Named my lil Sloop "Siren's Lullaby" and my Brigg is called "Mermaids Booty".
My first instinct was to go with "The Balleater" and "Nein Heroez" as a shoutout to critical roll ^^
Let’s see your Ship names!
I'm very excited for the increased Ancient Skellies on Community Day, as well as the sale on certain Emporium ship cosmetics. The Star Razor will finally shine in her true colors with the Lodestar set! Hoping I'll have enough Ancient Coins earned that it will be free!
I'll take a screenshot on that day. It will probably be the only time I ever pay to repair my ship, so I'll make it a good one.
Well, I promised once I got the Lodestar set I would post her pictures here!
And so here she is, the mistress of the seas, glory upon the waves: The Star Razor!
I spent almost 10,000 gold to fix her up just for this picture, and it will probably be the last time I spend gold to repair my ship.
Please, Rare, make damage carrying over between sessions an optional thing!
Also, thanks for discounting the Lodestar set! I was able to purchase purely with Ancient Coins earned in game!
Named my boats in a unique way with their names derived from phrases related to mystery/mystic and iron based minerals which I believe defines the shady and hardened nature found amongst pirates. A little side note, the intials for all of them are "AF," thought it was a nice way to maintain some level of consistency with the names 🙂
Galleon: Abstruse Ferrous
Brigantine: Arcane Ferrum
Sloop: Anagogic FerricAusart, "the brave one" in Basque.
So far, that's been the only one because I haven't had the chance to get together with my 3-player and 4-player crews since Season Six. But I have plans for a brig and a galleon as well when the time comes.
I dont have images available, but I have a sloop and a galleon.
My Sloop is The Solitary Nimbus, because I usually solo on it when I can't get my friends to hop on and it's generally got my insider hull and sails, shrouded ghost figurehead, and either merchant or lodestar cannons/wheel/capstan. lending to a white of a cloud.
My gally on the other hand is the Boulder of Sisyphus, while the look of it changes regularly it gets jts name from the fact that large crews always feel like we're going two steps backwards for every one step forward.
that and it's an uphill battle to stop one of my crew from looting EVERY SINGLE BARREL ON EVERY SINGLE ISLAND WE STOP AT