Let’s see your Ship names!

  • Named my lil Sloop "Siren's Lullaby" and my Brigg is called "Mermaids Booty".
    My first instinct was to go with "The Balleater" and "Nein Heroez" as a shoutout to critical roll ^^

  • "Plain Jayne" so I don't need to do "all commendations again".

  • Not at home, so can't provide a picture.

    But named my sloop 'Tugger' as it probably describes my playstyle the best when I feel adventurous. -(South Park) Russel Crowe show - ''Makin movies, makin songs, foightin around the world''

  • The Kraken's Maw

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  • Sloop: The Slippery Valiant Seaman, with the Green Bilge Rat set
    Future Brig: La Rosa Espinosa with the Wild/Thorny Rose set or for a PvP-focused Brig, The Reaper’s Wraith with a Reaper’s set
    Future Gally: The Fighting Albuquerque OR The Galliant Guirrera with an unknown ship set

  • Doh my ship name can't be displayed here... Like what's wrong with starfish and chocolate being together just in reverse

  • Can't decide between Oscar's Memory (Named after my lovebird best friend), or The Hateful Voyager to have my sentiments from two years ago reflect onto my ship.

  • Sloop...Campbell's Sloop
    Galleon...Dixie Normous

    Always looking fo sailors so hit me up LBZER

  • I'm very excited for the increased Ancient Skellies on Community Day, as well as the sale on certain Emporium ship cosmetics. The Star Razor will finally shine in her true colors with the Lodestar set! Hoping I'll have enough Ancient Coins earned that it will be free!

    I'll take a screenshot on that day. It will probably be the only time I ever pay to repair my ship, so I'll make it a good one.

  • My sloop is the “Rosy Roxy” in honor of my first dog Roxy she was very special to me and I love having my ship named after her, I also really like the Wild Rose set.

  • "The Specter" named after our favorite loot lacking order of souls quest

  • Bone Star


    Penny Pincher

  • Got my first sloop to legend status...so my new one got the name "Part Deux"

    I tried another name for it first, but it didn't let me...it would be "Oscar EW-5894 Phallus"

    Weird it's possible to write this in here

  • I decided to go with Oscar's Memento at the end of the day for my Brig, might do the same for a Sloop.

    Named after my departed parrot, as can be seen on this image here
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    (Am I doing something wrong? Wanted to show a picture of who I'm dedicating the ship's name to)

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    Well, I promised once I got the Lodestar set I would post her pictures here!

    And so here she is, the mistress of the seas, glory upon the waves: The Star Razor!

    I spent almost 10,000 gold to fix her up just for this picture, and it will probably be the last time I spend gold to repair my ship.

    Please, Rare, make damage carrying over between sessions an optional thing!

    Also, thanks for discounting the Lodestar set! I was able to purchase purely with Ancient Coins earned in game!

  • Named my boats in a unique way with their names derived from phrases related to mystery/mystic and iron based minerals which I believe defines the shady and hardened nature found amongst pirates. A little side note, the intials for all of them are "AF," thought it was a nice way to maintain some level of consistency with the names 🙂

    Galleon: Abstruse Ferrous
    Brigantine: Arcane Ferrum
    Sloop: Anagogic Ferric

  • My first and most used brig being "Nemesis Revenge" (wow how original /sarcasm)
    The second one "The Sephiroth" but I especially use it for tales, and chill stuffs.

    And I'm also working on maybe a galleon or a sloop called "The Muda One" or "The PillarPirate" idk. (might be a ref..idk? mhhh)

  • I've not long returned to the seas following a long departure, but I had enough gold to scrape together to buy a sloop that I've lovingly called:

    The Drowned Rodent

    Since I spent much of my time upon the ocean floor, with ragged and worn down cosmetics to fill the theme.

  • @lizalaroo Hello Matey! my Humble Sloop, is know as, "The Conniving Crow"

  • I started with "Hang on Sloopy" but have since changed it to "Ship of Fools". Say hello if you see me -- with a hurdy-gurdy not an anchorball!

  • Ever since I have started playing SOT, I always wanted to name my ship " The Silent Thief" and now with the captaincy update I finally can.

  • Ausart, "the brave one" in Basque.

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    Name plate.

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    So far, that's been the only one because I haven't had the chance to get together with my 3-player and 4-player crews since Season Six. But I have plans for a brig and a galleon as well when the time comes.

  • El Pollo Diablo (Monkey Island thing)
    Loot Piñata (Because that is what a ship sometimes is)
    White Lady (a special event/rumor in the Merchants and Marauders boardgame)

    Next will be "Cthulhu Friend Ship" (Because i want to use my old "Wailing barnacle" cosmetics.

  • Time for high sea adventures!

  • I can't get my pics on here
    ...on the Bonny Gull!

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    Good Old Sloop :)

  • I dont have images available, but I have a sloop and a galleon.

    My Sloop is The Solitary Nimbus, because I usually solo on it when I can't get my friends to hop on and it's generally got my insider hull and sails, shrouded ghost figurehead, and either merchant or lodestar cannons/wheel/capstan. lending to a white of a cloud.

    My gally on the other hand is the Boulder of Sisyphus, while the look of it changes regularly it gets jts name from the fact that large crews always feel like we're going two steps backwards for every one step forward.

    that and it's an uphill battle to stop one of my crew from looting EVERY SINGLE BARREL ON EVERY SINGLE ISLAND WE STOP AT

  • an image of a sloop in sea of thieves. it's colours are mostly green and gold.
    This here is The Magpie. She's named after the old ship of my next D&D character. The colours may not be accurate to the name, but most of it is the parrot set and a bird's a bird after all.

  • @lizalaroo i'm late to the party, but I have three:

    Tilly-Anne is my sloop, named in honour of my late Mum.

    Esmé-Beth is my Brig with a different personal sentiment.

    Sunk & Disorderly is my galleon for when the Boatswain decide to play...

  • @sshteeve love them! Particularly the last one! 😂😂

  • Wait didn't we fight each other sometime ago

  • @liberance we fought each other once, good fight

  • @lizalaroo
    Sloop: The Tattered Crimson
    Brig: The Rouges Gambit
    Galleon: Smuggler’s Cask

  • I’m about to purchase my first ship. I thought of naming it HMS TRYNA GIT GUD but not sure if it’ll be taken the wrong way 🤣

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