Solo Sloop Ideas?

  • Do you guys think we should get an official solo ship/sloop? As a solo slooper I’d love to see one with minor differences, any ideas as to what could separate it from the normal sloop?
    Maybe only one ladder?
    Marginally smaller ship overall?

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  • How about a cannon rowboat? It has no ladders to use and has only 0 sails to chainshot. Perfect for a solo "slooper".

  • @remove-bougette

    I'd travel by rowboat a lot more if you could spawn back on it like a regular ship.

  • @bukubru nah the sloop is good enough. If you are choosing to play solo you are choosing to be at a disadvantage.

  • @captain-coel said in Solo Sloop Ideas?:

    @bukubru nah the sloop is good enough. If you are choosing to play solo you are choosing to be at a disadvantage.

    Ignore this comment it has no value and offers nothing to the discussion.

    Back on topic, id love a single player ship in the game. Raft with a sail wheel, table and one cannon no anchor.

  • @hadtodoit said in Solo Sloop Ideas?:

    @captain-coel said in Solo Sloop Ideas?:

    @bukubru nah the sloop is good enough. If you are choosing to play solo you are choosing to be at a disadvantage.

    Ignore this comment it has no value and offers nothing to the discussion.

    Back on topic, id love a single player ship in the game. Raft with a sail wheel, table and one cannon no anchor.

    Right, so my opinion is invalid because I disagree?

    The sloop is fine, there is no need for a "solo" ship, we have one. If you find the sloop to difficult go and find a crew mate. And if you still refuse to find help its just a matter of getting better at slooping. The controls are all nice and next to each other, you can bucket from the bottom, and the cannons are a quick hop from pretty much anywhere.

  • @captain-coel

    Well, I think it was supposed to be a mostly hypothetical thought exercise. What would a purely solo ship look like, if there was one.

    I don't think anyone is looking for an advantage since the suggestions so far have followed the current balance; less firepower and durability for greater ease of access and maneuverability.

    I know that complaints about soloing are common, but you shouldn't really bring it up as a critique if nobody has mentioned it yet.

  • @ aca-hombre but the solo ship looks like a sloop. anything easier would be an advantage.

  • @mintharp184509

    Nod to the Spray?
    The ship Captain Slocum used to complete the first solo circumnavigation.
    It was an oyster sloop he modified with a few things like the cabins and a mechanism to hold the helm in place.

    alt text

  • @captain-coel I disagree considering how much a disadvantage it already is. It is a hard mode but it shouldn’t have to be, many ppl play many games solo, and it is an option. My ideas aren’t leaning toward making an advantage, but more of an even playing field for solo players.

  • Just to throwing this out there minor things like since your solo maybe the health could be increased slightly, let you carry two small items instead of one in your hand. Maybe give a Ai to help with the ship like the skellys how they patch. And shoot players trying to climb ladders

    It would help for solo players who don’t like to play with others. I know how people can be been with a lot of people in LFG, and there’s some bad apples in there

  • @bukubru but it should be. It was designed to be. Sea of thieves is a game best enjoyed in a crew. Solo should be hard and should be punishing. People shouldnt get a pass because they dont want to play with others.

  • @l-mrmoonlight-l said in Solo Sloop Ideas?:

    Just to throwing this out there minor things like since your solo maybe the health could be increased slightly, let you carry two small items instead of one in your hand. Maybe give a Ai to help with the ship like the skellys how they patch. And shoot players trying to climb ladders

    It would help for solo players who don’t like to play with others. I know how people can be been with a lot of people in LFG, and there’s some bad apples in there

    I think a solo ship should be geared towards a different type of play altogether rather than trying to make it competitive against traditional fully-crewed ships.
    Maybe something with a bit shorter mast, shallower draft, and slimmer hull to make it easier to hide. Just spitballing here.

  • @captain-coel

    Looks like a sloop?

    Not sure I'm getting what you're trying to say. What does it's look have to do with advantages?

    And again, I think this was just supposed to be a "what-if" conversation. I only solo sloop and I love it. Wouldn't change a thing. But it can still be fun to daydream about what I would do if I was designing my perfect one-man pirate raft.

  • @v aca-hombre the op asks if we should get an official one man vessel and if so what it should look like. They are looking for a rebalance of solo life. I disagree with this and this the sloop is fine. If people choose to play with this disadvantage there is no reason to fix something that isnt broken

  • @captain-coel said in Solo Sloop Ideas?:

    the op asks if we should get an official one man vessel and if so what it should look like.

    Bolding to show that it's a speculation thread.
    And there was still no reference to soloing being too hard or unfair. I really think it's just a "for fun" brainstorming thing.

    Heck, part of the fun is coming up with ideas that keep the balance, but with a twist. Like, the idea of a raft as a one-man only vessel. You're super speedy, super maneuverable, and harder to see. But you have no cannons, no cover, no crow's nest, and one cannonball hit sinks you.

    That's not a serious request to Rare; just an amusing idea. Look, I'm just trying to say that the thread's fairly innocuous and you shouldn't take it so seriously.

  • There already is a solo sloop and it doesn't need nerfs or boosts.

  • @pithyrumble this isn’t about nerfs or boosts, but a ship made for solo play that is balanced with the 3 other ships.

  • @captain-coel I doubt it was designed to be - more likely it was a symptom of making a crew friendly game

  • Would love a solo player ship.

    Small caravel style, 2 canons.
    Cant dock rowboat.

    Alternatively a Ketch.
    It is a ship similar to the brig shape wise, but for 1 player.

  • @bukubru said in Solo Sloop Ideas?:

    @captain-coel I doubt it was designed to be - more likely it was a symptom of making a crew friendly game

    They used to warn people that solo sloop was hard mode. The game is designed to be played as a crew choosing solo is meant to be a disadvantage.

  • I would say it will be very, very difficult to balance a solo-ship against the other 3. Not impossible, but so difficult as to make it not really worth doing.

    However, if we are going to look into this, this is what a solo ship would be based on the design decisions they have made thus far:

    1. Everything would be within quick reach of the "pilot" (much like the current sloop), except there would be one cannon on a swivel, maybe right behind the capstan on a current sloop.

    2. It would be slower than the sloop, but more maneuverable.

    3. It would have one sail, probably about half the height of the current sloop.

    4. There would be no "below-decks", just like a half-below like where the voyage table is in the sloop. This is where repairs would be made.

    5. One barrel of everything (wood, food, artillery).

    6. One harpoon on the tip of the bow on a swivel.

    Making a ship smaller than the sloop would be hard just because of how much "stuff" you need for a ship to function like the other ships. But here's an overview of what it would most likely be.

  • @maximusarael020 said in Solo Sloop Ideas?:

    I would say it will be very, very difficult to balance a solo-ship against the other 3. Not impossible, but so difficult as to make it not really worth doing.

    There is really no balance per se in adventure. I'm usually solo slooping and can face a 4 player Galleon. You cant balance that.

    However, if we are going to look into this, this is what a solo ship would be based on the design decisions they have made thus far:

    1. Everything would be within quick reach of the "pilot" (much like the current sloop), except there would be one cannon on a swivel, maybe right behind the capstan on a current sloop.

    Imagine a brig but roughly sloop size, 1 mast, 2 side cannons with a minimalistic below deck area with no brig or bed.

    1. It would be slower than the sloop, but more maneuverable.

    Agree, but not too slower.

    1. It would have one sail, probably about half the height of the current sloop.

    1 Smaller sail yeah.

    1. There would be no "below-decks", just like a half-below like where the voyage table is in the sloop. This is where repairs would be made.

    Check above. A below deck is necessary not to be snipped on deck

    1. One barrel of everything (wood, food, artillery).

    The ship would be big enough to have 1 barrel of each.

    1. One harpoon on the tip of the bow on a swivel.

    Eh 2 harpons, left and right.

    Making a ship smaller than the sloop would be hard just because of how much "stuff" you need for a ship to function like the other ships. But here's an overview of what it would most likely be.

    Not too smaller than the sloop, but removing areas like the Brig and Bed would certainly help with the space and size.

    This would still be hard mode, as you are solo, but probably a bit more manageable than a sloop.

    Edit: For example a 1 player Schooner

    "Another favorite of the pirates of the Caribbean and Atlantic were the two-masted schooner. Like the sloop, this boat was fast, easy to maneuver and enjoyed a large capacity for guns and cannons. A narrower hull and even shallower draft meant it could easily hide in shallow estuaries and escape its enemies. The downside was that it couldn’t hold as much booty or crew"

    In my opinion it can easily be done for all the solo sleepers like me out there.

  • @talvheet said in Solo Sloop Ideas?:

    This would still be hard mode, as you are solo, but probably a bit more manageable than a sloop.

    See, I'm just not really sure that it would be that much more manageable. What you're describing is basically a sloop without the elevated wheel deck. Still two cannons, still two harpoons, still a full below-decks of the same length... a smaller sail and goes slower, but the same basic footprint? The point of being smaller and more agile is that you're harder to hit. If we're just going to make a sloop without a bed and without a wheel deck... I mean, where's the advantage to that over a current sloop for a solo player?

  • @maximusarael020 smaller ship, easier to manage for 1 player. You still need 2 canons to cover your broadsides, and 2 harpoons for ease of use.

    It's a ship for a solo player, were not reinventing the wheel.

    6 to 8 holes to fix on the below deck.
    1 on the back, 2 to 3 on each side 1 on front.
    Compare it to 12 on the sloop.

12 out of 25