Finally masks! but hoods?

  • We will finally have masks, they chose to add Brigssy's first, but it is certain that we will have the reaper one in the future...

    But I REALLY want hoods, I'm not sure how they could add that, maybe a separate hood that can be worn as a hat, maybe a hooded costume, which would limit it a bit, or some clothes have the option to "turn on" the hood.

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  • I forgot to include these examples
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  • @lleorb I love the inclusion of the obligatory Assassin's Creed one at the end.

  • @lleorb

    Hoods would most likely be just a hat that looks like a hood. It may not match with existing clothing but that’s the point of cosmetics.

    They may add reaper hoods if they add reaper masks but as of now, there is no evidence to suggest masks or hoods. It would make an excellent hourglass reward. We need rewards from LV 1 to LV100. Reaper masks and hoods would be perfect

  • @coffeelight5545

    there is no evidence to suggest masks or hoods.

    Briggsy's mask will arrive this week, it's in the trailer for the new mission, I think it's pretty obvious that they're going to add SOT's most iconic mask(i hope)
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  • @lleorb

    I was referring to the Reaper Bones hoods and masks. I’m fully aware that Brigsy’s mask is coming. I assume it’s a reward for completing the PvP voyage.

    As of right now, I don’t know of any other masks except for Brigsy’s mask. I assume there will be other masks available in the future but when or what they look like, I don’t know.

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