The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage - Quest lost / "Impossible" to complete - Bug ? Or intentional ?

  • Today my Crew and I bought a The Legend of the Sunken Kingdom Voyage. We had put one key in the Forbidden Coral Chest and it showed us that it now required 2 keys.
    While 2 of the crew where going into Shrine of Ocean's Fortune I was watching the ship due to several player ships being nearby. As one of the player ships came closer I sailed away. Sailed for a few seconds and got attacked by a kraken... Of course... I didn't succeed against the Kraken and it quickly sunk our ship (Btw, how do you deal with a Kraken wrapping around the ship? I tried shooting, slicing and repairing the ship to no avail). I jumped into our floating row boat and found our quest chest. It now said that it required 3 keys.
    One of the crew mates tried getting onto the ship with a "teleport" statue from the Shrine but where too late. The last player completed the shrine, got the key and tried swimming to an Island. Unfortunately he died on the way dropping the key into the ocean.

    We where able to get to the same spot after respawning. Our quest chest where found still telling us 3 keys missing. The second key was lost to the sea. It seemed that going down into Shrine of Ocean's Fortune we where not able to get no. 2 key again.
    And apparently we also needed to get no. 1 key again... All this felt a little MEH! so we decided to quit. So we just lost 50 doubloons I guess ? How should we go around getting the keys once again if we have had time to do the shrines all over?

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  • @quanedk
    Next time, have your mates return quicker to deal with the Kraken. She's easy for sloops (even solo), but undermanned brigs it's quite the hassle ... doing it solo - yeah that's a sink.
    As for the wrapping, there's a tentacle that's different than the others (less length above water), shoot that one.

    Why didn't your crewmate with the key swam to your rowboat (or you rowed to him) ? Thought you would be close as you only sailed for a few seconds before encountering the Kraken.

    Just try again next time. I have no idea why it went from needing 2 to again 3 keys.

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