The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate

  • Thought I’d chronicle my pathetic attempts at gitting gud in this game. I’m not a PvPer (excuses … nah, I’m just dog at PvP) and I have always avoided fighting in PvP games, usually opting for the PvE play in games that allow it, such as Ark, Elite and ESO.

    I am a noob relatively speaking at SoT and generally play as a solo slooper.

    To date as of 14 Dec 22 my general stats are:

    Time played: 2d 2h 54m

    Distance sailed: 322,912 metres ( I thought that was miles. I was feeling quite tough until I read it was in metres just now 🤣)

    Voyages completed: 19
    Islands visited: 186
    Fights fought: NIL!!!
    Renown: 55

    So there you have it. I’m truly somebody to be feared. 🤣

    So far I have been doing Gold Hoarder missions and I’m currently level 24 there. I have 154,915 gold in the bank as I save for my first captaincy (sloop).

    Today I went to an island for a Gold Hoarder mission and was attacked by a land based cannon as I approached. I tried turning away but got caught on some rocks and the cannonballs continued to come in. I died. 🤣

  • 69
  • I just engaged my first skelly ship, now that I know what they are. I fired a cannonball at him from some distance away, and I hit him! After half a dozen misses 🥹😆

    When I hit him he turned around and sailed away to the other side of the island. I watched him go around the island to the other side of me and he stopped so close that I probably could have thrown the cannonball at him, but he did not attack.

    Then he sailed away again around the island. I wanted to get onto that island so after I was sure I was safe, I jumped onto land.

    As I was walking around the island I suddenly saw a rowing boat moving fast toward my ship. I ran as fast as I could but he must have just beaten me, as when I clambered onboard I saw somebody in my cabin. I heard a fizzing noise and turned around. There was a lit red keg in the cabin. I saw somebody run and jump over the side, and then … KABOOM! Both me and my ship died. It all happened so quick that I didn’t see if it was a player or skelly. I saw a glimpse of white writing about the person’s head, but it happened too quick for me to read why it said.

    I am not sure if skelly ships send out crew members in rowing boats to do this sort of commando tactics, but it was exciting.

    If it was another player who did it and you’re reading this, then we’ll played to you. That was impressive! 👍

  • Pathetic pirate gang unite! 😂

    I was always awful at the game, literally if there was some silly mistake to be made you bet, it would be me doing it.

    I also played alone most of the time so it never really ended well. Pretty sure I’ve had more ships sank longer than I’ve had them afloat 🤷‍♂️😂

  • Pathetic pirate gang unite! 😂

    I was always awful at the game, literally if there was some silly mistake to be made you bet, it would be me doing it.

    I also played alone most of the time so it never really ended well. Pretty sure I’ve had more ships sank longer than I’ve had them afloat 🤷‍♂️😂

  • Pathetic pirate gang unite! 😂

    I was always awful at the game, literally if there was some silly mistake to be made you bet, it would be me doing it.

    I also played alone most of the time so it never really ended well. Pretty sure I’ve had more ships sank longer than I’ve had them afloat 🤷‍♂️😂

  • @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    [ ... ] As I was walking around the island I suddenly saw a rowing boat moving fast toward my ship. I ran as fast as I could but he must have just beaten me, as when I clambered onboard I saw somebody in my cabin. I heard a fizzing noise and turned around. There was a lit red keg in the cabin. I saw somebody run and jump over the side, and then … KABOOM! Both me and my ship died. It all happened so quick that I didn’t see if it was a player or skelly. I saw a glimpse of white writing about the person’s head, but it happened too quick for me to read why it said.

    I am not sure if skelly ships send out crew members in rowing boats to do this sort of commando tactics, but it was exciting.

    If it was another player who did it and you’re reading this, then we’ll played to you. That was impressive! 👍

    Skellies don't use row boats and will not board you. It was a player.

    If you're quick, you can disarm a keg by picking it up and right-mouse button (or whatever your secondary use interact is).

  • @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    I just engaged my first skelly ship, now that I know what they are. I fired a cannonball at him from some distance away, and I hit him! After half a dozen misses 🥹😆

    When I hit him he turned around and sailed away to the other side of the island. I watched him go around the island to the other side of me and he stopped so close that I probably could have thrown the cannonball at him, but he did not attack.

    Then he sailed away again around the island. I wanted to get onto that island so after I was sure I was safe, I jumped onto land. [ ... ]

    IIRC you play without sound - as soon as you engage a skellie ship (or they engage you) there is a sound/music indicating this. They normally don't disengage, though you can try putting enough distance between you and them - after some time, they might disengage.
    If the rowie hadn't interfered you probably still would have had some balls from the skellie ship.

    I always raise my sails a bit, throw some fireballs and/or cannon the ship. Skellies do repair the ship, but they don't bail water. I think around 10 cannonballs (that hit) does the trick mostly for skloops (better stay away from skalleons when solo - they take more hits and have more cannons). They do carry loot, so when it's sunk be ready to harpoon some things.

  • @lem0n-curry

    I now have the music on after it was recommended for the skelly ship. In fact, I think it was you who suggested it. If so, then thank you, it was very helpful.

    I took a screenshot of the skelly ship, but I am not sure how to upload it here. It seems I must host the picture elsewhere and then link the URL in a post. But it was a sloop with extra lights and what looked like ribs over the deck. It had that music when I looked at it through the telescope. It had ragged sails with, I think, a skull on it.

    Yes, that rower must have been another player who saw me before I saw him and took advantage of my lapse in awareness. I am sure I did not see his (or her!) ship anywhere, but I guess it must have been nearby. I saw no mermaids in the water. Anyway, he was so fast: boarded my ship, keg fuse lit, placed and dived over the said before I could say what the blue blazes!!

    I know some would call that player a griefer, but as far as I am concerned, they saw an opportunity where I had let my guard down and took advantage. I'd so the very same if the roles were reversed. I did use the chat wheel to say, “Well played!” before I went to the ferryman.

    Thank you for the tip on diffusing the keg. I’ll bear that in mind for the next time. Oh, and yes when my cannonball hit that ship, there was dramatic music.

  • @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    [ ... ] But it was a sloop with extra lights and what looked like ribs over the deck. It had that music when I looked at it through the telescope. It had ragged sails with, I think, a skull on it.

    Captained ships and player ships with an Emissary also have a musical sting - a different one though. Just a warning that some music while looking through the Eye of Reach doesn't always mean it's a non-player ship. This one was a skellie sloop as it had, as you said, extra lights.

    Image of skellie sloop

    extra bit on the aft, extra lights and indeed the ribs on the deck/hull.

  • @lem0n-curry

    That's what I saw!!!

  • Well, tonight was eventful.

    I was delivering some treasure chests to an outpost. As I returned to my ship I thought I heard what sounded like somebody swimming toward my ship. Lo and behold a pirate boarded my ship. I immediately drew out my sword but waited to see what would happen. Would they make the first strike with the blunderbuss they had in their hand?

    It was a tense moment but we just stood there facing each other. I decided to act friendly and jumped on the spot a few times to say hi. I then put Everything is okay on the screen. The visitor did the same and so I sheathed my sword. The visitor put their weapon away too and then started to play their lute, or whatever instrument it was. I played my accordion and got an Xbox achievement from it.

    Then I noticed a sloop approaching with black sails and a glowing red skull. I moved near to my cannon just to make sure I was ready in case they were hostile. My visitor stood next to me looking at the approaching ship. So far no hostilities. I am not sure even now whether my visitor was part of that ship’s crew.

    The ship dropped its anchor, and I then decided to carry on with my own mission. I checked my compass for the bearing, lowered my sails down to about 50% so that my visitor could leave.

    Well, shiver me timbers! My visitor dropped my anchor! I turned around and they had their blunderbuss out again. I drew my sword and my visitor shot me. Luckily I was on full health or I would have been a goner.

    I jumped at the player and started to button mash my sword, and to my astonishment I killed my visitor! The first time I have beaten another player in this game. I was so dumbfounded that I just stood there, gaping. 🤣

    Any way, I then fully opened my sails and made a hasty departure in case the player on the ship decided they wanted a piece of me. I think I heard a gun shot but nothing hit me, and the ship did not attempt to come after me.

    So. My first ever victory. [faints 😱]

    I won’t put the name of the player here, even though I’m not witch hunting or vexed. But if you are reading this; sorry for killing you but you did drop my anchor and took your gun out. I considered that a hostile act. 🙂. No hard feelings. 👍. But thanks for the experience. 🤩

  • Are you Bosun Bill's sibling?

  • One thing I learned today. When attacked by a group of skeletons, and you hear one behind you. Don’t start blindly hacking with your sword as you turn around. The skeleton creeping up behind you could be carrying a lit keg. Ouch. Hello Charon! 🤣

    Currently in a tavern where I can hear The Can-Can being played. I immediately looked for Buster Bloodvessel in his Doc Martens but he wasn’t there.

    My standard immediate action drills when logging in are:

    1. Run to ship
    2. Raise anchor
    3. Load cannons
    4. Climb mast and see who’s about

    Only then do I relax and consider my plans for the day.

    I started a delivery mission today in which I had to find, catch and deliver chickens and pigs. The mission stated I had to deliver the goods by a certain time on a certain date. However, I haven’t found a clock or calendar in game. Therefore I have no idea whether that time frame is real or just decorational as it were.

    Edit: found the pocket watch (with date) 🤦‍♂️

  • Had two exciting developments today.

    The first was when I was sailing to my next mission destination. I was in my cabin looking at the map, when I suddenly heard dramatic music. I rushed up top and had a look around, and there on my starboard side was a skelly sloop.

    I was surprised it hadn’t attacked me as it was so close I could almost have thrown a firebomb by hand onto it. I decided rather than fleeing I would attack, which I did. The skelly sloop duly reciprocated. I managed to get a fair number of hits on it, including three or four hits right on the water line.

    But then the skelly ship fired something at me that caused purple smoke around my cannonball barrel, which prevented me from getting more cannonballs. Guessing this was a temporary affect I rushed down below and used the time to repair my ship and bail the water out.

    When I came back up top I was now able to collect more cannonballs. I continued my attack on the skelly ship, but then it turned around and sailed from me. The dramatic music faded and the skelly ship sailed away. I guess I had probably sailed out of its spawn area.

    So although I did not manage to sink it, it did not sink me. A nice experience as I continue to develop my attack skills.

    A little while later I saw a sloop fighting a skelly sloop. I got a little too close and suddenly the player sloop broke away from the skelly ship and attacked me.

    As they began their attack I could hear their voices. Sounded like two young French boys. I had no idea what they were saying, but it didn’t come across as taunting nor excitable. They both seemed to be calmly directing each other.

    They started off by bringing down my masts. This seems to be the go to first step when attacking another player, as this happened the last time I was attacked. Once my mast was down I was doomed.

    Their normal cannonball shots were very good and mostly on target. Several times I was knocked back from my cannon. I did fire back but in my panic I missed every one.

    In the end one of their cannonballs killed me and oblivion welcomed me.

    Well played I sent to the via the “chat” wheel. I assume it would have been delivered in their native language.

    I was surprised to be able to hear their voices though as I have mic turned off. I was under the impression that not only does this turn my mic off, but it would also prevent me from hearing them. That’s actually the first time I’ve heard another player’s voice in-game.

    I got roundly and fairly beaten by a couple of kids. 🤣 They out-played me wonderfully. If by any chance you’re reading this: that was impressive. You beat me into a pulp. 🤣👍

  • A fairly quiet three hour play today.

    I was doing one merchant mission where I had to find and collect two snakes. I had been given two snake baskets, which turned out to be hazardous. When I caged the snakes and picked up the cages, the snakes were able to bite and spit at me. Ouch.

    I also was attacked my a red megalodon and shortly after that a kraken attacked my ship and sank it. I guess it must have been revenge for the kraken I killed the other week.

    After conducting my final treasure map of the day, I wanted to visit the nearest outpost. Unfortunately there was a sloop there that appeared to be patrolling. Looking for visiting ships to attack and relieve them of their treasures? I was going to turn around and find another outpost, but as luck would have it a galleon arrived, and the two ships began to fight each other. Whilst their attention was diverted I nipped in and sold my treasures.

    I now have 225k gold towards my first captaincy sloop.

  • A very eventful session today. I was attacked by a megalodon, but as I was on my way to a mission I didn’t want to hang around, and so I just full sailed away from it.

    Then more ominous music of a different kind sounded, and as I frantically looked about me, there on the starboard bow, a skelly sloop emerged out of the water. I decided it was time that I took one on man-to-man so to speak, and so I reduced my sails and manned the cannon. There was also another player sloop in the immediate vicinity, but he fled.

    It was a very frantic battle, and twice I was so engrossed in fighting the skelly sloop, that I did not notice that I was heading for rocks. Twice I hit a group of rocks. Twice I had to dash down below not only to repair the damage done by the rocks, but also that done by the skelly sloop. At one point I almost lost my sloop. The water was lapping at the feet of the captain’s table. However, I ignored the skelly sloop seeing that it had turned around for another pass. This gave me time to repair holes and bail the water.

    When shooting cannons at the skelly ship my initial problem was learning where to aim. Many of my first round of volleys went up and over or fell short of the skelly sloop. But eventually I hit it right at the water line and repeatedly fired at the same spot, though having to adjust for the motion of the waves.

    The something happened that left me stunned. I SANK THE SKELLY SLOOP!! The very first ship I have ever sunk. The feeling was immense. I immediately slowed right down and turned about to look for any treasure, and indeed there were various items, including an enemy captain’s skull and his treasure chest. I scooped up as much stuff as I could and made full sail for the nearest outpost.

    I carefully checked all around me before docking and I quickly scurried back and forth from ship to Gold Hoarder tent and Skull shop. In fact, so excited was I to turn it all in that as I approached my ship for the final time, a message popped up on my screen. Everything is okay it said. I looked, and a little way off from the rear of my sloop, another player had parked their sloop. I had been so engrossed in turning in all my treasure that I failed to notice a sloop approach and park up behind me. How careless of me!

    Two fortunate things: 1) I had just turned in the last of my treasure and, 2) the other player did not attack. In fact, other than a quick exchange of AHOY THERE we went about our own business, and shortly afterwards I set sail again to continue my initial mission. Thank you ironmatt71620 onboard THE RANGER.

    I now have 235k gold. Nearly there!

  • @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    A fairly quiet three hour play today.

    I was doing one merchant mission where I had to find and collect two snakes. I had been given two snake baskets, which turned out to be hazardous. When I caged the snakes and picked up the cages, the snakes were able to bite and spit at me. Ouch.

    Snakes like music.

  • @lem0n-curry said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    A fairly quiet three hour play today.

    I was doing one merchant mission where I had to find and collect two snakes. I had been given two snake baskets, which turned out to be hazardous. When I caged the snakes and picked up the cages, the snakes were able to bite and spit at me. Ouch.

    Snakes like music.

    Thank you! 😉

  • Congrats on your first sink BTW 🎈🎆🎈

  • @lem0n-curry said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    Congrats on your first sin BTW 🎈🎆🎈

    Thank you 🤣

  • I thought I would have a go at the Hourglass PvP thingy. I had absolutely no idea of what I was doing or indeed what to expect.

    I set sail and investigated the hour glass in my cabin. I activated it and chose a side. The Red Flames, or whatever it’s called. 🤣

    Nothing seemed to happen for a while and then suddenly. My ship went underwater. Again, not knowing what to expect, I didn’t know whether I have to manually surface or steer. But that was answered when I grabbed the wheel and try to navigate. Nothing happened. So I waited.

    After about 2-3 minutes my ship surfaced and there was some chap on my ship with me, and a green ship just off to my port. I had no idea why there was another chap on my ship. I assumed the system has matched him to me. To be honest, I assumed I’d be fighting alone on my sloop, as I was alone when I activated the hourglass. I wasn’t sure if he was going to attack me. But we both started doing that jumping up and down thing. 🤣

    I looked at the green ship next to me but there appeared to be nobody onboard. I wondered if it belonged to the player on my ship. Perhaps I spawned alongside him and he jumped over.

    My mast kept catching fire. Though I could not see what or who was doing it. Was it the player on my ship? I had no idea. I put the fire out and the looked back over at the ship. Still no sign of life.

    Anyway, he then jumps on my cannon and starts shooting at the other sloop, which does not retaliate. He then came off the cannon and I thought I’d have a go. I loosed one cannonball which hit the ship and it sunk. 😳. I got an Xbox achievement: You Gotta Fight, which told me I had won my first fight. I assume it was unrelated to the earlier I Don’t See Your Ship achievement, which I got when I solo killed a skelly sloop.

    My flag value was 10k now. I wasn’t sure if that meant I was going to get 10k gold, which would have brought me to my 250k goal.

    As I watched the green ship sink, the player on my ship with me attacked with a sword and killed me. 🤣 I have I idea why he did that. 🤣

    When I’m respawned in I wasn’t sure if I was still in the Hour Glass PvP. I assumed I was as the front of my ship had a red glow. I tried to cancel the Hour Glass to return to normal play, but I was unable to. It seemed I had to visit a table at any outpost. So I headed to the nearest one.

    The journey there was uneventful, but just as I was approaching it I get battle music and a message saying that a battle had commenced, though I could see no enemy ship. I docked and jumped onto land and went to the table to cancel my Hour Glass. However, I was told I could not cancel whilst in battle.

    I then looked over at my ship and another sloop was approaching, which had a green glow on the front. He attacked my ship and sank it. No idea who it was but he sent a wheel message to me saying Sorry 🤣.

    Then I was back in the normal game. Ah, but alas, I had lost that 10k gold/points.

    A great experience. Very entertaining.

    Thank you to the chap on my sloop, and the green ship crew who sank me. I had a blast 🤣

  • Just had an awesome game of SoT with my friend. We sailed on bis captaincy sloop and did three Hourglass sessions, all three on the green team.

    The first one we were beaten quickly. The second one, we lasted a decent amount of time, and I did think for one moment that we were going to win. We had obviously caused him some major damage as he turned away and stopped fighting. I presume to repair his ship. So, we took that opportunity to do the same. Yes, we could have come around and attacked them again, but we too were in dire need of repair. As we both resumed fighting again more cannonballs were fired each way, until eventually we did lose. But both my friend and I were very pleased with how we performed. Indeed, once we sunk the other player sent over a well played message.

    The third and final fight we had – well, to say we lost quickly was an understatement. This guy took us to the cleaners and back.

    After that my friend and I did a |Gold Hoarder mission. I do not know what level he is, but he must be hight as the Hoarder gave us 8 maps! We only actually did the first one, which had 7 crosses of its own, as we both needed to return to real life. But I now have 285k gold. Which means next time I log in I can purchase my own sloop and still have plenty of gold left over for adventuring on.

    I have to say that during the PvP battles, my friend was good with the cannons, with most of his shots landing bang on target. I steered the ship.

    One thing I noticed during the first and third fights was that cannonballs seemed to come toward me a lot on the wheel. I am not sure if this was coincidence or a tactic. Take out the guy on the wheel, and the wheel itself?

    At the end of all three fights both my friend and I, and the other team exchanged well played, though the third guy, who smashed up into the middle of next week, did also send a message saying LOL. Can’t blame him as we were awfully bad in that fight. 😊

    Oh, and I said to my friend at the end of it all shouldn’t we both be crying and accuse the other teams of cheating or call them sweats and tryhards?

    Thanks to my friend and the other players we fought against for an amazing time.

  • @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    [ ... ] After that my friend and I did a |Gold Hoarder mission. I do not know what level he is, but he must be hight as the Hoarder gave us 8 maps! We only actually did the first one, which had 7 crosses of its own, as we both needed to return to real life. But I now have 285k gold. Which means next time I log in I can purchase my own sloop and still have plenty of gold left over for adventuring on. [ ... ]

    It could be the Gilded Treasure Voyage everyone got for the festival of giving, it's 8 maps with loads captain chests. Most people use it when they're going to have a long session as it takes you all over the map and/or for doing GH emissary.

  • @lem0n-curry said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    [ ... ] After that my friend and I did a |Gold Hoarder mission. I do not know what level he is, but he must be hight as the Hoarder gave us 8 maps! We only actually did the first one, which had 7 crosses of its own, as we both needed to return to real life. But I now have 285k gold. Which means next time I log in I can purchase my own sloop and still have plenty of gold left over for adventuring on. [ ... ]

    It could be the Gilded Treasure Voyage everyone got for the festival of giving, it's 8 maps with loads captain chests. Most people use it when they're going to have a long session as it takes you all over the map and/or for doing GH emissary.

    Ah yes. He did mention having one of those. Thanks 👍

  • Just completed a Hoarder mission, which ended up with me digging up two glowing red chests and placing them on my ship. I’d never seen these sort of chests before, but they were called Reaper Chests.

    I was a little nervous about putting them on my ship as I wondered if they had an affect on them, like those chests that cry and sink your ship.

    All seemed well until I set sail and checked my map. There was a red skull over my ship symbol! 😱 I have seen these symbols before on ships showing on my map, but didn’t know what they were. I assumed before they were ships I wanted to avoid.

    I quickly made my way back to an outpost when suddenly there was a galleon coming at me. I never saw it approach. It didn’t look like a skelly ship. It attacked me and sunk my ship, but as I was so close to the outpost I grabbed one of the red chests and swam to shore. Feeling smug that I had fooled the crew of the galleon I went to the Gold Hoarder to hand in my glowing red chest. He refused to take it, telling me to take it elsewhere.

    Deflated I returned to my ship to find it alight. I got my rifle out and looked through the sight at the galleon. I saw a ghost on there! 😱. I took a shot at it, but it returned fire and killed me. I’d lost my treasure.

    I’m not sure what type of ship it was. Player? Ghost? (Didn’t think so as it wasn’t glowing green). Skeleton?

    If it was a player then they must have seen my ship appear on their map with the red skull and then immediately came looking for me. If so, then well played! 😄

  • @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    Just completed a Hoarder mission, which ended up with me digging up two glowing red chests and placing them on my ship. I’d never seen these sort of chests before, but they were called Reaper Chests.

    I was a little nervous about putting them on my ship as I wondered if they had an affect on them, like those chests that cry and sink your ship.

    All seemed well until I set sail and checked my map. There was a red skull over my ship symbol! 😱 I have seen these symbols before on ships showing on my map, but didn’t know what they were. I assumed before they were ships I wanted to avoid.

    I quickly made my way back to an outpost when suddenly there was a galleon coming at me. I never saw it approach. It didn’t look like a skelly ship. It attacked me and sunk my ship, but as I was so close to the outpost I grabbed one of the red chests and swam to shore. Feeling smug that I had fooled the crew of the galleon I went to the Gold Hoarder to hand in my glowing red chest. He refused to take it, telling me to take it elsewhere.

    Deflated I returned to my ship to find it alight. I got my rifle out and looked through the sight at the galleon. I saw a ghost on there! 😱. I took a shot at it, but it returned fire and killed me. I’d lost my treasure.

    I’m not sure what type of ship it was. Player? Ghost? (Didn’t think so as it wasn’t glowing green). Skeleton?

    If it was a player then they must have seen my ship appear on their map with the red skull and then immediately came looking for me. If so, then well played! 😄

    The Sea of Bones, when players get level 100, rewards players with a Ghost Curse.

    Those chests have to be delivered to the Reaper's Hideout; you can also find them in shipwrecks with a "squirly whirly" - either white or red/green.

  • @lem0n-curry said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    Just completed a Hoarder mission, which ended up with me digging up two glowing red chests and placing them on my ship. I’d never seen these sort of chests before, but they were called Reaper Chests.

    I was a little nervous about putting them on my ship as I wondered if they had an affect on them, like those chests that cry and sink your ship.

    All seemed well until I set sail and checked my map. There was a red skull over my ship symbol! 😱 I have seen these symbols before on ships showing on my map, but didn’t know what they were. I assumed before they were ships I wanted to avoid.

    I quickly made my way back to an outpost when suddenly there was a galleon coming at me. I never saw it approach. It didn’t look like a skelly ship. It attacked me and sunk my ship, but as I was so close to the outpost I grabbed one of the red chests and swam to shore. Feeling smug that I had fooled the crew of the galleon I went to the Gold Hoarder to hand in my glowing red chest. He refused to take it, telling me to take it elsewhere.

    Deflated I returned to my ship to find it alight. I got my rifle out and looked through the sight at the galleon. I saw a ghost on there! 😱. I took a shot at it, but it returned fire and killed me. I’d lost my treasure.

    I’m not sure what type of ship it was. Player? Ghost? (Didn’t think so as it wasn’t glowing green). Skeleton?

    If it was a player then they must have seen my ship appear on their map with the red skull and then immediately came looking for me. If so, then well played! 😄

    The Sea of Bones, when players get level 100, rewards players with a Ghost Curse.

    Those chests have to be delivered to the Reaper's Hideout; you can also find them in shipwrecks with a "squirly whirly" - either white or red/green.

    Ah, then it was another player. Well, they played very well indeed!

  • Well, I did it. I purchased my first captaincy ship. A humble little sloop that I have named HMS DIVINE COMEDY.

    I could not think of a name to call it and have been wracking my brains for the past two days. Then as I went though the purchasing process I happen to glance down at my tea table (well, it's a coffee table, but I don't like coffee, so it's a tea table), and saw a copy of Dante's Divine Comedy, which I am currently reading. That cemented my decision. Its name would be DIVINE COMEDY. The HMS pre-fix is purely because I am ex-RN.

    I set it up with the Duke livery (sails, figurehead, helm, anchor table, cannons etc), and now it looks cool. Green being my favourite colour influenced my livery choice.

    I then spent a couple of hours sailing the seas, showing off my cool sloop. As I was carrying out a Gold Hoarder mission I saw a sloop on the horizon. As I watched it through my ghostly telescope (green!) I saw it turn and head my way. When I changed course, it changed onto the same course. It was obviously after me. So, I thought I would lead it on a merry chase. After all, so long as I obeyed the game wind/sails relationship, there was no way the other sloop could catch up with me. I was interested in seeing how long I could keep him chasing me before he gave up. 5 minutes was the answer. I made 30k gold today.

  • @pumpa-cat

    I will give you one advice... Don't use the Duke ship set. Not that it looks bad, it is not bad at all. It's just that... Well...

    Something the general community agrees on is: When you see someone using the Duke set, it is time to mess with em. Most players that use the set are clueless console players. So when you see the set, You know that you can easily tuck, mess with em, sink them with no problem.

    I used to not be calm in PVP situations. But even back then, when I saw that I was going to fight a ship that had "That" set, I just calmed down.

    The urge to mess with a Duke ship is too powerful. You will understand this after playing for a good while, but I will have to count on you trusting me for now.

    Also, green tint hype!

  • @thorumsu

    There's always a positive: If I get attacked more frequently, I'll learn to defend myself better, and so increase my chances of survival and perhaps even wnining.

  • @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    There's always a positive: If I get attacked more frequently, I'll learn to defend myself better, and so increase my chances of survival and perhaps even wnining.

    It doesn't make much of a difference

    90% of my in game time was spent using default ship cosmetics
    literally the only time I turned my lanterns off was by accident or to receive a reward for it.

    I anchor when I wanna anchor and don't really worry about it.

    This game is very "if it's gonna happen it's gonna happen" because of the randomness of the environment, if they are gonna attack they are gonna attack.

    The quality of life that exists within exercising your freedom without fear to do what you wanna do is far greater than the risk that it may or may not create, imo.

  • @wolfmanbush said

    The quality of life that exists within exercising your freedom without fear to do what you wanna do is far greater than the risk that it may or may not create, imo.

    Absolutely! 👍

  • Got killed by another kraken today. I had just dug up my final piece of treasure in my three-stage Gold Hoarder mission, when the kraken struck - with my destination outpost in sight.

    Something happened in this attack that I had not seen before. The kraken grabbed me from my ship and tried eating me. After what seemed like an eternity it spat me out. How rude!

    I tried swimming back to my ship but I couldn’t reach it in time, and it sank.

    I quickly jumped into my ship where I had respawned on an island to try to find my lost treasure, but to no avail.

    Later I decided to practice my very woeful PvP skills on a skelly sloop. I hit it twice and the skelly music abruptly stopped. I looked around for the skelly ship but it was nowhere in sight. Where it had been was various items of treasure including a Skeleton captain's chest, a pirate chest, two skulls and some jewels. It seems that the skelly ship had sunk, but I was not convinced. After all, I had only hit it twice with my cannons. I’m wondering if these skelly sloops drop their cargo when they despawn.

    I handed all that treasure in but was disappointed at the meagre gold it all brought in.

    I also noticed that skelly sloops can come very close to me without being aggro’d.

  • Reached Renown level 95 today. According to the pirate stats page in-game, it maxes out at 100. Not sure what happens after that.

    I took on a skelly sloop today and smashed it into the middle of next week, taking all its treasure. I later took on another and as I was attacking him a second skelly came up on the other side of my ship. I put up a jolly good fight, even if I do say so myself. But these sweaty skelly sloop tryhards sunk me. I got overwhelmed with holes in the side of my ship.

    Just now, as I was about to log off for the day, I saw a skelly galleon approach me. In for a penny, in for a pound, I thought to myself and decided to take it on. Being a single slooper I knew I could not outgun it, so just for laughs, and a certain sense of I wonder what happens if… I jumped into my cannon and fired myself across to the skelly galleon. I landed just in front of it in the water, and as it went past I grabbed the ladder. I really did not expect to be able to board it. I felt like a member of the SBS 😋

    I found myself in amongst hordes of skeletons. I got my sword out and just continued to slash and hack. I kept having to dash around eating fruit, but I started to kill them. I even killed the captain! 😱. But at the end of the day I was overwhelmed and died. But I was very happy with my efforts.

    I then logged off got the day. Yes folks, the seas are empty of my bungling efforts at being a pirate. The seas are safe for you all now. 🤣 🏴‍☠️

  • @pumpa-cat said in The Pitiful Adventures of a Pathetic Pirate:

    Reached Renown level 95 today. According to the pirate stats page in-game, it maxes out at 100. Not sure what happens after that.

    I took on a skelly sloop today and smashed it into the middle of next week, taking all its treasure. I later took on another and as I was attacking him a second skelly came up on the other side of my ship. I put up a jolly good fight, even if I do say so myself. But these sweaty skelly sloop tryhards sunk me. I got overwhelmed with holes in the side of my ship.

    Just now, as I was about to log off for the day, I saw a skelly galleon approach me. In for a penny, in for a pound, I thought to myself and decided to take it on. Being a single slooper I knew I could not outgun it, so just for laughs, and a certain sense of I wonder what happens if… I jumped into my cannon and fired myself across to the skelly galleon. I landed just in front of it in the water, and as it went past I grabbed the ladder. I really did not expect to be able to board it. I felt like a member of the SBS 😋

    I found myself in amongst hordes of skeletons. I got my sword out and just continued to slash and hack. I kept having to dash around eating fruit, but I started to kill them. I even killed the captain! 😱. But at the end of the day I was overwhelmed and died. But I was very happy with my efforts.

    I then logged off got the day. Yes folks, the seas are empty of my bungling efforts at being a pirate. The seas are safe for you all now. 🤣 🏴‍☠️

    This doesn't sound like the pitiful adventures of a pathetic pirate to me

    you're a part of the future of the game, without pirates like you that stick around and participate, stay active, try new things, engage with the pve, it's just sea and sky. Your activity and dedication makes it a valuable experience for others.

    This fantasy world can only thrive when newer pirates grow attached to the experience, your adventures that you describe in this thread contribute in a way that is vital for the health of the environment, far from pathetic and certainly not pitiful.

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