Hourglass: Trolls

  • Rare please do something about the trolls in the hourglass, I can't stand falling against players who just want to run away without stopping just to make me waste time or leave the game.

    I don't even know if this is subject to ban, apparently not because I've already reported it with recordings and nothing was done, that's why I post it here.
    I would like someone to answer this for me

    Spending half an hour chasing a guy who enters the hourglass without the slightest intention of fighting is frustrating. Not to mention the people who enter to give infinite boards in an attempt to give spawnkill, in the hourglass they have the excuse of saying that they did it to win the match but it's not true, they just want to be toxic with some legitimacy.

    Please establish clear rules for this competitive mode to alleviate this.

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  • @lleorb Hourglass isn’t a competitive mode.

    Runners aren’t bannable but it does do wonders why they choose to put down the Hourglass vote knowing they’d have to fight. To be honest as well you only have a limited space to catch them so if you’re failing to, that’s kind of on you too.

  • Idk. I e come across a runner and was still able to…you know have a rowboat with kegs nearby and blast them out of the water.

    Defenders beats divers

  • @tesiccl It's a competitive mode, the term applies to any dispute mode... but that's irrelevant.

    the ships have the same speed, if the opponent has the slightest idea of ​​the game it is impossible to catch him

    We're talking about anti-game behavior, the guy running away without stopping to prolong a fight, I'm talking about people who do this out of pure trolling, not to retreat and try to fight.

    Right now I'm in a fight where he keeps running away and is bursting with laughter, an hour ago I fell against a guy who always runs away infinitely just to win through exhaustion, yesterday I fell against someone who ran away without stopping and when I gave up chasing him he was randomly walking around the map.

    Going into fight mode to provoke the other by running away should not be legitimate

  • It's a circle, if you stay on the inside course you can catch them. If however you chase on the outside course then you can't.

  • @lleorb it’s a finite space. Out manoeuvre them and you’ll catch them once they turn around.

    Regarding it “being a mode”. Arena was a mode. Adventure is a mode. Hourglass lives within Adventure, it’s not a separate entity. Yes it’s PvP and has competitive elements but it is not a competitive mode.

  • @lleorb Just give up I promise 3/4 of the people responding to the comments have barely touched the mode.

    Mode has so many problems that people have pointed out since day one and instead of implementing any Rare abandoned the mode entirely.

  • @nitroxien PvP veteran in both Arena, LSD + TSD, and Hourglass here with both curses 230+ levels on each faction. I know what I’m talking about don’t you worry yourself ;)

  • @tesiccl I play sloop solo, there's no way to board and put pressure on them, I'm still in the battle for thirty minutes, the opponent doesn't fire a bullet, and keeps laughing... isn't that anti-game? get in the way for fun? It scares me that they are treating it as something normal because it can be worked around.

  • @lleorb then don’t board, put pressure on them via cannons, chain shot their mast, force them to slow down in other ways. If you can only board to win the match, then you need to adapt and find better a way to win. A good player will always adapt their fighting strategy based on their opponent’s style. If they run, chase, position, fire, disable, keep the pressure up, board then, kill = win.

  • Welcome to Solo Sloop HG.

    Runners, Cheaters, Loose Farmers and sometimes normal players xD

  • @tesiccl With all due respect, but this can't be serious...

    even if I had perfect aim to hit the chains, enough time and angle to not let him fix it when there was no hole and that would result in victory, the point is that it's anti-game, the guy is literally laughing at running away and not is a beginner.

    Dude, I'm lv 1000 in Athena and almost 700 in Reaper, I'm saying it can't be done because it can't be done, not without spending 30 minutes and why? just so he can try to get under my skin about it?

    I always end up sinking these guys, but the point is they do it for the pure pleasure of disturbing others, not as a strategy.

  • All I'm asking is that rare consider this as toxicity, after all it ruins the game, if it is proven that what the opponent does to disrupt it should be investigated and banned.

  • @lleorb sounds like you’re used to the easy win then, but now you’re coming up against folk actually sailing around, you’ve got no clue how to actually take them down because you can’t adapt your “meta method”…

  • @tesiccl but there is a difference between a better crew who fights and a crew who can run, from my experience, it is very infuriating when you're on a high streak. but to be clear turning out to rep, fix or prevent a board is very different than straight running that is happening here. if you do not want to pvp then don't raise the hourglass it's pretty simple. these crews typically want to fight and if you run will be very annoyed.

  • @tesiccl Again, it's not about winning, it's about anti-game, I beat EVERY runner I faced, but that's not the issue, the problem is running away to annoy you or make you give up.

    It's the same thing with spawn kill, it's not cheating, it's not toxicity per se but it's anti-game.

    They are people who run away to get in the way, some (if not all) don't even care about victory or even play.

  • @lleorb It's exactly the same as spawn camping. One is never ending a fight, one is never engaging in it. Both are bad faith participation and poor sportsmanship.

  • I'm playing a battle right now, it's been an hour

    For all that is most sacred SOLVE THIS

  • Another one :D

  • I've said since the beginning that I think a 10 minute opt out timer with no player damage should offer both a way out of the fight without penalty

    1v1 was always gonna create a lot of issues with players being obnoxious to one another.

    This is fixable without causing harm but I dunno if they are gonna get involved.

    Not something that should be punished but it also shouldn't be enabled because it's not good for the content. It adds nothing positive and is a disincentive to participate.

  • If someone is trolling you, the worst thing you could do is to give them exactly what they want.

    I agree there should be some changes to HG to prevent this - time limit seems to be the simplest and easiest option, what exactly happens once the ''hourglass'' runs out, is up for a debate.

    But at the moment, it is what it is. When this happens to me/us we just stop the ship at the middle of the circle and raise our sails and attempt boarding. No player who is confident in sinking others will do this runners tactic, the ones who run will slip up and give you an opportunity to sink them/sail them out of bounds. All you have to do is board them, anchor them, kill them and try to spawn camp until your mate comes with the ship. Obviously easier said than done, but we won a lot more than lost against such players.

  • @wolfmanbush Running away with the purpose of irritating or discouraging pvp is something that should be subject to banning, yes, it is anti-gaming, it is toxicity.

    I beat him, but inevitably I'll fall with him again and there goes another half hour of chasing

  • @zig-zag-ltu like I said there, I beat him, but at that exact moment I fell with him again and he's doing the same thing.

    the question here is not how to get around this, finding ways to prevent this from happening, time counter will encourage them even more to do this practice as they will either not lose a streak if there is no punishment for exceeding the time limit, if two gaining 1 streak is an incentive and if both lose streaks they will do it for the simple pleasure of seeing the other lose...

    The only solution is to face it for what it is, toxicity, and it must be punished

  • @lleorb said in Hourglass: Trolls:

    @wolfmanbush Running away with the purpose of irritating or discouraging pvp is something that should be subject to banning, yes, it is anti-gaming, it is toxicity.

    I beat him, but inevitably I'll fall with him again and there goes another half hour of chasing

    The content struggles enough as it is. Bringing in enforcement over annoying behavior won't help it at all.

  • @lleorb It's unsportsmanlike, perhaps toxic, but it would never get punished. Worst kind of punishment would having such players matched against others doing same things.

    I am not arguing about what you said at all, just want to point out that this was the case since the beginning and hourglass has been out for a year. I don't think Rare sees this as a priority at all. Which is a shame, that game mode has a lot of potential to be amazing.

  • @wolfmanbush @ZiG-ZaG-LTU you're talking as if what I'm asking for would take months to implement or investigate, and it would just be an addition to the concept of toxicity that they already punish.

    explicit troll in video is investigated and punished, simple, no one who runs away endlessly is interested in pvp. I've seen people get permanently banned by trolls, a guy who joined the crew, turned off all the lights that would be used in the screwed fort and set the ship on fire... that's toxicity, running away infinitely is also

    well the fight here ended after 22 minutes, he was sunk again, and he will certainly continue to do so as long as he is not punished

  • @lleorb said in Hourglass: Trolls:

    @wolfmanbush @ZiG-ZaG-LTU you're talking as if what I'm asking for would take months to implement or investigate

    Hourglass has been out for a year, nothing was added or changed as far as I remember, apart from alliances being able to gain reputation for ganging on a single ship.

  • @lleorb said in Hourglass: Trolls:

    @wolfmanbush @ZiG-ZaG-LTU you're talking as if what I'm asking for would take months to implement or investigate, and it would just be an addition to the concept of toxicity that they already punish.

    explicit troll in video is investigated and punished, simple, no one who runs away endlessly is interested in pvp. I've seen people get permanently banned by trolls, a guy who joined the crew, turned off all the lights that would be used in the screwed fort and set the ship on fire... that's toxicity, running away infinitely is also

    well the fight here ended after 22 minutes, he was sunk again, and he will certainly continue to do so as long as he is not punished

    Player takes on toxicity generally doesn't lead to good enforcement policy

    there are people in HG that genuinely believe it's toxic to pvp after a boat has sank, it just doesn't make for good policy and is a lot of resources for minor behavior clashing.

    they can just make changes that address issues/metas in a substantive way.

  • @zig-zag-ltu I'm not asking for a change in hourglass, I'm asking for this behavior to be classified as toxicity and subject to ban, nothing will have to be implemented in the game.

    @WolfManbush changes in policy are made as necessary, I'm pointing out that there is a need, if someone thinks that pvp after sinking is toxic, give your arguments and try to find possible solutions... the only criteria is to be as objective as possible, I'm being objective, run away infinitely without the intention of getting involved in pvp, a video can demonstrate this behavior without difficulty

  • @lleorb said in Hourglass: Trolls:

    @zig-zag-ltu I'm not asking for a change in hourglass, I'm asking for this behavior to be classified as toxicity and subject to ban, nothing will have to be implemented in the game.

    Look, I am not saying that there should not be a way of preventing this, but outright banning a player for simply sailing around and you not being able to sink him quickly enough to your satisfaction is like saying people should get shot on spot for stealing. Some would agree with this too.

    I think you are just a bit upset that this happens to you and that there are no other players you get matched with and this is the guy you always get atm.

    I think another solution should be explored instead of looking to ban someone for something annoying, unsportsmanlike, but yet - harmless. Just my opinion.

  • @zig-zag-ltu a long, disputed pvp, or someone who retreats to fix it is ok.

    I'm talking about people who run away because they want to make you angry, just like the case I mentioned, the guy wanted to annoy you by turning off the lights and throwing things away, he was banned and he should be

    It's not harmless, for those who have streaks or resources and don't have enough skill to achieve them the only option is to give up, for those who have little time to play and find themselves playing against trolls this is harmful, it completely ruins the experience

    the first ban does not need to be permanent, it does not even need to be a ban on the first occurrence, perhaps a warning, but it has to be treated for what it is, harmful behavior

    I'd rather see someone cursing me in pvp than that, it hurts me much more than any offense, however, offenses are punished and that doesn't

  • @lleorb I understand, I was just stating my opinion regarding punishment.

    It happens quite often to me too, I am not HG fanatic and I only have a little bit less than 180 total combined levels in it. Obviously such encounters are frustrating and not pleasant, but I forget all about them when I meet a crew like my last one.

    Some guys who did not miss a single shot naval and with a sniper. We battled out for like 20 minutes, we nearly sank them but their perfect aim won them the fight. Obviously they had aimbot, sniping perfectly through waves, from every distance, from water, every blunder shot was 1hk....

    Worst thing about it, in game report can only be submitted for ''offensive'' things and not cheaters.

    Rare support replied that there is not enough evidence. Those battles happen fast, I don't have time to read names, I fully concentrate on the objective. And what's funny to me is that for a mode like hourglass there no easy option to report someone.

    Yesterday we played some guys, can't remember who won, I think we did...He was using his mic quite a lot, but he only said one single word repeatedly, the ''N'' word, I found that hilarious, I'm just sorry for some folk who would take offense to that and would have to endure it. Yet again no idea how to report someone like that.

    P.S. I am not using Xbox to record, don't know how and not sure if it even works for me.

    Just a simple report function and the 'recent' players should have some kind of time stamp to show when you seen them last.

    So yeah, a couple of runners I could board and kill for me is not the biggest issue with hourglass. 22 minutes is not that bad either, we had a sloop battle for 1h 30mins if i remember correctly :D

  • @lleorb Being angry is exactly what they want to happen. If you show no interest to chase them down most trolls will prolly get bored and move on since they are not getting what they wanted. be cheerful on the mic (even if you are not cheerful) that is how i deal with trolls when on receiving end never know not chasing might bring them in and you can get some shots and disable their ship. then sink.

  • @zig-zag-ltu In fact, aimbot cases are difficult to prove, I managed it a few weeks ago by recording the opponent shooting at me with a sniper while I was inside the ship, seeing the glow of the shots on the hull. but generally these clear proofs do not occur.

    I generally record the entire battle, highlight the key moments where there is evidence and put them in the report, cases of swearing are easier as you can simply record the previous 30s, on Xbox I don't remember exactly what the recording is like but I think it's a good idea to change the settings increasing the time...

    @starbrightnight As I said, I always beat these runners, either by managing to sink them or by them giving up (I stay still and go watch something), but still knowing that this will happen again without consequences for those who do it is frustrating.

  • Had a 1.5 hour fight with a runner yesterday who constantly trolled on VC, did the best I could to outsail them, put pressure but eventually ran out of supps.

    Ended up grabbing a rowie and a keg, rowed about 15 minites to sneak up and blow them to hell while they were fishing.

    A decent sailer is extremely hard to nail down on solo sloop if they are commited to running and trolling. HG really does need some sort of method to deal with this

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