooks with their appropriate gems and stuff.

  • its always frustrating when a set is nissing pieces

  • @illbushido305 silver blade has a hook. It’s missing a peg leg though, and that’s why I don’t use it.

  • @ninja-naranja yes but that is a different model of clothing so the two sets, in theory should have separate hook and peg leg models.

  • @captain-coel said in The Mercenary Set does't have a Hook Hand:

    its always frustrating when a set is nissing pieces


4 out of 7