RedBeard error, but there is no ban.

  • RedBeard error, but there is no ban. Please help me, I encountered a Redbeard error, but there is no ban on my account. I contacted support, they have been ignoring me for the 4th day in a row, putting the ticket status "Resolved" without an answer. I want to get to the bottom of this situation.

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  • Is it possible that you might be banned?

  • @tzzinch said in RedBeard error, but there is no ban.:

    I contacted support, they have been ignoring me for the 4th day in a row,

    Reads to me that you contacted support multiple times - they don't like that. Wait for an answer - then reply if the answer doesn't seem to fix the issue.

  • A redbeard is a ban.

  • @crowedhunter пишет в RedBeard error, but there is no ban.:

    Is it possible that you might be banned?

    @d3adst1ck пишет в RedBeard error, but there is no ban.:

    A redbeard is a ban.

    Support wrote me this:
    "Hello there Tzzinch,

    Thank you for your patience while we investigated your request.

    There is no ban in place on this account."

  • @tzzinch The email is wrong then or you're contacting support from a different account than the one getting the error. If you are getting a redbeard error, that is a permanent ban.

  • @tzzinch Well that was the only idea I had. Maybe they don't believe you or something. I would try recording a clip of you doing the sign-in on this account during the startup of SoT and then being redbearded and adding that to a ticket.

  • @d3adst1ck пишет в RedBeard error, but there is no ban.:

    @tzzinch The email is wrong then or you're contacting support from a different account than the one getting the error. If you are getting a redbeard error, that is a permanent ban.

    The funny thing is that I gave the username and password from my account to a friend and he was able to log into the game quite calmly, without any mistakes, if the account had been blocked, I doubt that he would have succeeded)

    @crowedhunter пишет в RedBeard error, but there is no ban.:

    @tzzinch Well that was the only idea I had. Maybe they don't believe you or something. I would try recording a clip of you doing the sign-in on this account during the startup of SoT and then being redbearded and adding that to a ticket.

    Thank you for your advice, but if they really doubt my words, why not just ask me about it, and not ignore it?

  • @tzzinch Idk honestly. I was stabbing in the dark before and now I'm out of ideas. But I hope it works out for you soon.

  • @crowedhunter Thanks for the ideas, friend! Good luck)

  • Same thing is happening to me rn, support said There was no ban placed on my account.

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    If the person involved wants more information or to appeal then they would need to contact Support as it is not something that can be discussed on the Forums.

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