Mystery [Mega Thread]

  • Will Rare tell us when someone has solved it. I have a feeling the code word will not be shared until all the friends and alt accounts of the winner have secured all of the prizes.

    Not that they are under any obligation to share, it would just be nice if Rare let us know when there is a winner.

  • @foambreaker said in Mystery [Mega Thread]:

    Will Rare tell us when someone has solved it. I have a feeling the code word will not be shared until all the friends and alt accounts of the winner have secured all of the prizes.

    Not that they are under any obligation to share, it would just be nice if Rare let us know when there is a winner.

    I know we are all pirates, but I still believe there is honour amongst the sea of thieves (though not always seen).. I think you'll find, Anybody that gets the code, will obviously not share, but with their crew, the finding, then obviously that expands, but, they boasting is in all of us, and I truly believe the decency to share to those further afield will kick in. I do not believe Rare will (I may be wrong), it's not their duty to, but more the duty of the (quite frankly) mastermind that gets the code, to obviously get it first, but at least give the further a field 10 and 100 a chance to get at it. It has been a long haul, and we've mostly all been through it together, so why let it end on a sour note ? GL, GG's to whomever gets there, and to the whole community, this has been a wild frustrating ride. ;) I think my brain may now pop.... (what's left of it).

  • I think the chest picture with all the little symbols pinned on the SoT twitter is possibly hinting to us that we have to retrace our steps since its at the very top of the page, which must be important.

  • I saw two things on the SoT twitter, one is picture of a skeleton captain with a Chest of Infinite Sorrows that has an S letter in the chest.

    The other is a picture with a spyglass looking out to an outpost and if you look VERY closely, theres something next to the left of the Sovereign Tower, I can't make it out, but it looks like an A or a W? Unless its a flock of seagulls, but I'm posting it here in case these are useful to anyone.

    Heres the pictures

    alt text alt text

  • This one is really so hard, I mean, i know Rare don't do this for spanish-speaking players but as not english native and trying to solve the puzzles on my own, this one is making my head spinning. Is really hard one. In this point, i feel they don't want anyone to solve it.

  • @impymidna2303 Can you send the links

  • If you put @aforecloud into Twitter, it takes you to a page with a chest of endless sorrows

  • @sir-reginald317 Twitter account was unfortunately confirmed to be fake

  • @impymidna2303
    Admittedly, I don't see what you're talking about. That could just be me, though.

    If you see an 'S' and a 'W' in the two pictures, that could possibly mean 'Southwest,' maybe? I've been trying to run down the list of initials 'S.A.' or 'S.W.' could imply, and the direction is the only one coming to mind right now.

  • We have all gone insane.

  • Is it possible that we have to look back at the chest filled with paintings and symbols? There might be something we can find since theres alot of them.

    alt text

  • @d0ncella
    Right now I think no one CAN solve it. Although someone probably has.

  • @impymidna2303
    Given that the Sea of Thieves Twitter told us to look over the clues again, and that they pinned it, I agree with you. Can someone check this? My braincells have decayed to the point of no recognition.

  • @lucky11 I might be wrong, though these are new and others told me they see the S and such, this hunt will end on June 22nd, so we might get small clues here and there.

  • @impymidna2303
    I thought the hunt ended tommorow?

  • @player207471862 Again there is ALOT of them so we need some top notch players to do some brainstorming on this picture and see where each symbol will get them. Rarethief will probably look into it.

  • @player207471862 There was a tweet saying the hunt will end on the 22nd.


  • Bit of a small theory, but could it be that whatever is inside the chest, H and the Dark Brethren wants?

    It must be very important to H that he'd possibly want it, being locked in a second chest with three key holes (with an added fourth to the small one). Perhaps this chest has a fragment of Rathbone! His other Veil stone eye I bet since his skull is attached to a staff by Amaranta, but he appears to have one Veil Stone in his skull which is suspicious.

    But with the word HSeesAll and the phrase from the Hoarders Hunt Trailer, "They think they understand...but only I see what they cannot..." It could be that H has Rathbone's other eye and using it to see things.

  • Could aforecloud refer to onedrive's logo, as in, a four cloud? It's also worth noting that the hseesall account follows onedrive.

  • @impymidna2303
    But who put the chest there? Maybe it has something to do with the Cap'n? Given that he IS in the Dark Brethren...

  • I'm honestly reeeaaallly apprehensive for the end of the hunt. Not in because of the prize and all, but one thing keeps niggling at my mine... "turn the key, and all will end for them..." I wonder if Rare is planning to destroy the Gold Hoarder Company? I hope not. I like their voyages, even if they are pretty much worthless gold wise...

  • I just finished decoding the crossword... I got: (this will be long)

    Ricketty(2 t)
    (BTW, the letters in parentheses are letters that are there in the crossword and might make sense...)
    I hope someone can make sense of this!

  • @player207471862 This is what I got:

    Beware the acid rages
    Scour vent and employ
    A fury engage gloater
    Spur greeds downfall
    Basest jealousy find
    Ten thoughts of above
    All themed in disgust
    Time make dead cheats
    Ousted relic soul tra-
    ces posters of the deep
    Ruffians mostly adapt
    Loss ur rickety ship
    Have you lasted out or
    Sensed toxic seasicks
    Ye heart serving part
    Thou ready taxed gold
    For they are hexapods
    And rottenly viscious

  • Here are some connections I drew both figuratively and literally between the constellation puzzle, the chest, and the map. I found that if you took the lines as they were drawn on the map, rotated all of them as a whole, and rescaled them, they led from Ancient Spire Outpost to Morrows Peak Outpost.

    Chest Image

    Map Image (ignore the blue lines, they are irrelevant)

  • @player207471862 Well since it has a symbol of the Gold Hoarders, means the keys for each lock was hidden by H, who is a former member of the trading company, turned outcast and is part of the Dark Brethren, the letters we are receiving are from him.

    I now believe H is quite possibly Hogarth the Hoarder, the man who took Humphrey as his apprentice, why he could be H is the fact he's the only character of the Gold Hoarders not present in the game, and also heres a thing I realized,

    If you look at the description of the Gold Hoarders Rapier, it reveals the weapon belonged to him, saying

    "A slender blade once owned by Hogarth the Hoarder, until his mysterious disappearance..."

    Now that gets me believing that he disappeared and returned as H.

  • I'm sure everyone already knows this but let just say it anyways.
    "Find Me" Image, has four symbols & each of those are located on the four "puzzles" we have to solve. In Order I assume.

    Order: Monarchx (or Monarch), Horace Eagle (or Eagle)?, Aforecloud, & Snakes

    Next we somehow ended up with HSeesAll on twitter which gave us another message/puzzle.
    talking about his vows and it being a Lie, maybe talking about the GH himself. Along with him wanting us to Count Every coin. The image itself has 'coins' around the boarder, 123 total. 46 darker ones. One dark coin solo.

    "Every fiendish puzzle" I like how he mocks us.

    Also, Looking at the "Star Map" with it being backwards....(The E & W are reversed) Wouldn't the Answer be something else?

    Mostly looking, The 4 map parts, and H saying "Find me"
    Location we are looking for.

  • @burnbacon This must be major important and should be looked into immediately! Perhaps we have to use the maps in real life we did back in the previous stages? Or the maps we have for Crowning Glory?

  • @burnbacon
    Star maps have E & W reversed normally

  • I'm thinking about the description of Hogarth's gold rapier in the game about his "mysterious disappearance", much like Amaranta hating DeMarco and Lesedi, then vanishing mysteriously and then comes back as a member of the Dark Brethren, so something must have happened to Hogarth before he disappeared, and comes back as another outcast who joins Wanda. Could he have been punished by the Gold Hoarders to make him despise the faction he serves? Hence why the codes could be phrased as "A Two-Faced Outcast with a Grudge", mainly towards his fellow members and their leader, Rathbone.

    alt text alt text

    Also, Captain Falcore just compared Hogarth's mark on his face to the defaced skull so I'm very close to believing he is H, whats needed is the code that links to him like the other codes.

  • but do you know if there is a time limit to solve it? meaning the other mysteries were announced every Thursday at 18.00 UTC.

  • @marcus-pery The 22ND

  • If you Google lens the picture with the image saying find me H. The symbols change with translate to friend again below if highlighted and translated ? Weird go try

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