Missing or corrupt data file issue reoccuring

  • My game keeps crashing because of this issue, and even though I do as many people suggest (delete the file that is mentioned in crash report and verify file integrity in Steam local files menu), it keeps on reoccuring again and again, and it already ruined enough of my solo sloop sessions.
    I cant even reconnect, because after each such crash, when I try to launch the game, Steam starts "Downloading content" which lasts for at least 5 minutes, so I cant reconnect to my last session upon launch.
    If this issue is still causing my game to crash, even though I take measures that seem to help everyone else, it probably means something is corrupting my game's files everytime. What could it be?
    Im not using any antivirus software, except for built-in Windows defenses, so its definitely not that.

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  • Windows defender sometimes causes crashing, though I don’t know if this is your issue. It was the issue for one of my crewmates and they went into windows defender settings and made SoT an exception, that fixed their issue.

    No idea if it is your problem, but worth trying. You go to defender settings and have it exclude SoTGame.exe, see if that helps any.

  • I am having this issue, but my game is already by passed through firewall. This issue continues to persist, would there be other common applications that would interfere with sea of thieves files?

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