@lleorb I understand, I was just stating my opinion regarding punishment.
It happens quite often to me too, I am not HG fanatic and I only have a little bit less than 180 total combined levels in it. Obviously such encounters are frustrating and not pleasant, but I forget all about them when I meet a crew like my last one.
Some guys who did not miss a single shot naval and with a sniper. We battled out for like 20 minutes, we nearly sank them but their perfect aim won them the fight. Obviously they had aimbot, sniping perfectly through waves, from every distance, from water, every blunder shot was 1hk....
Worst thing about it, in game report can only be submitted for ''offensive'' things and not cheaters.
Rare support replied that there is not enough evidence. Those battles happen fast, I don't have time to read names, I fully concentrate on the objective. And what's funny to me is that for a mode like hourglass there no easy option to report someone.
Yesterday we played some guys, can't remember who won, I think we did...He was using his mic quite a lot, but he only said one single word repeatedly, the ''N'' word, I found that hilarious, I'm just sorry for some folk who would take offense to that and would have to endure it. Yet again no idea how to report someone like that.
P.S. I am not using Xbox to record, don't know how and not sure if it even works for me.
Just a simple report function and the 'recent' players should have some kind of time stamp to show when you seen them last.
So yeah, a couple of runners I could board and kill for me is not the biggest issue with hourglass. 22 minutes is not that bad either, we had a sloop battle for 1h 30mins if i remember correctly :D