Spawn camping

  • For new players its very irritating to play the game, or for returning players, who want to just have some fun. Because when you get into a battle with another player, they just sit on your boat and Camp you. The problem is, is that when you login from the dead man’s boat, it takes forever to get back on the boat and then right as you’re loading in they simply kill you before you can even move. They need to implement a message where you have 30 seconds of invincibility giving you the chance to defend yourself and begin to repair your boat. If they want your loot, all they need to do is sink your boat. But most players I’ve encountered just prefer to spawn camp you and kill you over and over and over. Is there a way that you can implement this in the game?

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  • @draconiss303 Not going to happen, especially not to the extent you are asking as that gives WAY too much of an advantage to the defenders. This has already been tested and found to be unbalanced.

  • Now that barrels float up they just removed the camping for supplies reason which is a large part of the permitted camping

    now all that is left is the sink, as long as they are trying to sink in one way or another that would still be allowed

    this won't remove malicious camping but a lot of the non malicious camping should be settling down now.

    You can report people that just camp to camp, personally I just move on if I can't break the camp after a few tries.

    They tend to chase anyway so even with a broken camp it's still likely to be a big dramatic mess, best to just move on to a new server imo.

    Outcomes don't really change with invincibility, those that can break camps already do and even breaking them rarely is a result beyond running/chasing or just getting in the situation again a few minutes later.

    Camping has always and will always be a skill/numbers thing. Skill/numbers keeps people camped and gets them out from being camped.

  • @draconiss303 you can scuttle your ship also they may be looting your ship for supplies cannon balls wood food etc. that takes a bit and as to being on the ferry of the damned trust me when I say it’s much shorter than it used to be but a little advice if you find your self on an aggressive server like that switch you’ll get more done in the long run

  • @WolfManbush
    That's [mod edit] and you know it.
    I don't mind a fair and descent battle going back and forth and am not bother by losing to someone that is more skilled, but this makes no sense.
    Why you think the meta is to ram and board a ship, kill the crew and spawn camp.
    There is little to no penalty if you fail a board attempt or die on an enemy ship. You even get moved to the ferry directly.
    In any other game the spawner has at least a fair chance of knowing their whereabouts and position for a counter.
    With the current system you are already seen on the ship before you "wake up" from the black screen and it takes even a second more to hold a weapon and to get to an angle.
    It takes the attacker mere seconds to kill someone that just spawned while there is zero chance of countering as you cant even hold up a gun and aim before dying.
    Then you have to wait X seconds again before hoping the RNG provides a better spawn.
    That's not skill, but bad game design.
    A fair fighting chance is all what people are asking for.
    I'm not saying you should give spawners a direct invincibility , but give an option to view the enemy location and select a spawn with a weapon ready in hand.

    Regarding the new meta with the barrels and the supplies.
    People don't "just sink you" , they troll , no matter if they don't gain any more supplies.
    That's how people are and the only way that stops is to balance the fight for the spawner significantly.

  • @mrpsychic-nl said in Spawn camping:

    That's [mod edit] and you know it.
    I don't mind a fair and descent battle going back and forth and am not bother by losing to someone that is more skilled, but this makes no sense.
    Why you think the meta is to ram and board a ship, kill the crew and spawn camp.
    There is little to no penalty if you fail a board attempt or die on an enemy ship. You even get moved to the ferry directly.
    In any other game the spawner has at least a fair chance of knowing their whereabouts and position for a counter.
    With the current system you are already seen on the ship before you "wake up" from the black screen and it takes even a second more to hold a weapon and to get to an angle.
    It takes the attacker mere seconds to kill someone that just spawned while there is zero chance of countering as you cant even hold up a gun and aim before dying.
    Then you have to wait X seconds again before hoping the RNG provides a better spawn.
    That's not skill, but bad game design.
    A fair fighting chance is all what people are asking for.
    I'm not saying you should give spawners a direct invincibility , but give an option to view the enemy location and select a spawn with a weapon ready in hand.

    Regarding the new meta with the barrels and the supplies.
    People don't "just sink you" , they troll , no matter if they don't gain any more supplies.
    That's how people are and the only way that stops is to balance the fight for the spawner significantly.

    People get out of camps every day, not against all opponents but camps are broken regularly when the skill allows it.

    It won't change outcome to any significant degree and as I said even if it assists in breaking camps through interference the scenario still largely turns into either a run/chase and/or just happening again.

    The camping thing is no different than the people that want to nerf "double gunning", it's an attempt to nerf an opponent and the outcome largely will not change.

  • @wolfmanbush
    We both agree the game is flawed by design.
    What would you think would provide some balance ?

  • @mrpsychic-nl said in Spawn camping:

    We both agree the game is flawed by design.
    What would you think would provide some balance ?

    I don't think it's imbalanced I think that some focus on the outcome rather than the cause

    the cause is the board which typically comes from poor/inexperienced naval decisions/performance and insufficient ladder guarding

    We all mess up on naval and we all get boarded sometimes, we are all just working on our consistency.

    What changes outcome is improvement in naval and boarder defense.

    It's more difficult to improve when blame is placed on something rather than focusing on identifying the cause and then implementing strategy to improve consistency in prevention.

  • @draconiss303

    Rare supports spawn camping but only when you are trying to sink a ship. Spawn camping allows the ship to sink because the crew can’t repair. However, Rare doesn’t support spawn camping to the point it’s bullying people and they are forced to scuttle.

    With floating resources spawn camping will be faster unless you find a toxic crew

  • 30 seconds

    Do you know how much you could do in 30seconds. 3 seconds maybe

  • 30 sec of invincibility where you are allowed to work on your boat? That’s insane you can raise your mast and drop sail in 30 sec.

  • With the new supply mechanics there should be no reason to spawn camp, none. Sinking the boat should now be TOP priority.

    30s would be too long for a anti spawn mechanic anyway. I would say somewhere between 1-3 seconds.

    I already agree we need an anti-camp mechanic.

  • If you are suffering from spawncamp it means you lost the battle and didn't realize it. Scuttle is a great solution.

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