Monkey Island update added rewards locked all though same commendation requirements already achieved prior to update

  • We have beat the Monkey Island tales. There is now one item added to each that is showing to be locked after the update. However, what is required to unlock each has already been achieved so is this a bug and they just didn't unlock? The 3 I'm referring to is; Complete The Journey to Melee Island (legend of Monkey Island Figurines-Unlocked, Tavern Chef's Uniform-Locked), Complete The Quest for Guybrush (Idol o' Many Hands-Unlocked, Circus Superstar Costume-Locked), and Complete The Lair of LeChuck (Burning Blade Cutlass-unlocked, The Legend of Monkey Island Cutlass-Locked).

  • 9
  • @zomax244

    If you finished the tales already before they were added you have to run each tale 1 more time.

    I haven't done any on my side account, maybe I'll give it a whirl later

  • @pithyrumble Appreciate ya, Do you know if this will also be the case for those that are doing the tales for the first time?

  • @zomax244 I'd imagine that everything will unlock if you haven't done it before. This special case only exists because they added these items after most people had already completed the tales.

  • Well I am sure everyone that has done it already like us can see where the complaint would be here. If the commendation requirements was different it would probably sell to people that have done it already better. It is what it is another 6 hrs of Monkey island.

  • @zomax244 said in Monkey Island update added rewards locked all though same commendation requirements already achieved prior to update:

    @pithyrumble Appreciate ya, Do you know if this will also be the case for those that are doing the tales for the first time?

    I haven't tried on my alt account yet. The Monkey Island Tales are loooooong lol

  • @zomax244 Worse, I haven't been able to load any Guybrush tales to get these 3 new items for 2 days. I also had previously completed, put in a ticket, and was told by Support that I needed to do all 3 again to get these items. Simply can't get them to load......

  • It's the same for me I can't unlock the chefs uniform, I've got all of the commendations.

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