Don’t allow the Gold Curse to be obtained in Safer Seas

  • @voltshatter said in Don’t allow the Gold Curse to be obtained in Safer Seas:


    The game is PvPvE, as per Rare's design. The game should not be PvE, nor should it be exclusively PvP. It is designed to be both. Safer Seas has given the PvE crowd enough; it has provided an entire alternate gamemode devoid of other players, cutting out much of SoT's intended emergent gameplay experience. I will personally be using Safer Seas to finish out some tall tale commendations. I am happy with how Safer Seas is being implemented, keeping some rewards strictly in High Seas, because that is how the game is meant to be played; that is what it is advertised as, that is what is shown in the game's trailers, that is where in-game events happen, that is Sea of Thieves. Forcing the game to change because you want it to is, with all due respect, entitled. The game does not owe you change, and no one has to agree with you that the game should change.

    I am relatively new to the Sea of Thieves. I wasn't one of the first sailors, but I've been learning quickly and I'm confident in my abilities these days. "Git Gud" is not an insult. Get Good is a genuine piece of advise as old as video games; if you want the reward, work for it. If you want to beat a game, practice and develop the skill to complete it. Otherwise, the reward is not yours to claim.

    When Safer Seas drops, I'll be using it to finally tackle the Shores of Gold, Pirate's Life, and Monkey Island; but I'll still enjoy my voyages on the High Seas, where I'll have the chance to actually be a pirate and fight pirates.

    Sincerely, a PvPvE player

    And have fun with your PvPvE.
    I'll be sitting on Safer Seas because 4 out of 5 times, when I run into another player in game; They start blasting loud rock, or scream into their mic, or play high-pitched noises.
    All things designed to evoke a reaction or make playing uncomfortable and miserable.

    And I have a personal code to never fire first, nor take any treasure from anyone else.

    Heck, just a few days ago; My friend and I had a duo who wanted to camp-kill us non-stop.
    Never took any of our treasure while aboard our ship.
    Never fired cannonballs. Just chain shot.
    Just sat on our ship, set 2 fires, and then spawn-camped us. Literally the slowest way possible to sink a ship.

    When we got them off of our ship; They resumed chasing us with chain shot until they could board us again.
    Cue once more setting 2 tiny fires & spawn camping.

    That was not any attempt at fair or healthy PvP; It was deliberately done to make us as miserable as they could.
    I'm sure, if we had begun sinking due to the fires; they would have quenched them. It was pretty clear that the fires were either set so they could claim they were not simply spawn camping, or to otherwise ensure it was the slowest sink possible.

  • @eguzky

    fair enough! i do genuinely hope you enjoy safer seas. I've had some issues with toxic players myself, but I've never let it stop me from enjoying the game. Spawn campers suck but it taught me the value of scuttling, but I can see why you'd prefer to avoid the possibility of that experience entirely.

    also i don't mean this as an insult because we all have our moral codes (I'll never shoot a man with an instrument and I won't attack anyone with child players on board), but the "I have a personal code not to take treasure from anyone else" just makes me think of the A good pirate never takes another person's property! text meme and it kinda made me chuckle.

  • @voltshatter said in Don’t allow the Gold Curse to be obtained in Safer Seas:


    fair enough! i do genuinely hope you enjoy safer seas. I've had some issues with toxic players myself, but I've never let it stop me from enjoying the game. Spawn campers suck but it taught me the value of scuttling, but I can see why you'd prefer to avoid the possibility of that experience entirely.

    also i don't mean this as an insult because we all have our moral codes (I'll never shoot a man with an instrument and I won't attack anyone with child players on board), but the "I have a personal code not to take treasure from anyone else" just makes me think of the A good pirate never takes another person's property! text meme and it kinda made me chuckle.

    I was unaware of that meme, but it gave me a laugh.
    It did not show up until I quoted you, though.

    When I do get a random good teamup, I tend to like to over-share treasure.
    Like, my friend and I were doing a Vault, and ran into another player having trouble with a treasure map. So my friend helped him. He wanted to give us the chest, and we said 'Nah. It's yours.'
    We actually Allianced with him, and he helped us with the vault.
    When we got in, he did the puzzle while we were putting chests outside the door. We were not even going to try the puzzle.
    So I tried to give him the Chest of Ancient Tributes but he gave it back. By all rights; It was his, in my estimation.

  • I think it'll be great for players to EARN the curse on the safer seas. I hadn't any interest in it before, but I might now if it deflates its alleged value.

  • @jon-sea-nah said in Don’t allow the Gold Curse to be obtained in Safer Seas:

    I know tall tales will be open in safer seas and rightfully should be, however I think we will see an explosion of one of the rarest and hardest to obtain curses in the game popping up everywhere as you can now do theses with no worry whatsoever of other pirates.

    Let them complete 3/5 per tall tale, the rest should be EARNED on the high seas

    lol. with checkpoints its so cheesable. I did on an alt account in a weekend. If I wanted I'm betting I could do it the gold curse in under 10 hours.

  • @voltshatter Have you heard the tale of Stede Bonnet, the Gentleman Pirate? He worked directly under Blackbeard. Sometimes Blackbeard worked under him, I'm willing to wager.

    There were many things that would force one to a life of piracy. Slavery for example was one big thing forcing people onto the seas. And they tended to attack the perpetrators of their persecution rather than ships at random. Although, that's not true of all pirates obviously.

    My point is more that there's room on the seas for everyone.

  • @crowedhunter nope, most of pirates was slavers when oppurtunity arrived, Bonet having plantation had to own slaves too.

    When privateer, or buccanier or pirate atacked a slave ship it was to sell slaves away.

    Lot of them being sold of to Spanish again in so called Sloop trade.

    Pleace don't romantise past.

  • @wolfmanbush I'm with you 100%. I think current restrictions are fair enough, while still incentivizing High Seas play, when/if the players want.

  • I really wouldn't say that the Gold Curse is hard to obtain. I got the curse a month or so after Anniversary's release, and I was rarely bothered by other crews. I don't see any purpose in adding arbitrary restrictions to this commendation. The rarest/hardest to get curses (Ghost, Golden Ghost, Skeleton, Golden Bones) are already locked out of Safer Seas.

    Just my two cents.

  • @crowedhunter ugh.
    I meant that he has owned a slaves, as plantationer would do and most of pirates was slavers (meant they would sell allready enslaved folks without second tought)

    To the reasons
    Ugh techniclly yes but...
    But when you start diging that most common reasons was greed, borderom, being pressganged.. or being slave to a pirate.

    I don't want to agrue with you but I would rather not try to draw parallels from real life Golden Age of Piracy to video game.

    Nothing of condescending attitude intended or being in both posts, pleace don't tigger.

  • @mrestiercol said in Don’t allow the Gold Curse to be obtained in Safer Seas:


    People who stay away from the game because of attitudes like mine, are people who would never enjoy SoT, who would insult those who sink their ship to steal their treasures or those who threaten to kill me (as happened to me last night) for attacking me first and sinking in less than 3 minutes.

    Like how you've been rude, passive-aggressive and dismissive to people of opposing ideas throughout this entire thread, and even stalking someone's profile in an attempt to slander them... you know.. the thing that toxic players tend to do?

    PvE lords are the most toxic players on this game, not PvP ones (Except Griefers, and there is less and less of them every day)

    As a PvP player myself, I have come across only a handful of genuinely toxic PvE players. And even then I can count those occurrences on a single hand. More often than not, talking respectfully to these players will back them off that rude edge. I can tell you with 100% certainty, saying dismissive things like "get good" "don't like it, play something else" is no way to evoke a great response, and I guarantee that's how you act, as evidence by how you're acting here.

    Conversely, I've come across a staggeringly far larger amount of toxic, narcissistic, entitled, and arrogant PvP players here of late. Between people that are rude and dismissive of others views, to competitive players acting like Rare needs to cater to them.

    don't try to change a game that has been running one way for 5 years because you don't like it or don't feel like adapting to the environment.

    Oh, the irony. The people who truly don't want to adapt are the same ones telling people to go play other games, or adapt.

    We can perfectly afford to tell people that if they are not willing to do PvP and accept the "Risk Reward" environment, then go to another game, because this is SoT and always has been.

    To quote Garrosh Hellscream, and apparently the Dev's current mindsets, "Times change."

    Don't disrespect this community by trying to mould a 5 year old game to your personal tastes, that's not how life works.

    Again, oh the irony.

  • @starbrightnight Save it honestly, that person only wants to argue in bad faith, and insult people they disagree with.

  • @jon-sea-nah

    What is your ideal server?

    By that I mean, what type of players or interactions do you hope to find when you log in? Do you appreciate randomness in the true sense, be it quiet or active, or do you prefer more action, more PvPvE?

  • @crowedhunter

    Yes you missunderstood.
    Im all for "there is plenty room for everybody". It's a video game after all.
    For me folks can sail the sea (safer or higher) how they like.

    I guess it's becouse english is my second language but (place don't be angry) I feelt like you tiggered for something that for me was purley poiting a common myth of pirates freeing slaves.

    I hope that I didn't sound offensive as I know that it is sometime hard to guess another forum user intentions.

  • @ghutar I can see now why you would make the association then, no hard feelings. Misunderstandings:)

    And as for why I mentioned Bonnet (I forgot to explain), I think Our Flag Means Death has the right idea for him and Blackbeard, although they do romanticize the absolute tar out of things. But I always thought Bonnet's entire chapter was really surprising. Especially that Blackbeard of all people would find him useful somehow. But when I watched that show it was like everything just started clicking.

  • As this thread has run its course, and has descended into personal arguments, it will now be locked. A general reminder to all, please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of a thread.

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